D&D (2024) 2024 Player's Handbook reveal: "New Ranger"

"More than any other class, the ranger is a new class."

"More than any other class, the ranger is a new class."

It has been a year (less a day) since we last saw the Ranger in UA Playtest 6. There still could be a lot of change. My sense is that they are more or less happy with three of the subclasses (Fey Wanderer, Beastmaster, and Gloom Stalker), but many questions remain: Will anyone be happy with the favored enemy/relation to the land abilities? Will Hunter's Mark be foregrounded in multiple abilities? Will rangers at least get a free casting of the Barrage/Volley spells? For the Hunter, will the "Superior" abilties at levels 11 and 15 continue to be things you didn't choose at lower levels? For the Gloom Stalker, will they pull out 3rd level invisibility from "Umbral Sight"? Any chance for a surprise substitution of the Horizon Walker? Let's find out.

  • "widely played, but ... one of the lowest rated"
  • Spellcasting and Weapon Mastery at 1 (as with Paladin). Spellcasting can change spells after long rest (not every level)
  • NEW: Favored Enemy: Hunters Mark always prepared, and X castings per day. (was level 2 in PT6, where it was WIS times/day)
  • NEW: Fighting Style at 2 (no limits on choice). or you may choose two cantrips (again, like Paladin).
  • NEW: Deft Explorer at 3: expertise in a proficient skill, +2 languages. NO INTERACTION WITH LAND TYPES. This is a nerf from PT6, where at least you got a bonus to Intelligence (Nature) checks.
  • Extra attack at 5, Roving at 6 (+10' move, Climb Speed, Swim speed).
  • Two more expertise options, at 9, presumably. Compared to the playtest, this is a nerf: PT6 gave 1 expertise, the spell Conjure Barrage always prepared, and +2 land types for Explorer. These had problems, but it's a lot to lose for one additional expertise.
  • At 10, Tireless (as in PT6) -- THP and reduced Exhaustion.
  • NEW: At 13, Damage no longer breaks concentration with Hunter's Mark.
  • At 14, Nature's Veil -- invisibility. At 18, Blindsight.
  • NEW: At 17, advantage vs person marked with Hunter's Mark.
  • NEW: Damage of Hunter's mark increases to d10, not d6. (This too is a nerf from the playtest, which gave +WIS to hit, and +WIS to damage.)
The clear expectation is you are using Hunter's Mark, occupying your concentration and taking your first Bonus action every combat, from levels 1-20.

  • command Primal Beast as a bonus action, and higher level abilities as in PT6, apparently.
  • stat blocks level up with you (as in Tasha's and PT6). Beast gets Hunter's Mark benefits at 11.
Fey Wanderer
  • vague on specifics; apparently just as in Tasha's.
Gloom Stalker
  • as in PT6, Psychic damage bonus a limited number of times per day. +WIS to initiative (cf. Assassin and Barbarian)
  • Umbral Sight, darkvision bonus, and invisible in the dark.
  • NEW: psychic damage goes up at level 11. Mass fear option of Sudden Strike mentioned, nothing about Sudden Strike.
  • Hunter's Lore at 3: know if there are immunities/resistances of creature marked by Hunter's Mark.
  • NEW: Hunter's Prey at 3: you have a choice and can change your choice every short/long rest.
  • NEW: Defensive Tactics at 7: you have a choice, and again can choose after a rest. The choices are Escape the Horde, Multiattack defense (not Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, and Hunter's Leap, as in PT6).
  • NEW: At 11, Hunter's mark now "splashes" damage onto another target.
  • NEW: you can choose to take resistance to damage, until the end of your turn.

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Rangers get
  1. D10 HD
  2. Two weapon masteries
  3. Two spells known
  4. Two spell slots
  5. One skill expertise
At level 1. Before the free Hunters Mark know and 2 free uses.

That's very powerful.
Rangers went from the weakest level 1 to the strongest level 1.

I find it funny that people are acting like 2024 ranger won't soon be a top 5 complained about class by DMs for being too strong.

Rangers get
  1. D10 HD
  2. Two weapon masteries
  3. Two spells known
  4. Two spell slots
  5. One skill expertise
At level 1. Before the free Hunters Mark know and 2 free uses.

That's very powerful.
Rangers went from the weakest level 1 to the strongest level 1.

I find it funny that people are acting like 2024 ranger won't soon be a top 5 complained about class by DMs for being too strong.
I would not go that far, but I think all martial classes were boosted at level 1, and the ranger got the biggest boost.
One can disagree with the pacing and power of later features, but the ranger starts very strong, especially a dex/wis main archer.

Yeah that's not a bad shout. Though I guess, what else would it even apply to besides Extra Attacks? I'm sure there is something but, can't think off the top of my head.

Could use it to scale Unarmed Attacks and Unarmored Defense. Everybody gets their "martial level" as an AC/Attack bonus, Monk/Bard still get their prof. bonuses on top of that.


Could use it to scale Unarmed Attacks and Unarmored Defense. Everybody gets their "martial level" as an AC/Attack bonus, Monk/Bard still get their prof. bonuses on top of that.

Don't hate that necessarily. In principle anyway. It has irked me in the past that, there's no vanilla mechanism for non-Monks and non-Unarmed Fighting style users to deal more than 1+STR on unarmed attacks. Like they might be a tank in their own right, but it doesn't matter beyond their STR.
And Barbarian's Unarmoured Defense can create annoying situations. Yeah their AC isn't the be-all-end-all because Rage n' all, but.


I would not go that far, but I think all martial classes were boosted at level 1, and the ranger got the biggest boost.
One can disagree with the pacing and power of later features, but the ranger starts very strong, especially a dex/wis main archer.

I don't know.

I've seen a couple of tables Fall for the "Rangers suck" meme then the basic ranger archer snipes the living (censored) out of every major combat.

Then the DM goes "I know. I'll threaten them in melee". And that doesn't work either.

And 2024 gives their longbow slow AND they get free Hunters Mark AND they have Expertise in Stealth or Perception.

The flavor is bland but it's powerful bland. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP ARROWS TO THE FACE.


Dungeon Mistress, she/her
I fully expect a "woops, players, Relentless was supposed to remove concentration..."

War Priests get limited concentration less shield of faith and spiritual weapon (spiritual weapon got nerfed with concentration, eh?), Rangers can have it too.

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