D&D General 1 in 1000 chance


Moderator Emeritus
Today while I was DMing a PC took 3d10 damage from a Hellish Rebuke.

This is what I rolled.


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The High Aldwin
It happens. 🤷‍♂️

In 3E when we used exploding crits on d20s, I rolled 7 natural 20's in a row, which is 1 in 1,280,000,000.

Another time back in high school I rolled a d10 and it landed on it's side! It was perfectly balanced when it finished rolling and we waited over 5 minutes and it didn't fall over.

So, strange things happen. :)


The oddities happen every once in a while. In the 80s, while playing AD&D, I had a wounded paladin in a hot air balloon dive out of the balloon from 100 feet up, only take 16 damage on 10d6, and then proceed to hold the line, single handedly, against a small army of orcs and ogres while the villagers fled. After taking an insanely improbably low amount of damage after the fall, he took about 40 attacks without being hit before he fell. The odds against him surviving as long as he did were staggering. He still died, but it is still the single most improbable series of events I've seen in 40+ years of D&D and stands out as one of my top 3 moments all time in D&D.

I've also been there for a 5E Wild Sorcerer 07-08 TPK before a PC had even taken a turn - the goblin shot at us, the sorcerer cast shield, the DM rolled a 1 on the wild surge, then the player rolled an 07. 36 damage versus first level PCs. The front line types failed their saves and 2 PCs didn't even roll as they'd be at negative their hp total even if they made the save. We rebooted and called it a bad prophetic dream.

It happens. 🤷‍♂️

In 3E when we used exploding crits on d20s, I rolled 7 natural 20's in a row, which is 1 in 1,280,000,000.

Another time back in high school I rolled a d10 and it landed on it's side! It was perfectly balanced when it finished rolling and we waited over 5 minutes and it didn't fall over.

So, strange things happen. :)
In 3e when we played Night below, my players at first level killed some random goblins. We rolled tresure. I used to let players roll in the open. And they started with something between 96 and 100, were allowed to also roll on one table higher. Did so again. And again. So the found a treasure hoard of 3 levels higher. Luckily it was mostly money IIRC, but they were effectively millionaires only adventuring for fun at that point.


Roll enough times and eventually you'll see these kinds of things. In a different RPG I rolled 6d10 and got all 1s; since I was summing up a powerful fire spirit with that roll, it burned me alive instead :eek:

We had one of those a few sessions ago. 6th level rogue rolling damage, light crossbow with sneak attack. Rolled absolute minimum - 1, 1, 1, 1 on 1d8 + 3d6. One in 1728 chance


I always wanted to be the guy in online poker who had four aces and got beaten by the Royal flush... and there while losing the game instead won the huge accumulating pot they had put aside for it. Millions. Ah to dream.

Voidrunner's Codex

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