D&D General 1 in 1000 chance


You know, 4 Aces can't be beaten by a Royal Flush...
Ahahah. I spent 5 minutes looking at that sentence before I saw what I had done wrong! Lol. If you were beaten in those circumstances you would have a very legitimate grievance!

I checked the poker site and it was any four of kind beaten by either a straight flush or Royal flush. Still very unlikely!

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Ahahah. I spent 5 minutes looking at that sentence before I saw what I had done wrong! Lol. If you were beaten in those circumstances you would have a very legitimate grievance!

I checked the poker site and it was any four of kind beaten by either a straight flush or Royal flush. Still very unlikely!
When I was first told, I also neded quite a while... probably longer than 5 minutes.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Today while I was DMing a PC took 3d10 damage from a Hellish Rebuke.

This is what I rolled.



Back in the old days, my thief one-shotted a troll by jumping down off a ledge about twenty feet above its head and brainstabbing it with a flametongue longsword...

In elementary school I taught my Catholic Catechism teacher to play D&D after our classes - Sister Maria played a cleric named Sister Maria and walked around wearing nothing but a robe and carrying nothing but a walking stick.
She'd given all her gold away to the poor. :cool:
(Shh, don't her she was wearing chainmail and had a staff...)
The party came upon a large handful of orcs led by a shaman blocking a road and demanding a toll to let them pass. There was no way that the small low-level party could beat the orcs, but I made the mistake of having the shaman arrogantly boast that his god was more powerful than hers.
Sister Maria brandished her walking stick over her head like a +5 holy avenger, yelled, "BLAAAASPHEEEEMERS!!!!", and charged the orcs... o_O

The orcs went down like chumps.
So I threw another wave of orcs at them.
And then another.
Close to 30 orcs later, the rest of the party was beaten and bloodied but still (just barely) alive.
Sister Maria was completely unscathed.

Never roll dice with the clergy - that woman could roll a nat 20 on a D6... :p

I used to let my players roll for treasure themselves when I DMed 3rd edition.

Long story short. Party of level 1 in a fight against goblins:

And some other high roll.

Luckily it only was art objects, but they started their carreer with about 25k worth of treasure. The jewelry of some rich woman that was lost and found by random goblins.

Gray Lensman

Got kinda an opposite for ya ... a human fighter with str 28 can't throw a halfling across a 10 foot gap between rooftops?
just for gigles and grins i rerolled it 10 times after the failed attempt, still didn't succeed SMH


Game Designer
The craziest odds I've seen are last year. I don't exactly remember the context, but three rolls in a row (few seconds apart, from three different players) landed on 20. It was a dramatically important moment. I was hopping around and losing my naughty word. "What are the odds!"

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