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212 Odd, Useless, Interesting, and other wise non-sensical magic items


Inventor of Super-Toast
Rose Colored Glasses: The first pair of these magical spectacles was crafted by a hopelessly optimistic bard who wanted others to see everything in the same light he did. When worn, the wearer is under the permanent effects of a good hope spell and is immune to fear effects, but is rendered extremely gullible, taking a -20 to all Sense Motive checks. Also, the character refuses to view anything as a threat until actively attacked, and even then will assume a misunderstanding.

Demiurge out.

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Thordain's Coin of Fairness

Thordain was a retired dwarf fighter who had a penchant for gambling. He'd spend many an evening in the tavern, drinking and betting his earnings in games of dice, coin tosses and any other form of gambling you can imagine. On one such evening, Thordain fell prey to a rather unscrupulous fellow who went by the name Tavin. Everythign seemed to start off fair, or so it seemed. By the end of the evening though, Thordain had lost his all his money he had brought with him to Tavin with a final coin flip. He found out a few days later that Tavin had been using a weighted coin during their last bet. Thordain was so angered when he discovered this that he went and had a magical coin crafted, one that would have equal chances to fall on either side, heads or tails. The coin is intelligent coin with a LN alignment; Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 17 Ego 13. Its lesser powers are detect magic at will, sense motive 10 ranks, and zone of truth 3/day. its greater power allows it to detect thoughts at will.


Staff member
Ring of Mind Reading (cursed)- it does allow the wearer to read surface thoughts, but also causes the wearer's every thought to appear over his head in a luminous thought bubble. The thought bubble is percieved in each viewer's native tongue, and sheds light as if it were a torch. The wearer cannot see the bubble in any way, except that he will be aware of the light it sheds.

If the wearer casts a spell, the text of the spell will appear in the bubble, but is only readable by observers with an active read magic spell or similar ability.

Studded Leather Overcoat of Supreme Coolness- Upon command, this leather jacket (equivalent to +2 Leather armor) gives the wearer a +1 to Charisma reaction rolls, another +2 if the wearer is CG, and another +2 if the wearer is either a bard or fighter. Command word is "AYYYYYYYYYY!"

However, the wearer will also suffer a -3 reaction roll when the magic is not activated.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Naseauting Ring: This thin small dual colored band of green and pink induces a constant state of naseau in the wearer. Just looking at the ring makes one feel uneasy.

Spam Coin: This small metal disc is one annoying concoction. Whenever the disc touches any other metal, thoe metal touched starts singing, "Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!" in a specific tone over and over again. The affect does not wear off until 24 hours has passed. There is only one know Spam Coin known in existence, but it always seems to find a new victim everyday.


Vial of dripping: This clear, 10 inch long, crystal vial appears to be full of water, and in fact is constantly full. However any attempt to empty the vial only results in a slow dripping. One drop of water drips out every round, no matter the method. If the vial is broken no water comes out. These are sometimes used as clocks.

Thimble of filling: This thimble, when commanded acts as a major creation spell, filling the thimble full of the created material, once per day. However the thimble can only make Vegetable matter, stone or water. These creations are permenant.


First Post
Quall's Feather Token: Red Herring
This token may be worn as a brooch or placed on any entranceway, passage, or portal. Any person attempting to pass through a passageway protected by this token must make a Will Save (DC20) or feel as if that course of action would not yeild any benefits. The wearer of the brooch may, at will, activate its power. Most people casually ignore the wearer, and anyone interacting with the person must make the Will save or lose interest.


First Post
A few stolen from messageboards, here and at RPG.net. I'm afraid I can't credit the authors, my memory is akin to gruyere cheese -- that is, full of holes.

The Ring of Tuesday: This unbroken silver chain can be dropped on the ground so as to form a 3-ft.-diameter circle. Inside the circle, it is Tuesday.

Modron Dice: Each of these perfectly cubic 6-sided dice roll constantly and cannot be immobilised without a DC 12 Strength check. As soon as the die is released from grasp, it starts rolling again. The reason for the dice's strange behaviour is that they try to fall on their inexistant 3.5 side, as it is the statistical average of a six-sided die.

The Ham of Plenty: This item is in fact a plain-looking pork ham. However, when a slice is cut off from it (or a chunck torn away from it), it instantly regenerates. Also, the ham never dries or rot or get spoiled in any other way. Provided you do not tire of cutting slices, you can feed an unlimited number of persons with it.


Gez said:
The Ring of Tuesday: This unbroken silver chain can be dropped on the ground so as to form a 3-ft.-diameter circle. Inside the circle, it is Tuesday.

OMGICSL. So....very...funny.

Socks of empathy: If the wearer of the socks dons anothers shoes they gain a single piece of insignificant knowlege about the shoe owner, e.g. their middle name, shape of birthmark or other worthless facts. However if the sock wearer walks a mile in the shoe owner's shoes and they gain an insight on the shoe owners attitude and philosophical stance. This grants a +4 bonus to diplomacy checks with the shoe owner. Multiple wearing of the same shoes give no further facts, however it will update the sock wearer's insight. This only affects the current owner of the shoes.


First Post
nose snapper: this book looks like a wizard's spell book, in fact it is. it will uselly have a random spell from each level. trying to read the book will cause it to animate and snap the readers nose betwin its pages, making it unreadable unless a dispel magic is cast on it, which calms the book for one hour. you can uselly find a copy of this book on the occasional gnome studeing in a magic university.

hurtful kicker: this is a shoe. if a male creature tries to wear it he gets a kick to the... well, you know.

the players handbook: this tome is not magical in itself but powerful protections are commonly placed upon them. a character who reads through it will get the following bonuses: +1 attack, +2 spellcraft, +1 knowledge (arcana and religion) and +2 appraise.
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