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101 ways to increase the MMO experience in 4th edition


As an avid MMO player, I was a bit disappointed when so many blogs promised a true MMO experience with 4th edition, but what it delivered was still pretty much D&D. I'm looking for suggestions how this can be fixed.

01 Dungeon crawls are called raids now.

02 The DM freezes in place regularly to simulate network congestion and server lag.

03 Lol is a required sentence final particle in and out of character.

04 Invite the neighbor's kid with ADD over and let him play an overpowered and overequipped munchkin character.

05 Each battlemat will be outfitted with a small pond that you can click to improve your fishing skill.

06 For only 200 bucks, you can buy a leveled-up LFR character from a Chinese sweat shop on ebay.

07 You can always recrawl ... err ... reraid last week's dungeon for more loot.

08 Your PC can register in a guild in your FLGS.

09 To protect the children, DMs are handed a list of banned words. Players who wish to use the word "shi†" are required to hold up a sign reading "****" instead.

10 Mark a special area on the dinner table with a sharpie. This is the "PvP area" where intra party conflicts can be fought out.

11 Whenever WotC publishes new errata, take a 15 minutes break in your gaming session while the DM is updated.

12 WotC creates special costumes that players can wear at the table. These costumes are awarded for achievements such as "kill 1000 goblins", "whine to the DM until he lets you play a bugbear" and "drink 15 cans of mountain dew without taking a toilet break". The "take a shower before the session" achievement is as of yet unclaimed.

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Don't forget to rename "residuum" to strange/soul/vision/dream/illusion/arcane/infinite dust. :)

^^ #013. Don't forget to enumerate!

014 When you hold a trial session at the FLGS, hold up a banner that asks players to buy a DDI subscription every few minutes.

015 At the start of each session, roll 1d20: on a 1, your account has been hacked and you lose all items.


018 - Have one player's job just to be spamming the "chat channel" by yelling out stupid questions at the top of his lungs and asking if you want to buy gold.

It's gonna take a while but I'm still working on the aggro tables. This involves accounting for marks, the level difference between the PC and monster, was it an at-will, encounter, or daily used last round...........it's complicated.:p



#19. Ranger class renamed Huntard.
#20. Develop a series of 5 minute quests you run before the raid for gold. Repeatable
#21. Monster respawn timer
#22. On death of PC - PLAYER has to run around the block before they can play their rez character (I have been tempted to impliment this one)
#23. DM has to wear a hat with ! or ? (yes, they have them).

24. Every time you level, you must ring a bell and flash the lights
25. All items must be color coded for rarity and strength
26. Lag will cause your character to run in place, randomly force you to leave the playing table, and cause death if you are in a fight (better hope the Cleric doesn't disconnect, the whole group might have to run a mile)
27. If your party goofs off too long in a dungeon, it will respawn

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