D&D 4E [4E] Which classes would you prefer to see in a clone

Which 8 classes would you put as the most necessary classes in a 4e clone

  • Avenger (Stalker or Divine Hunter?)

    Votes: 11 25.6%
  • Barbarian

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Bard

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • Cleric

    Votes: 29 67.4%
  • Druid

    Votes: 14 32.6%
  • Fighter

    Votes: 30 69.8%
  • Invoker (Avatar, Allegiant, Divine Soul)

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 24 55.8%
  • Ranger

    Votes: 20 46.5%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 29 67.4%
  • Sorcerer

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • Shaman

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • Warden (Bravestar? Wild guardian)

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • Warlord

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Wizard

    Votes: 31 72.1%
  • Assassin

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Monk

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Swordmage

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • Psion

    Votes: 6 14.0%


As the title states, which classes would you prefer to see in a Clone of 4e. I don't think I'll have the time to put every class in the clone, so some of those that I include will be pared down. Some will have other names.

Attempting to create a thread with a poll, hopefully this works and you can choose 8 options.

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Personally, I'm privy to the Ranger and Bard, but not so keen on the Shaman.

For classes which I absolutely cannot see how we could use the actual class name and would have to come up with some alternate class which is very similar...I've included various options (not final by anymeans, just thoughts on the matter).

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
Barbarian (Primal/ Striker)
Bard (Arcane/ Leader)
Cleric (Divine/ Leader)
Druid (Primal/ Controller)
Fighter (Martial/ Defender)
Paladin (Divine/ Defender)
Rogue (Martial/ Striker)
Wizard (Arcane/ Controller)

2 of each role and power sources. Minimal overlap.


Barbarian (Primal/ Striker)
Bard (Arcane/ Leader)
Cleric (Divine/ Leader)
Druid (Primal/ Controller)
Fighter (Martial/ Defender)
Paladin (Divine/ Defender)
Rogue (Martial/ Striker)
Wizard (Arcane/ Controller)

2 of each role and power sources. Minimal overlap.

Just make sure the Fighter gets Warlord options.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I also agree with above posters about the 8 primary classes. I believe the more ''exotic'' classes of 4e can be subclasses of the main classes. I dont remember the name, but in 4e when you chose to be a fighter, you decided at level 1 if you were a one-handed weapon specialist or a two-handed weapon specialist. Invoker, Avenger, Warlord, Swordmage, Warden, Assassin and warlock can be subclasses of another class. Then when you create your power lists, you just have to add some rider to benefit a subclasses or another.

Cleric: Warpriest, Monk or Druid
Fighter: Weapon master, shieldmaster or Warlord (be sure to have powers allow for ranged attacks not just melee like in 4e)
Rogue: Assassin (give some ''hunter mark'' or such, Thief (movement specialist), Bard (more controller with party buff)
Wizard: Arcanist (spellbook), Warlock (summoner/augur) or Swordmage (weapon as implement, more defense)

Wilder (Barbarian/ranger): Battlerager (classic barb), Beastmaster, Ranger
Sorcerer: Dragon Soul, Chaos Soul, Divine Soul (there you find your 4e Invoker)
Paladin: Knight (classic pal), Cavalier (mount based), Avenger (cloth armor, large weapon 4e zealot)
Psion: Ardent, Battlemind or Lurk

Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Wizard - because it's not D&D without the big 4
Warlord - because it's the best class ever made and the most 4e of the 4e stuff
Paladin - because it's my favorite archetype
Barbarian - because sometimes people just want to hit stuff really hard, but not be sneaky about it like the Rogue
Swordmage - because it's another common archetype (the guy-who-fights-with-sword-and-spell-at-same-time)

Not on my list:
Ranger - kill him, divide his stuff up between the Rogue and the Barbarian
Druid - just a specialized Cleric of a nature deity

Also for both of the above: I hate pets. And shapechanging.

Warlock - I really wanted to include this class because it's also very cool. I wouldn't be entirely sad to drop the Barbarian, give his stuff to the Fighter, and add the Warlock to the list.

Everything else - too niche (Avenger) or pointless (Bard) or stupid in play (Monk).

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
Just make sure the Fighter gets Warlord options.
Sure you don't want to take another half-a-second to think about that? What kind of options are you thinking about?

How is this going to influence similar options for other classes that other people are going to want to see? Do we do the same thing for Wizards and Warlocks? What about Paladins and Avengers? What about the rest of the classes? Do we need to come up with similar ideas for all of them to keep everything balanced, or do we just let things get skewed from the get-go and hope to correct them in future supplements?

Are these going to be options for class builds for each character like original 4e (Great Weapon or Guardian Fighter), or more similar to separate classes like Essentials (Knight and Slayer)?

Will they share the same class features so they can have the same options regardless of build, or do players need to choose?

Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of ways to do this. But if you do something with Warlord, then there's opportunities to include some other classes as well. So maybe go ahead and take a full minute on this one. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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