#1 couple in anime
Basically instead of % dice with really low chances to succeed it does a single D6 roll and only succeeds on a 1. At 1st level the Thief can has 4 points to use on Thief skills increase the threshold. So 1 point makes it a win on 1-2 on a D6 etc. Can never go past 1-5. You get 2 more points to spend per level up.
So at first level the Thief could dump all the points into Find/Remove Traps and have a 1-5 on a D6 to succeed.
The Thief in my OSE game a tad more frugal and now at level 3 has finally maxed out the Find/Remove Trap skill, and I'm wondering if Traps will be mostly pointless.
In OSE any trap has a chance to go off on a 1-4 (Or was it 1-2?) on a D6 if stepped on/messed with or whatever. So already a sort of "save roll" if they do trigger it you of course get another saving throw. This of course is if the Thief missed the trap and/or fails to disarm it. So like 2-3 rolls to avoid a trap.
On the flip side, traps are deadly. Poison gas? Dead. Plus Heroes have low HP so even a D6 or D8 of trap damage can be hurtful (thus wasting CLW spells/potions/scrolls).
Does that seem fair? The Thief has a 1 in 6 chance to fail to find a trap now. And even if she does the player hit by the trap still might not activate it and then gets a saving throw if they do.
So at first level the Thief could dump all the points into Find/Remove Traps and have a 1-5 on a D6 to succeed.
The Thief in my OSE game a tad more frugal and now at level 3 has finally maxed out the Find/Remove Trap skill, and I'm wondering if Traps will be mostly pointless.
In OSE any trap has a chance to go off on a 1-4 (Or was it 1-2?) on a D6 if stepped on/messed with or whatever. So already a sort of "save roll" if they do trigger it you of course get another saving throw. This of course is if the Thief missed the trap and/or fails to disarm it. So like 2-3 rolls to avoid a trap.
On the flip side, traps are deadly. Poison gas? Dead. Plus Heroes have low HP so even a D6 or D8 of trap damage can be hurtful (thus wasting CLW spells/potions/scrolls).
Does that seem fair? The Thief has a 1 in 6 chance to fail to find a trap now. And even if she does the player hit by the trap still might not activate it and then gets a saving throw if they do.