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2020 Pogre's Miniatures and Models - Sebeki from Crocodile Game and a Wild Boar

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First up is an old plastic GW Orc:


Next are a couple of resin terrain pieces I found in one of my storage drawers labeled medieval water trough. I'm sure I had something in mind for them when I bought these, but I cannot imagine what. One is designed for outdoor use and the other for caverns or perhaps a dungeon.


Models completed in 2020: 18


So, I have not painted much the last few weeks. I continue to slowly work on a big terrain project. Pandemic isolation has led to an explosion of gaming at my house. We moved to using zoom video conferencing. I have two phones focused on the terrain and miniatures and it works pretty well. We have continued our weekly campaign, but we have started a second campaign. The second campaign meets nightly for 90 minutes and we played six times this week.

I am using modules for the nightly campaign, but continue to homebrew for the weekly campaign. Between working from home (feel blessed in that regard), preparing for the nightly game by reading ahead, and preparing for my weekly campaign - I just have not painted much. I broke my @Kris inspired modelling and painting streak on Wednesday.

Still, it is a very good problem to have and I have not been bored one second during the isolation.


Unfortunately my own hobby streak only lasted 10 weeks ...and I never even got around to posting a pic of my last mini (a carrion crawler) ...so I need to fix that :)

And now that I'm gaming online (for obvious reasons), most of my spare 'hobby' time is spent prepping maps/tokens/macros etc. for that (though I am still managing to find time for my print & paste terrain ;) ).


Here is what I have been working on the last few weeks - 4 & 1/2 feet of new fortress walls. The new walls are from Printable Scenery and they took a while to print.

First a couple shots of just what I printed and painted. I also printed the little compass rose and painted that up for our remote cameras.


Next a little closer shot of one of the wall pieces. Tough to great photos with stuff this big.

Here is a shot of the backside of the piece with stairs going up. It is a little washed out, but I think you get the idea. It took a long time to print, but I love how playable the stairs are!

The next few shots are of the new walls mixed with my older Hirst Arts pieces. First up my old gate house:

Next up with one of my older towers:

Finally a few assorted shots of the entire walls complex. The walled area measures 5 feet by 3 and 1/2 feet.




A siege on these walls is definitely a two-table game!

Models completed in 2020: 31

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