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212 Odd, Useless, Interesting, and other wise non-sensical magic items


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I will start.

Narfember's rough draft:

About 500 years ago, a king of a nearby kingdom, in secret, sought a cloak that would make him invisible. Narfenber, A talented young pyromancer but otherwise a wizard of mediocre ability already in the employ of the king, took up the task of crafting the requested cloak. When the cloak was finished he presented his work to the king in a secret meeting. The cloak turned the king invisible but the claok itself remained in plain sight. The king grew angry. Politics in the palace was such that he needed somthing to allow him to spy on his subjects at court and he had paid Narfenber handsomly to craft the cloak. When the king asked for his money back Narfember confessed that it was only a rough draft and that the real cloak would be delivered in three days. He further added that he had only wanted to assure the king that the work was progressing and that he would meet him again on the third night. The king calmed, and agreed, but kept the rough draft. Three days later the king returned to the secret meeting place. As the dawn grew so did his rage. Upon investigation it was learned that the wizard had departed on the early morning and in much haste, his destination unknown. The king sent his men far and wide to find the scoundrel wizard Narfember, but he was never seen agian in the kingdom. However, the cloak eventually did proove useful. The queen was a lover of masquerades, and the cloak allowed the king, a man who was not fond of finery or parties, to attend in whatever sort of dress he wanted. It also allowed him to switch out with a trusted advisor should he tire of the evenings events. In fact such a practice saved the kings life on several occasions.

This is a fine cloak of purple cloth trimmed with white fur. Aside from acting like a normal cloak, it also has the ability to turn a character invisible as per the invisibility spell. However, the cloak itself remains visible for all to see.


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Sure, what the heck.

Ioun Stone (Horribly Blinding Orange Sphere).
Nothing more than a dull grey ioun stone with continual flame cast upon it, this was developed by an apprentice mage who wanted a hands free concealable light source. The brilliant idea was shattered when the stone blinded his sight every time it completed a revolution. Recently, it has been used by some monks whose inner balance and obsessive training allow them to blink at the exact moment of blindness.

Rod of Cloudkill (v2)
First developed by a king who loved the beautiful weather of the tropics but hated the storms, this rod allows the bearer to disperse up to 5 square miles of clouds. Militarily, it became invaluable in the wars against the druids, who frequently control weather and use it to their advantage.

Ring of Utter Amusement (Cursed[?])
This ring was forged by one incredibly bored gnome bard. One day, in a series of bad misfortunes involving mirrors, two gerbils, and a spork, he accidentally targeted himself with a Fascinate spell. During that brief period of time, he found much amusement in watching the dust particles under his nose blow away from his breathing. When he came to, he realized the potential of this discovery, and immediatly forged 20 rings before he got bored and retired. The wearer is under a constant Fascinate spell, whose focus is determined entirely at random. If unwilling, the wearer must make a Will save (DC11) or come under the effects of the ring.


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Staff of Staffing

This gnarled stick has the ability to attract unskilled owrkers, effectively adding a +2 to diplo checks used to aquire unskilled labor. Wages and performance are not effected, but workers attracted by the stick grumble less and usually show up.


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drunkmoogle said:
Recently, it has been used by some monks whose inner balance and obsessive training allow them to blink at the exact moment of blindness.

:lol: :lol:

Gem of Thoughts
This magical gem allows the user to use melismatic discharge and melismatic ray each 3/day at 10th caster level.
However, it also makes it easier to sense the users thoughts--Sense Motive checks made vs. the user have -8 to the opposed roll and the users saves against Detect Thoughts spells suffer a -8 penalty.


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Spectacles of Sleeping

These magically enhanced spectacles come with lenses that are as dark as a moonless night at midnight. While worn, the induce a state of drowsiness in the subject, making it easier for them to fall asleep. This gives the subject a -2 Will save vs Sleep spells and sleep type effects, but doesn't induce sleep on its own.



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alsih2o said:
Staff of Staffing

This gnarled stick has the ability to attract unskilled owrkers, effectively adding a +2 to diplo checks used to aquire unskilled labor. Wages and performance are not effected, but workers attracted by the stick grumble less and usually show up.
It can be countered however by a Strike of Staffing.


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Invisible Gold Ring

A well made gold ring that is invisible.

I included that in some treasure back in the 2E days. :)

Jeff Wilder

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Animated broom -- For up to one hour a day, or through six contiguous rooms, this mundane-appearing broom will efficiently sweep a floor, gathering the detritus in a neat pile in one corner.

Luxurious tub -- Usually built into a room, crafted of marble, this large tub will hold up to two Medium creatures, assuming they're willing to be cozy. Upon command, twice per day, it will fill with any temperature of water desired, provided the temperature is safe for a normal person. (I.e., no boiling water.) If any water is removed from the tub, it disappears. (Note that the latter is quite handy. Among other things, it obviates the need for towels.)

Clockwork kitten -- If wound once per day, this amazing magichanical toy -- usually formed of precious metals, cunningly articulated -- behaves in most respects like a normal cat of a few months age, including rambunctious play and "sleeping." If ever wound more than once per day, the clockwork kitten will, if possible, desert its owner (definied as the individual who wound it). (It doesn't resort to violence. It simply attempts to "run away.") If it's unable to leave its owner on the day it is overwound, its behavior reverts to normal. These creations are sometimes formed as other small animals, includes puppies and -- in one famous incident -- a nightingale. Rumors persist that some arcanists know the secret to bestowing sentience on these items and transforming them into familiars.

Headband of intellectual curiosity -- This item usually appears as a normal headband of intellect. When worn, however, it renders the area of the skull above the circlet transparent, such that the brain and blood vessels of the crown are easily visible in their workings. The headband is not cursed in any fashion, and can easily be removed.

Ring of ill-warning -- These rings are attuned to a specific type of creature -- e.g., aberrations, giants, monstrous humanoids, and so on. To grant the wearer its benefit, this ring must have been worn for at least 24 hours. The ring grants a competence bonus of +10 on Knowledge checks of the sort appropriate to the creature type to which the ring is attuned. It also permits such Knowledge checks to be made normally by the wearer, even if untrained. However, while worn (even within the 24 hour period) the ring, if within 20 feet of the appropriate creature type, rings loudly and continuously, like a struck chime.

Feather bedroll -- Appearing as a normal bedroll, this item permits the user to sleep in Light or Medium armor, similar to the Endurance feat. However, waking the user requires that another character use a full-round action, or, in the event of noise, that the user make a DC 25 Listen check.


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wilder_jw said:
Ring of ill-warning -- However, while worn (even within the 24 hour period) the ring, if within 20 feet of the appropriate creature type, rings loudly and continuously, like a struck chime.

I was going to say this was too short, but then I figured what with darkness or sleeping or whatnot, it was better to have a 20' radius than nothing.

Lonely Tylenol

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Bottle, Dribble: This glass potion bottle appears absolutely normal when examined, and always appears to have a dose of potion in it. When lifted to the mouth, a hole appears in the side of the bottle which spills its contents onto the front of the drinker, missing the mouth, but often hitting the chin. The contents permanently stain any surface they come into contact with, and glow softly in dark conditions. Skin and hair stained this way cannot be cleaned and must grow out (takes about a week for skin, hair must be cut). Rumour has it that these bottles were created to identify potion thieves at a mage's bazaar.

Hat, Jaunty: This wide-brimmed hat keeps its wearer in good spirits. While wearing the hat, the wearer feels optimistic, carefree, and relaxed. In fact, in order to say anything grouchy or negative, the wearer must make a Will save (DC 15), or be unable to voice his opinion. While wearing the hat, a character is immune to the effects of sunburn.

Ring of Fire: This item appears to be a loop of flame, and functions as a ring. It has no special powers, but it looks impressive. Devils are somewhat more likely to parley with the wearer of a Ring of Fire, and often show a special interest in talking to the character.

Pie, Throwing: This ordinary-looking baked good has a range increment of 30', and anyone proficient with simple weapons (or with 3 ranks in Profession: fool) can throw it without penalty. To throw the pie, the character makes a ranged touch attack. The pie does no damage, but if the attack is successful the target must make a Wisdom save (DC 12) or be blinded for 1 round. The pie is tasty. Some pies possess a special enchantment that gives them a +2 to hit orcs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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