DDAL 2014 Character Options Will be Playable in AL After the 2024 Release


Yeah, and apart from medicine, irrigation, health, roads, cheese and education, baths and the Circus Maximus, what have the Romans ever done for us?
I am not sure what is so controversial about my statement that the tweet clearly states that majority of options from the PHB are going to be replaced, and therefore the thread title is a little misleading. But I guess some people will bend over backwards to defend "backwards compatibility" even when it isn't being questioned.

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Right, that was the mistake, the original Tweet is not talking about the PHB, it's talking about all AL legal options.
That is a weird interpretation.
"Currently all pre-existing character options not present in 2024 PHB will still be allowed. Stuff updated in new PHB will likely require conversion."
And yes, Half-Elves and Haldlf-Orcs are fully out.
We'll see.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
4 Cleric subclasses, and 4 Wizard ones.
Okay, I didn't know 2014 subclasses would be compatible with 2024 classes.

And the actual statement dies not specify thr PHB,
Right, this was kind of my point. It seems that only a very limited number of character options from the 2014 PH will be playable in AL contrary to what the thread title implies.

so it means more broadly thst nothing AL legal is being mothballed
Nothing but everything from the 2014 PH except eight subclasses and maybe two races. That's very different from nothing AL legal being mothballed. If there's a new version, the old version is being mothballed.
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
That is a weird interpretation.
"Currently all pre-existing character options not present in 2024 PHB will still be allowed.
“All pre-existing characters options not present in 2024 PHB” includes a lot of stuff that isn’t in the 2014 PHB. All of it, in fact.
Stuff updated in new PHB will likely require conversion."
And that’s just, kind of obvious, right? If an option existed in the previous PHB and is being updated in the new PHB, of course characters using that option would need to be updated when the new PHB comes out.


Book-Friend, he/him
That is a weird interpretation.
"Currently all pre-existing character options not present in 2024 PHB will still be allowed. Stuff updated in new PHB will likely require conversion."
The set being referenced isn't "PHB '14" versus "PHB '24": it is "what isbAL Legal" vs. "PHB '24". What is in the PHB '24 takes precedence, bit what is AL Legal nkw otherwise remains Legal in the future.
We'll see.
The rules objects are gone from the Core books: but the older options will remain AL legal, just as they remain mechanically compatible.
Okay, I didn't know 2014 subclasses would be compatible with 2024 classes.
Yup. The last few UA have included Tasha's Suv
Right, this was kind of my point. It seems that only a very limited number of character options from the 2014 PH will be playable in AL contrary to what the thread title implies.
The referent isn't the '14 PHB, it's the broader category of AL legality. The point is that there isn't a hard shift coming, just an evolving srt of options.
Nothing but everything from the 2014 PH except eight subclasses and maybe two races. That's very different from nothing AL legal being mothballed. If there's a new version, the old version is being mothballed.
And SCAG, Xanathar's, Tasha's, Rising from the Last War, Ban Richten's Guide, Monsters ofnthe Multiverse, etc.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Nothing but everything from the 2014 PH except eight subclasses and maybe two races. That's very different from nothing AL legal being mothballed. If there's a new version, the old version is being mothballed.
How is that part even news? Like, when have AL characters ever not needed updating when options they’re built using receive changes (e.g. when there’s errata)? Granted, this is a bigger set of changes than has previously been seen in 5e, but we’ve had plenty of advance warning, was anyone really not expecting the majority of the PHB to be receiving such updates?

The news here, if there is any, would be that existing material that isn’t being reproduced in the 2024 PHB (which is to say, the handful of Wizard and Cleric subclasses in the 2014 PHB and all playable options outside the PHB) will be playable without needing any changes. And I’d argue that still shouldn’t be surprising, but there still seem to be a lot of people who are convinced the 2024 rules are actually going to be a new edition despite all evidence to the contrary. They’re the only reason this tweet isn’t a complete nothing-burger.

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