D&D 4E 4E Character Optimization WOTC rescue Handbook Guide

Good work MwaO!

Can I request that the guides get labeled with the class name up front, and then put in alpha. order by class name? Because I can never remember how they are named. :)

I have offline saves for the old CharOpt threads for Slayer, Scout, and Thief. Should I put those somewhere or will you grab them from the Wayback Machine?

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Good work MwaO!

Can I request that the guides get labeled with the class name up front, and then put in alpha. order by class name? Because I can never remember how they are named. :)

I have offline saves for the old CharOpt threads for Slayer, Scout, and Thief. Should I put those somewhere or will you grab them from the Wayback Machine?

If you can put them up in the WotC evacuation forum, that would be good. Also, Killswitch needs to be brought back from the dead. They are in alphabetical naming order at the moment, though.


Started adding links to the payback machine CharOp posts. If you can find yours, probably a good idea to link to the thread to make it easy to see discussion.

Example from the 1st page of the Monk Handbook:
Link to Original Thread: This is a link to the original thread in the Wayback Time Machine if you want to access commentary.

Fred Derf

First Post
First of all, thanks for moving all of this stuff.

Did the "The At-Will To Power (A Guide to At-Will Enhancing)" ever make it to Enworld? I managed to get the stuff I was interested in from the Wayback machine but I was unable to open the spoiler boxes. The only thing I was able to easily read was a really old copy before he added the spoiler boxes.

Also, do we have a post that lists all the available backgrounds in one place?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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