DDAL 2014 Character Options Will be Playable in AL After the 2024 Release

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I'm betting they'll soon implement a "no new PCs under the old rules", and then eventually phase out the old PCs after people have had a chance to run them for a bit and we start to see them represent a real minority in the sessions.
You think they'd destroy the sales of SCAG, Xanathar's and Tasha's?
Because all of those sell very well and remain relevant in both 2024 and 2014

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Follower of the Way
Not really. They've said for a while now that the goal of backward's compatibility is that old options will be available until a newer version supersedes it. That's basically what happened with Volo and Tome of Foes when Monsters of the Multiverse came out, or how options in SCAG were overwritten by reprints in Tasha's.

Eventually we may see new versions of the Eberron or M:TG species and updated versions of Xanathar and Tasha subs, but until then the old ones are fine.
It's also what happened with 3.5e; if there is a superseding option, use it, otherwise the 3.0 version is still valid. This is why Savage Species is in such a weird limbo.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
I don’t think I understand this statement. Is it talking about anything in the 2014 PH? Like, are there any “character options” in the 2014 PH that are not expected to be updated in 2024? They're updating the whole PH, right, or are some options going to be left alone?


Book-Friend, he/him
I don’t think I understand this statement. Is it talking about anything in the 2014 PH? Like, are there any “character options” in the 2014 PH that are not expected to be updated in 2024? They're updating the whole PH, right, or are some options going to be left alone?
4 Cleric subclasses, and 4 Wizard ones. And the actual statement dies not specify thr PHB, so it means more broadly thst nothing AL legal is being mothballed


Golden Procrastinator
4 Cleric subclasses, and 4 Wizard ones. And the actual statement dies not specify thr PHB, so it means more broadly thst nothing AL legal is being mothballed
Also, half-orcs will most likely be gone and possibly half-elves as well, at least as specific options with their own distinct write-ups.
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