D&D 2E [2e] Monster Mythology Update Project

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Kereska Wonderbringer

Kereska Wonderbringer is the energetic deity of magic within the draconic pantheon, who is said to have taught dragons how to harness the innate magical powers Io infused in them at the time of creation. She delights in magical creativity and blesses those dragons undertaking magical research and creation.



Bahamut the Platinum Dragon

Bahamut the Platinum Dragon is the lord of metallic dragons, and one of the greatest forces for good in the multiverse. He is a wise being, and a paragon of enlightened justice, the melding of mercy and forgiveness with just punishment. He is the template many metallic dragons strive to emulate, especially silvers, golds, and bronzes.



Io the Ninefold Dragon

Wrapping up the draconic deities is the creator of all dragonkind himself, Io the Ninefold Dragon. Much like Annam, he is said to be the creator of the universe, wherein other deities have built their own worlds and own races. He is an experimental deity, tweaking dracoform species and their environments in order to produce unique combinations. Despite his experimentality, he is not a particularly active deity, preferring watching to interfering.



Koriel the Vigilant

Koriel the Vigilant is the patron of the ki-rin and t’uen-rin, as well as other powerful paragons of law and good. He is a wandering power, constantly working to foil the forces of evil throughout the outer planes, while sending his followers to face evil on the Prime Material Plane. He has only a small number of humanoid followers, who look to Koriel as a model of their behavior.

I’ve also revised my previous Jazirian entry and added a shamanistic humanoid cult.



Anguileusis the Abiding One

Anguileusis the Abiding One is the imprisoned patron deity of the Anguiliians, eel-like deep sea humanoids with some sort of connection to Sahuagin. The Anguiliians were first presented in the product Sea Devils, but there wasn’t a great deal about them in that book; they received more details in the last of the adventures that accompanied that product, Sea of Blood, which also introduced their imprisoned patron. Anguileusis can be used in a time-traveling campaign, or he could be released through the above-mentioned adventure.



Surminare the Selkie Queen

Surminare the Selkie Queen is the peaceful and gentle goddess of the selkies. She is a member of the asathalfinare, the loose alliance of aquatic deities headed by Deep Sashelas. She is not a warrior, but fights bravely to defend those she loves.

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Stillsong the Singing Sphere

Stillsong is a very unusual entity, apparently transitioning from one state to another. What he was before, and what he is to become is unknown. He grants no spells and has no priesthood, and represents a wandering benevolent force throughout the planes.



Syranita, Mistress of the Aarakocra

The only non-aquatic member of Deep Sashelas’s asathalfinare, Syranita, Mistress of the Aarakocra is the protector-goddess of the aarakocra. She is an excellent diplomat, and is always on the look out for new allies to help protect her gentle race.

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Ilxendren the Demonray

Ilxendren the Demonray was originally introduced in the 2nd Edition boxed-set adventure Night Below, along with the subterranean fresh water variant of the ixitxachitl, the ixzan. To a certain extant, Ilxendren represents the most dangerous threat to Demogorgon’s mortal power base, for unlike that tanar’ri power, Ilxendren shares many traits and elements with the devil fish themselves.


Voidrunner's Codex

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