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212 Odd, Useless, Interesting, and other wise non-sensical magic items


First Post
Wings of Walking: If the bearer grabs oppositte ends of this magical cloak and flaps their arms in birdlike motion, they will be able to move up to their full movement rate while walking, assuming their is nothing to impede them.

(This was in the DND Cyclopedia, I believe, or something similar)

Belt of Holding: If the wearer of this magical belt wears it in conjuction with pants or leggings and affixes the silver buckle, the wearer will have no fear of said pants or leggings from falling down their waist. This magical belt can be removed by unaffixing the silver buckle. A Strength check of DC 15 is required to remove pants or leggings from someone wearing a Belt of Holding.

Gloves of Touching: These magical gloves cover the hands of the wearer, keeping them free from grime, dirt, and filth. However, these gloves have been magically enchanted, allowing the wearer to experience full tactile sensations as if the gloves were not being worn. For example, lava will feel hot, a sword point will feel sharp, slime will feel slimey, etc.

Eyes of Peril Sensitivity: The magical lenses enable the wearer to determine the presence of danger around them. If the wearer spends one round concentrating, they can detect danger within a 5' radius. A second round of concentration determines the strength of the danger, shown by the opacity of the lens. Clear meaning no danger, semi meaning danger, and opaque meaning great danger. Clear lenses allow the wearer to act normally. Semi-opaque lenses offers partial-concealment to anything viewed by the wearer. Opaque lenses render the wearer effectively blind. The wearer can concentrate up to 3 rounds. The third round of concentration determines the type of danger: approaching, present, impending

(We all know where that came from)

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Oh man, this thread is too good to lose....

Robe of malodorous discomfort: this robe causes the felt temperature to move 20 degrees away from its wearer's comfort point - cold places will feel colder, while hot feel hotter. Additionally, no matter the temperature it exudes the odor of slightly tainted meat (anyone nearby attains the "scent" feat in regards to detecting the wearer), and thereby causes additional wandering monster encounters.

The chest of confusion: The exterior of this chest measure 2' x 3', while it's inner dimensions are 1' x 2'. The thickness of the wood on its sides and bottom are only 1", however, and there are absolutely no hidden compartments.

Greater chest of confusion: as above, but this box has the additional feature of quadrupling the weight of anything placed within it for encumberance purposes, though the chest itself will still float if its inner contents would normally allow it to do so.

The pristine book: an expensive gilded book binding 300 pure white pages of vellum at an encumberance equal to a normal wizard traveling spellbook. It would be the perfect spellbook for a wizard, except it's pages will not accept any markings whatsoever, nor can the pages be removed for any other purpose.

The arrow of misdirection: When searching characters throw this arrow into the air, it will land and point in a direction that the characters are convinced leads quickly to their location/object. In fact, roll a d20 - on a 1-5 it does point the correct direction, anything else choose a random direction. May only be used once a day, or earlier only after having travelled 10 miles from its point of previous use.

The money bag of lessening value: Any coins placed in this bag slowly decrease in value, one coin per day by one value type each starting with the most expensive first. For instance, a bag of 2 gp, 5 sp, and 3 cp will have 1 gp, 6 sp, and 3cp on day 2, 7 sp and 3cp on day 3, 6 sp and 4 cp on day 4, etc. When all coins finally reach the lowest possible value, 1 coin disappears from the bag each night until empty.
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Wow...this page was just what I was looking for. I had planned to put several "useless" magical items into a wizard's safehouse just as decoration (things that he had collected over the years and found humorous) and had started to mull over the options, but this threads really helps with that.

Thank you everyone!

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Ring of Monstrous Visage: The wearer of this small silver band appears to others as a monster of another species. The species should be chosen by the DM. All diplomacy checks are made with a -4 penalty.

Mirrored Spectacles: This is a set of glasses that have the inside of the lenses as mirrors.


A few more bubbled up last night and this morning....

Granny's vorpal shears: These rustless metal scissors can cut through any physical thread, but only physical thread.

Oskal's cigar cutter and lighter: This magical copper band was intended to be used to allow a wizard in darkness to snip the end of a new cigar and simultaneously light the end. Unfortunately, those not in the know often mistake it for a ring - after donning it a wearer gets 3 rounds of growing light from the ring (until it is as light as a torch) and then the appendage they placed it upon is instantly severed. Fortunately the wound is also instantly cauterized, and the actions completes before the wearer is even able to register any pain.

Darkvision palette: The paints upon this artist's palette are utterly useless to any being without darkvision, as they all appear "black" in their wells or on any surface. For those that have darkvision, however, a picture may be painted (require appropriate DC checks for difficulty) that portrays something as seen via darkvision.

Chapeau du pain (hopefully I got the French right!): This fashionable hat has the distinct capability of producing a very small rabbit whenever it's wearer desires and places his hand into it. Pulling out another rabbit makes the previous one (in whatever form - still alive and present, gone missing, eaten) to instantly disappear.
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The wheels keep turning....

Twin tumblers: These two cups are linked over any distance on the same plane such that when a person drinks from one they taste what is in their cup but gain effects from whatever is in the twin. Effects bestowed can be magical in nature (if the twin holds a potion - the magic of the potion is still expended), nutrition depriving (the twin is filled with air so the drinker continues to dehydrate), life helping (the cup drank is filled with poison but it's twin is filled with a neutral liquid) or hurting (reverse the cups in the above example), or even a good way to drink even a dwarf under the table (you have ale or mead in yours but the twin elsewhere has air or water).

Vanishing ink: This ink fades to invisibility four round after being placed on a page. It never becomes visible again, under any circumstance, but still causes the page it is upon to register as magical.

Scarf of fashion: This scarf can be worn around the neck or head and instantly changes itself to match color or style with other clothing worn. Works well with "Istara's pumps of fashion", which has similar effects. (Actually, there are probably many men who wish their wives had those shoes. Think of it, a woman needing only one pair of shoes in the closet becuase it will go with ANYTHING!)

Scarab of life detection: This broach detects the nearest source of life. Unless the wearer is undead, it inevitably detects the wearer.

Lens of pigmentation: These lenses allow the wearer to choose the current perceived color of their eye(s) covered by the lens(es).

Potion of hair growth: Gives benefits to disguise checks, as imbibing this potion causes the rapid growth of real hair upon the drinker's head in whatever locations they desire (eyebrows, mustache, beard, top of head, even ears and nose). Color matches drinkers real hair (random color if being is completely hairless, but all hair will be of same color), and while growth is limited to two inches in any place the effects are permanent until trimmed or cut. Credited to Archwizard Ro' e'Gaine.

Scales of Inequality: These scales look like any merchants scales, except they will NEVER register as balanced, no matter what is placed on either side. It's companion is the "Scales of Equality", which always end up registering as balanced, no matter what is placed on both sides. Either moves just enough when materials are placed within it to satisfy any casual watchers that the scales should be legitimate, and some item must be placed into both sides.

Scales of equal value: No matter the physical weight of the objects placed on both sides of the scale, the scales balance when the monetary value is equal on both sides. (ok, maybe this one IS of some use!)
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First Post
I should be burned alive for this:

Baby Seal of Clubbing

This baby seal is an intelligent magical beast, and an approriate familiar of a 5th level wizard. The baby seal is cute and cuddly until Friday night, when it likes to wear black clothes and makeup, dye its fur black, put in purple fur extensions, and play with glow sticks until early in the morning.

There is also a 5% chance that the baby seal of clubbing will be of the rare goth variety, which does not play with glowsticks, but will instead use up all your empty spellbook pages writing angsty poetry.


First Post
Club of Sealing:

This club otherwise normal club, when hit against a door or other similar portal such as an open archway or window seals the portal shut. The portal can never be opened again (without being broken) and conunts as a stone door for such purposes. If there is nothing to seal the portal with stone appears where the apeture once was.


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