I personally would not have used that comparison, because of how fundamentally confusing and poorly-handled THAC0 was.
Fundamentally, I disagree.
Not at all. Druid + Natural Spell is PHB, achievable at level 6. Plenty of what you can do in 3.5e that is stupidly broken is PHB or early supplements and comes online within the first 10 levels. Nightstick abuse, for example, ain't hard to achieve and uses a book from 2004, literally almost immediately after 3.5e launched.
Again, I disagree. It can be fine if everyone in the group is specifically on board with a very particular playstyle and actively avoids certain kinds of things. You basically have to intentionally ignore what the rules actually are, and actively work to play purely with the incentives and playstyles of 2nd edition. Which, you might be surprised to hear, is exactly what the 3e designers did. They presumed people would choose to continue playing exactly the way they did in 2e, and thus tried to make a system that would be rewarding. That's why Clerics are so powerful, because it was expected that they would be Brother Bactine more than half the time, and thus the power would be mitigated by choosing not to use it.