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5 rpgs I would take to a deserted island.


So there's just me on this desert island and no-one to actually game with?



Let's assume there's some other gamers there but you're the only one who has brought some rpgs ;)

And what type of gamers are these people? Do I know them? Have we ever gamed together before? What kind of games do they like? What will we use for character sheets, pencils, and dice?

So many questions left it is hard to decide. :-S

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Greg K

1. Mutants and Masterminds 2e (with Ultimate Power)

2. True20 Revised

3. d20Modern (conditional): I would have to be able to take along the following supplements:
- Elements of Magic:ME
- Psychic's Handbook
- Blood and Fists.
- Modern Player's Companion
(If I can include the entire line of Adamant and RPGO d20Modern products along, even better).

4. DND 3e (conditional): At minimum, I must be able to take along the following supplements:
- Unearthed Arcana
- Book of Iron Might
- Elements of Magic: Revised
- Psychic's Handbook
- Shaman's Handbook,
- Witch's Handbook
- Advanced Bestiary
- Fiend Folio
- MM2
- Artificer's Handbook

5. Either of the following:
a) Rolemaster RMSS (with all of the RMSS supplements and School of Hard Knocks); or
b) Shadowrun 3e (with Magic in the Shadows and the SR Companion)
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1. D&D Rules Cyclopedia
2. Hackmaster
3. Call of Cthulhu (any edition)
4. Talislanta (any edition)
5. Risus - can't really count since it's so easy to learn/memorize, but I don't feel like adding some hybrid of HoL and Fantasy Wargaming to start some evil cult on the island....


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Dave's Completely Realistic Boat-building and Desert Island Survival Game :)
Quite simulationist, then? :)

As for me:
- Some version of D&D (I have my prefs, but when on a deserted island, won't be choosy)
- oWoD Mage (w/ all its flaws, still love it better than the new incarnation)
- Fudge/Fate
- Paranoia
- DCRBDISG mentioned above :)

Fallen Seraph

First Post
We talked this over in the office and agree that 5 RPGs is too generous. The real question is "What 5 RPG books would you take?"
Well for that list:

-nWoD Core Rulebook (Can run all my modern and horror games)
-Promethean: The Created Core Rulebook (My favourite RPG of all time)
-Cthulhtech Core Rulebook (Can run my sci-fi/cyberpunk/mecha games)
-4e PHB
-4e MM (These two to run my fantasy games, I am bad at making monsters so would need that more then the DMG).

Greg K

We talked this over in the office and agree that 5 RPGs is too generous. The real question is "What 5 RPG books would you take?"

In that case,

1, Mutants and Masterminds 2e
2. M&M: Ultimate Powers

3-5 would be either

a) True20 Revised, True20 Bestiary, and Elements of Magic:Mythic Earth (because I would want to adapt EOM to True20); or

b) d20Modern, Elements of Magic:Mythic Earth and Psychic's Handbook . That still leaves out Blood and Fists: Master Edition. Hmmm... if I print out my pdfs of EOM:ME and B&F:ME and place them into a single notebook, would that count as one book? :p


First Post
If we only get 5 books, things could get hairy. I might even cut D&D.

In no particular order
1) Shadowrun 3rd
2) Mekton Zeta
3) Mekton Zeta Plus (Expanded creation rules!)
4) Hero 5th Edition
5) 4E PHB. I guess I'm going to have to hope I memorized the Monster creation rules. :p

If I get actual systems with enough to run the basic game (1-3 books), that's a bit more fair.

In which case it becomes

1) D&D 4E
2) Mekton Zeta
4) Shadowrun 3E
5) Star Wars SAGA (Not out of love so much as need for the ability to do space opera without giant robots).

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
1) D&D 3.5
2) Pathfinder RPG
3) Cthulhu D20
4) Monte Cook's World of Darkness
5) Mutants & Masterminds (including upcoming Wizards & Warlocks)

...and a laptop with a zpm to power it to be able to continue working on my Tale of the Twin Suns RPG.


First Post
Well, I think most people have, indeed, listed single books - probably with the exception of D&D, because of the multibook approach (a lot of other RPGs can be played with one book alone pretty well, D&D less so). Also: Get these lists from the office and post them here!

Cheers, LT.

Yeah, good point. Most people have listed just a single book, although I realised I only wrote Pathfinder as my #1.

Revised list:
1) Pathfinder core rulebook
2) Shadowrun core rulebook 3rd edition
3) Dark Conspiracy core rulebook
4) Earthdawn core rulebook 2nd edition
5) Mmm...have to change my Alternity choice (because of the 2 core rulebooks) to...Rules Cyclopedia or Call of Cthulhu.

Yeah, that sounds about right...for now ;)

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