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3 weeks till new Who!


Eternal Optimist
I haven't watched it since it was broadcast, but "Victory of the Daleks" may be the worst episode of nuWho. (I'm only hedging my bets because I refuse to rewatch it and confirm just how bad it was.)

I really enjoyed the first half. It was just in the second half everything went horribly wrong. Watch until the Doctor is taken to the Dalek spaceship and stop.

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First Post
I really enjoyed the first half. It was just in the second half everything went horribly wrong. Watch until the Doctor is taken to the Dalek spaceship and stop.

That's about the first third of the episode.

And you're a right: It's OK up to that point. A trifle repetitive and overwritten (the Doctor has three arguments with Churchill which are just the two of them shouting "nuh-uh" and "uh-huh" at each other). But nothing too terrible.

Once the cookie comes out, though, it's pretty much all down hill from there: Daleks on Parade, converting airplanes for a space war in less than 5 minutes, the Doctor standing around waiting to get shot for no reason, the Doctor waiting to disrupt their shields until after a bunch of people have needlessly died, repeating the exact same Earth-or-Dalek decision that was made at the end of S1 (but only half-assed this time), the Daleks remotely activating a timer instead of just remotely detonating the bomb, the Doctor doing a Captain Kirk on the bomb... God. It's terrible.

Although, hey, look at that. It's got the same ending as "Rings of Akhaten": The Doctor gives a big speech full of bombast and nonsense. It doesn't work. The companion steps up, uses the same tactic with less bombast and a slightly different flavor, and it totally works that time.

I've actually never understood the overwhelming loathing peopel have for "Love & Monsters". I don't think it's top tier, but I thought it was an interesting story that was well told. Possibly I'm biased because I like Marc Warren and Shirley Henderson.


I have to confess that I enjoyed this episode thoroughly. Though I realize most people despised it.


First Post
As a result of this thread, I've been randomly sampling older episodes.

"Blink" is so very, very good. The comparison to what's currently being produced is painful. Particularly notable for the "Rings of Akhaten", given that the ending of the sun god is literally identical to the original of the MO the weeping angels -- the consumption of unlived days. The whole of space and time, but we just keep coming back to the same half dozen ideas.

Mark Hope

I thought Love and Monsters was lots of fun.

As for the more recent episodes, I've completely given up on them making sense. I watch the show with my kids and my metric for "is it a good episode?" is simply "did the kids laugh, jump, hide or look otherwise engaged?" If so, then it's a good episode. I get the feeling that's all Moffat is interested in as well. A shame, because there have been some really stellar stories since the show returned. It just seems like the current approach is "well, it's a kids show so it doesn't have to make sense." OK. If that's how it is, then that's how it is. But it could be so much more.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Doctor Who has always been a schlocky but fun show, old and new. It's very evident when watching that the writers, crew, and cast all have a very good time making it. Over analyzing light entertainment rather misses the point, IMO. I watched the old Doctor Who beginning with Baker (like a lot of Americans my age) and watched some of the older ones when they aired. My watching of Davidson-Era Who and after was catch-as-catch-can. The new stuff I catch more often than not but I don't block time for the show. It's fun just like the old stuff was and I can't help but think that over-investing in the show makes enjoying it somewhat less likely.


It would also be interesting to see Torchwood make another run as well as the speculated Madame Vastra and Jenny kids show. Torchwood was much darker and more adult, Sarah Jane was for the kids and Doctor Who slid in the middle nicely.

Love & Monsters and Rings of Akhetan (to me) both were pretty kid-centric, and there's usually one in each season like Aliens of London/World War Three, Fear Her, The Runaway Bride, Partners in Crime and The Beast Below. These are often my least-favorite episodes (excepting The Beast Below) but also often my nephew's favorites.


Torchwood was more adolescent than adult. It tried to be adult, but did so simply by having swearing and lots of bed-hopping. It seemed to be as if it didn't know what adult really meant. Also, the show did not really have a focus.

Even in the campy old days of the 70s and 80s, Barry Letts, and Terrance Dicks, and the other producers would have a stock of the latest scientific journals on hand to ground the show in the latest theories (even if they were later disproven). Some of the ideas seem very simplistic now (plate tectonics shifting the continents was brand new when The Silurians was first aired).
The new show, esp lately, seems to have switched tracks to "The Doctor is a fairy-tale Wizard, and the sonic screw-driver is his magic wand". Yes, River even says words to that effect. It just seems to have lost it's driving life and energy. Stories don't even bother to be internally consistent anymore. The arcs seem very forced and shoe-horned in (even more than in RTD's time). I'd prefer 12 or even 6 really good stories with no arc to 15 meh or weak stories with a blah arc.
But that's just me.
I went through series 1-4 last month, and had a blast. Even the 4.5 specials (though Planet of the Doomed was missing from NetFlix for some reason. Oh, and I skipped Lover&Monsters and Fear Her.)


I have a question.
Season 6 has Amy's tacked on intro during the opening credits. Do they get rid of that for 7? Honestly, it reminds me of Remington Steele, Quantum Leap and a bunch of bad 80s TV openings. Doctor Who is supposed to be better than that.

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