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[3.0] Need help creating a fighter of undead


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Class: Primary-Fighter-Type (already a cleric and sorcerer in party)
Level: 12
Ability Scores: 28 point buy (or thereabouts)
Magic: No stated restriction
Campaign: Likely a "one-off"
Books Allowed: Core, Splat and Savage Species (no outer planar); No Psionics
Edition: 3.0
Background: World taken over by undead, trust no one

My initial thoughts:

Dwarf Fighter2-Forsaker10 (maxed con)
Human Druid5-Shifter7
Human Foe Hunter3-Ranger1-Paladin6-Monk1-Sorc1 (lots o' wands) eh, maybe not...

(also, no annis hags... a friend just played one.. half ogres
are OK... but I'd hate to give up the level)

Thanks in advance for the help,


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look in the Sutans of Smack thread for the cleric Turn Undead Smack.
Radiant Servant of Pelor is a good PrC (from Dragon #283) against undead.
Hospitaler in DotF gets the Glory domain, if memory serves.

Really, a well-=constructed Turn Undead specialist is much more powerful against undead than a fighter - plus, they never made a kick-butt undead fighter specialist PrC.

The Hunter of the Dead PrC is a joke.


First Post
Thanks for the input - I can't confirm, but I
get the feeling that turning either does not work
in this world or has been "nerfed" in some way
(something to do with the Sun being "eaten" I

Additionally, I would rather take the risk and
mash as many foes as possible before dying
(canst one mash an incorporeal foe? hmmm.).



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Dude, you're overlooking the most obvious thing. 'Hunter of the Undead'!

Can you begin play with a prestige class?

If so start off with Ranger (favorite emeny: undead), than 4 levels in Paladin(allowing you to turn undead).

Take 5 levels in 'Hunter of the Undead'. Than start taking levels (2) in Foe Hunter:Undead

Alternate between 'Foe Hunter' and 'Hunter of the Udead'from there. Since at some point you want that 10th level 'Hunter of the Undead' ability of not being drained levels from undead attacks.

As to your turning not working, great! At 8th level 'Hunter' you can convert them to positive energy bursts.

You will have great saves too.

But most importantly you'll have kick @ss abilities against undead.


First Post
Well, as reapersaurus said, "The Hunter of the Dead PrC is a joke."

I tend to agree. I liked to forsaker due to the high fort
saves. I suppose I can boost the SR if I throw away a
few levels on drow or duergar.

The problem is a gaggle of shadows or a high level
vampire or two, and it does not matter how many
hit points you have. Also, that high nat. armor AC
becomes useless (assuming touch attacks).

Any other suggestions?



First Post
So now I am thinking:

Derro Paladin/Forsaker or fighter/forsaker


Ghoul Foe Hunter-Ranger
(what is the ECL? Can you have a foe of your own type?)

If you don't have access to turning, what is the best
"fighter-type" to combat undead and keep them off
your spell casters?



If you're playing a fighter type, consider taking a level of ranger and dual-wielding ghost touch disrupting weapons. If you can get your DM to allow you to put 'impact' (Magic of Faerun, basically keen for bludgeoning weapons) on them, and you have the cash for it, go for broke. Get improved critical with whatever weapon it is, too, so you have a better chance of those disruption hits getting through.

Or, use a light disruping weapon in your off hand, and a big weapon with undead bane (bastard sword or dwarven waraxe) in your primary hand. Holy's a good choice too.

This works better in 3.5, where it's a feat cheaper (and undead bane is only a +1).

Definitely consider ghost touch on your armor - or bracers of armor for that matter - since either will block those pesky incorporeal touch attacks. As for the corporeal ones, well, Expertise is going to be your best friend, because dodge bonuses work just fine.

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daemonslye said:
Well, as reapersaurus said, "The Hunter of the Dead PrC is a joke."

I tend to agree.

Really, I tend to ignore unsupported opinions.

Why is it a joke?

Its not the most powerful at the lower levels, but a joke?

A 15th level character that can't have their levels or stats drained by undead is pretty friggin good. Forget the gagles of shadows and a few vampires,with 3.5 one could come across more than a few high leveled undead with big BAB that drain you with every hit.

The positive energy burst is pretty nice too starting out with 8d6 to a 50' radius against all undead.

Lets not forget True Death at 5th level that destroys undead for good. Nothing to sneeze. Toss in a smite undead ability and a small amount of spells; min max that with several levels of Foe Hunter and paladin and you've got a good undead fighter.

BTW demonslaye you can have Foe Hunter for ALL undead, not just a single undead type.

How realistic is it to actually play a Forsaker? Does one have large supply of minor magical items lying around?

Are you in a very high magic world?
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First Post
I like Sunbeam, but that would take you one more Druid level.

I also like pure druids. Go Figure.

But still...13d6 to a line of enemies X 4 for one spell, destruction of vampires and the like off a failed save, reflex for blindness?

I like Sunbeam/burst.
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First Post
youspoonybard said:
I like Sunbeam, but that would take you one more Druid level.

I also like pure druids. Go Figure.

You are preeching to the converted. Druids in 3.5 are even more interesting.

I'm still trying to find the right game to play an evil druid.

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