Level Up (A5E) 1 level fighter dip too easy?


I am based only on the A5e tools, don't own the books, but I hope the rules writing is thee same on both.

Isn't a 1 level dip in fighter too easy? And by too easy I really mean that you don't loose much progression in your base class (just one level) and what you get is more than worth it.
With one level dip you get:
  • a fighting style (that only fighters get now, and any class that uses a weapon wants them)
  • three maneuvers
  • learn any 2 combat traditions
  • get better maneuver degree progression. if I understand correctly, if you have 2 or more classes with maneuvers, you add the levels and use the better table to see the highest maneuver degree you can learn, and fighter has the best progression.
  • Not to mention weapon and armor proficiency, but that is relevant for some builds only

It feels like a no brainer dip for any fighting class (herald, marshal, rogue, ranger, beserker, some cleric builds and maybe even adepts)

Am I crazy here?
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Well capstone abilities in A5E are much better than capstones in O5E. I mean just looking at Adept/Monk comparison.

O5E Monk Capstone:

At 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have no ki points remaining, you regain 4 ki points.

A5E Adept Capstone:

At 20th level, you finally achieve true mastery and become more than adept—you are a grandmaster. You gain the following features.

Death Blow​

You learn how to strike with incredible force at your target’s very life force. When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can choose to make your attack a critical hit that deals maximum damage. In addition, if the target is a creature it makes a Constitution saving throw or it is reduced to 0 hit points. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Perfection Achieved​

At 20th level, you finally achieve true mastery. Any time you roll your martial arts die, you can spend 1 exertion to roll a d12 instead. If you roll a 12 on this die, you can roll another d12 and add it to the result.

The differences are significant and make the decision to dip into a second class more impactful.

And this is the same for all the classes. I haven't run into an A5E Capstone that's just fluff yet.


It'd make a nice change from all those 1-level warlock dips of 05e! But since synergy feats are a thing, it might encourage people to go towards those rather than just taking one level.


I don't really like one level dips for the sake of obtaining more power, turns an RPG game into a video game, but min-maxers will always exist.

In any case, getting more maneuvers and combat traditions is fine by me, since the whole point of multiclassing is getting more options (as is stated in the very entry of multiclass in A5e.tools), and your exertion pool won't increase with the dip.

I would still push the fighting style towards lvl 2 though. It's a very noticeable advantage of the fighter class and too easy to just dip for it.

The multiclassing rules address that iirc.
they do - and they very explicitly state heralds are an exception and get a regular exertion pool if they take another class level that gets an exertion pool, since heralds normally have to spend spell slots to get exertion.


The way it influences maneuver degree is the biggest point for me. A one-level fighter dip was already solid in O5e, but with multiclassing maneuver progression, a one-level fighter dip can radically change the rogue, herald, and savant classes.

In addition, it’s a problem I’m running into trying to design 1/3 martial archetypes for casters


they do - and they very explicitly state heralds are an exception and get a regular exertion pool if they take another class level that gets an exertion pool, since heralds normally have to spend spell slots to get exertion.
All this time and I hadn't realized that! That's what I get for assuming that their text on maneuvers was the same as everyone else's!

@xiphumor, I can't remember if you addressed this or are already using this, but you may want to adapt this idea for your hexblade idea instead of straight-out giving them exertion. Or perhaps they gain fewer spell points than regular warlocks because they gain exertion.

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