DDAL 2014 Character Options Will be Playable in AL After the 2024 Release


Morkus from Orkus
I don't play in AL and don't have a horse in the race, but it feels like kind of an odd choice:

Yeah, that's not saying that you can play 2014 classes and subclasses. Every class and I think subclass has seen or will see revisions I think, so those are right out. You have to play the 2024 versions according to that tweet.

Backwards compatibility requires that the 2014 classes and subclasses be runnable along side the 2024 versions. Yet AL isn't allowing that. :unsure:

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I think the thread title is misleading. The tweet (xeet?) Is clearly stating that as soon as there is a new version, the old version is out. The 2014 PHB is essentially out.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I think the thread title is misleading. The tweet (xeet?) Is clearly stating that as soon as there is a new version, the old version is out. The 2014 PHB is essentially out.
There’s a lot of stuff in the 2014 PHB that’s not going to be in the 2024 PHB, so it’s not exactly out. What the tweet is saying is, anything not reproduced in the 2024 PHB can still be used as-written. Anything that is reproduced in the 2024 PHB will need to be updated to the 2024 version. Basically how errata always works. It’s just being treated like a very large errata.


There’s a lot of stuff in the 2014 PHB that’s not going to be in the 2024 PHB, so it’s not exactly out. What the tweet is saying is, anything not reproduced in the 2024 PHB can still be used as-written. Anything that is reproduced in the 2024 PHB will need to be updated to the 2024 version. Basically how errata always works. It’s just being treated like a very large errata.
What is not going to be in the 2024 PHB? Someone mentioned half elves and half orcs upthread, but I imagine they will be in the 2024 PHB as very short sidebars that say their stats are like one or the other of their parent species. It sounds like the only thing definitely out are half of the wizard school subclasses.


Morkus from Orkus
There’s a lot of stuff in the 2014 PHB that’s not going to be in the 2024 PHB, so it’s not exactly out. What the tweet is saying is, anything not reproduced in the 2024 PHB can still be used as-written. Anything that is reproduced in the 2024 PHB will need to be updated to the 2024 version. Basically how errata always works. It’s just being treated like a very large errata.
Yeah. Only the majority of the 2014 PHB is out. All classes and pretty much all subclasses, as well as large number of feats and spells. Now you too can flip back and forth between two books trying to figure out what needs to be used from where!


Book-Friend, he/him
What is not going to be in the 2024 PHB? Someone mentioned half elves and half orcs upthread, but I imagine they will be in the 2024 PHB as very short sidebars that say their stats are like one or the other of their parent species. It sounds like the only thing definitely out are half of the wizard school subclasses.
If you read the original Tweet, this should also apy to options from SCAG, Xanathar's, Tasha's, Eberron, etc.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
What is not going to be in the 2024 PHB? Someone mentioned half elves and half orcs upthread, but I imagine they will be in the 2024 PHB as very short sidebars that say their stats are like one or the other of their parent species. It sounds like the only thing definitely out are half of the wizard school subclasses.
Half elves and half orcs. Knowledge, Nature, and Tempest cleric domains. Conjuration, Enchantment, Necromancy, and Transmutation wizard schools. Possibly some Feats.


Half elves and half orcs.
Like I said, I would be very surprised if these were not addressed in a sidebar.
Knowledge, Nature, and Tempest cleric domains. Conjuration, Enchantment, Necromancy, and Transmutation wizard schools. Possibly some Feats.
What percentage of AL characters do you think these make up? I mean, there is very likely a reason they aren't making the cut, right?

If you read the original Tweet, this should also apy to options from SCAG, Xanathar's, Tasha's, Eberron, etc.
I was talking specifically about the PHB.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Like I said, I would be very surprised if these were not addressed in a sidebar.

What percentage of AL characters do you think these make up? I mean, there is very likely a reason they aren't making the cut, right?

I was talking specifically about the PHB.
Yeah, and apart from medicine, irrigation, health, roads, cheese and education, baths and the Circus Maximus, what have the Romans ever done for us?

Voidrunner's Codex

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