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4e [Eberron] BnP Keep on the Shadowfell (Yea, though I walk through the valley of th)

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Douven is bloodied by Adain's blast.

Brock realizing that he can't catch the swift human moves back help flank the drake allowing Zaram to strike it down.

[sblock=ooc]will figure out whether Adain got bit by the drake on Monday...

With the +2 to flank Zaram hits.
Think it's Tyron -> douven -> Adain now.

Walking Dad

First Post
Tyron follows the Douven-creature, firing a psychic blast at it's mind.

[sblock=ooc]Moving up diagonally to T4 to avoid AoOs from the drake. Then to Q4. Gain concealment (stealth check)
Using Eyebite against false-Douven.

Eyebite (to hit vs will, damage, curse) (1d20+6=12, 1d6+4=10, 1d6=3)

Not good. But perhaps with the reduced will defense...

[sblock=Stats]AC 15 F: 13 R: 13 W: 15
Basic attack: +4; 1d10+4 (E.Blast)
26/28 hp
0/1 AP
Healing Surges: 5/9 (7 hp)

Eldritch Blast (At will)
Eyebite (At will)

Witchfire (1/Encounter)
Commander's Strike (1/Encounter)
Dread Star (1/Day)[/sblock]


OOC: Drakes dead.

Douven stumbles under Tyron's assault but seems to avoid the effect. He stumbles over the rocks, crashes through the underbrush and throws himself into the lake.

[sblock=Tyron missed by one]Will save normally 15 -2... 13. :([/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Graf said:
OOC: Drakes dead.

Douven stumbles under Tyron's assault but seems to avoid the effect. He stumbles over the rocks, crashes through the underbrush and throws himself into the lake.

[sblock=Tyron missed by one]Will save normally 15 -2... 13. :([/sblock]
ooc: And to make it worse, I added only the post time and not my primeshot bonus...


[sblock=OOC: if it makes you feel better]...you're about 4 hit points shy of dropping him, even if you hit.[/sblock]


Iridian moves to the lake shore to try and shoot the fleeing Douven.

[sblock=ooc]With a long range of 40 (or 200') its likely that most people would have to surface a few times, especially if they are carrying a chest or did he drop that?[/sblock]


Iridian reaches the waters edge and sees the chest floating a short way off. It seems that Douven is trying to use it as a shield, while swimming. The small chest provides some cover.

Iridian begins to fire off arrow after arrow at the retreating figure.

The the chest makes a lurching bounce accompanied by a yelp as fourth finds it's mark.

Iridian scans the water. Thirty seconds later a gasping Douven surfaces some distance (22 squares) away.
OOC should you miss
He surfaces again about thirty seconds after that (40 squares away).
[sblock=OOC: Shooting Gallery]
Starts off 4 squares away.
Travels for six rounds before having to surface. (speed/2 (3) x 6 = 18 squares)
So 22 squares away.

Goes another six rounds before needs to surface.
->40 squares away.
[sblock=DM ONLY, don't read please]
I really am this lazy...
[sblock=Super secret stuff]
Endurance +2, Athletics +1, Stealth +9
hp 4[/sblock][/sblock]


The rest of the party takes some time to check around the dig site.

The most notable discovery is the body of Douven ir'Staul, buried in a shallow grave (J7). He was probably killed last night; the ropes around his arms and legs and clean knife wound to the throat suggest that he didn't have much of a chance to fight.

You note that one of his favorite possessions, a magical locket with protective properties and a picture of his wife and children, is missing. The sharp-minded among you recall that the impostor was wearing it.

The rest of the dig site includes a small partially-exhumed skeleton of what looks like a dragon, tools for digging (picks, chisels, etc) as well as other sundries (sacks, rope, etc). From the refuse lying in the corners of the dig site it appears they were here for at least several weeks.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Kill it, E13! :)

Adain bows his head when the body is found, and says a funeral prayer to the Flame, even though Douven followed the Host. With saddened eyes, he addresses the others. We must bring the Lady the sad news. Perhaps return to Winterhaven to see if they have a Sivis messenger, then set back out on the morrow.

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