[3.5] I have combined the SRD into nice PDF files (Updated)


3rd Update: I have combined all files into one PDF file. It's almost 8 megs large. Link is below.

2nd Update: I have added some more bookmarks and cleaned up a bit.

Update: All files now have the Open Gaming License within them for legal purposes. Also, thanks to NeghVar, I was able to get the final Psionics file and create a PDF from it. I ask that everyone delete the files they have now and download the newest ones that include the OGL.

I find the SRD hard to read because it is split up. I have taken the liberty of combining the SRD into nice PDF files with bookmarks. They are easier to read and navigate.


Edit: Here are all files zipped up:

http://members.cox.net/3ednd/srd.zip (7 MB)

Edit: Here is the one big SRD PDF file. Right click and choose Save-As to save it.

http://members.cox.net/fake.addy/SRD.pdf (8 MB)
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For some reason, some of the bold and italicized text on my viewer (Acrobat 4.0) runs together on the "basics" PDF, scrunching long words into just a few characters in length and/or overwriting characters. Check out the race names for example.
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Lazybones said:
For some reason, some of the bold and italicized text on my viewer (Acrobat 4.0) runs together on the "basics" PDF, scrunching long words into just a few characters in length and/or overwriting characters. Check out the race names for example.

I used Adobe 6.0 to create it and am using it to view it. I see nothing wrong with it. :(

I know that the Acrobat 6.0 Viewer is a free download. Perhaps you can use it. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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