D&D 2E 2e Iron Golem, gas errata

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Interestingly there does not seem to be a similar explicit default spelled out in the 2e DMG or Monstrous Compendium I or the Monstrous Manual.

The DMG on poison page 101 has a chart that indicates poisons will be defined by class and has a Class F which is injected, immediate onset, and save or die, but does not mention anywhere that I see that it is a default.

I had been using my 1e DMG and monster books when I switched over to 2e so I had not noticed the lack of the explicit direction on default poisons.
Have to check whether 2E says anything about default death monster poison but I also believe it remains schtum on the subject.
Also: The poison table in the 2E DMG is obviously a derivative of the one in the 1E DMG, which explicitly states that it is for purchased poisons.

Purchased poisons are classified and priced as follows:

The 2E DMG seems to have forgotten that. :)

Have to check whether 2E says anything about default death monster poison but I also believe it remains schtum on the subject.
Also: The poison table in the 2E DMG is obviously a derivative of the one in the 1E DMG, which explicitly states that it is for purchased poisons.

The 2E DMG seems to have forgotten that. :)
The 2e DMG forgot many things... ;)


  • Iron Golem RJK1.jpg
    Iron Golem RJK1.jpg
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Iron Golem (Special): AC 3, HP 50, HD 10, MV 9". Breathes a gout of green flame which does magical fire damage and poisons the target (1-2); or, attacks with two fists (3-6) every round. The 5' long x 2' wide flame does 10 hp of damage to a single target (unless another target is aligned directly behind the first, in which case up to two targets can be affected by the gout) and requires a poison save to be made at -1 or the target takes an additional 1-4 poison damage every turn for 2-5 turns thereafter, or until cured; fist damage is 1-8+1 per hit. Immune to fire and electrical attacks.

For nerdy reasons i would use the cloudkill spell for the 2e edition golem as i like the idea of the killing off weaker characters and weak monsters and some summoned creatures outright with no saving throw with its cloudkill breath and just damaging the stronger ones thus engaging in an iron fist fight.

Variants with poison damage per round, fire breath or fire/poison breath or save or die breath for all are all fine.

But the WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure, page 10, Terrible Iron Golem with the added poison sword and petrifying whip is utterly brutal and murderous. Terrible indeed, as in formidable.

All save or die is terrible. 1 HD poisonous snakes are always instant death dangerous. Indiana Jones had reason to be phobic.

Iron Golem (Special): AC 3, HP 50, HD 10, MV 9". Breathes a gout of green flame which does magical fire damage and poisons the target (1-2); or, attacks with two fists (3-6) every round. The 5' long x 2' wide flame does 10 hp of damage to a single target (unless another target is aligned directly behind the first, in which case up to two targets can be affected by the gout) and requires a poison save to be made at -1 or the target takes an additional 1-4 poison damage every turn for 2-5 turns thereafter, or until cured; fist damage is 1-8+1 per hit. Immune to fire and electrical attacks.
Yes, that is indeed a correct transcription. You're welcome!

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