5e 20 Level Divine Class: The Godsman

Capn Charlie

Recently I am running a low to no magic super gritty medieval style game, and as great as fighters, rogues, barbarians and spellless rangers are, I wanted a divine class. This led me to build a mostly spell-less cleric, the Godsman. The Flavor is campaign specific, but you generally get the idea, I should think. Keep in mind that this class is designed to use gritty long term healing, where short rests are a day, and long rests are a week that require a town.

I would love some feedback, so let me know what you think.

The Godsman


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[MENTION=16046]Capn Charlie[/MENTION] I really like the flavor you're shooting for. If you haven't already, I recommend checking out Green Ronin's Medieval Player's Manual; it has a whole section on charisma which have a similar feel to what you're doing. Only had time to give it a cursory read-through, but for your specific house rules it looks mostly balanced...only thing I'd caution you to think carefully about is giving higher level spell access earlier on than in the PHB, for example, the control weather 6th level class feature for The Spirits. That's an 8th-level spell (usually available only at 15th level) that you're giving them at 6th level.

I was really stuck on giving the godsman something competitive and cool at 6, when other classes are getting their neat toys. Continuing in the theme of "is this guy for real?", weather control seemed on point, but on reflection is a pretty high powered ability. I will iterate that some more, see what feels right.

That looks interesting. My eyes were drawn to the higher end: Astral Projection doesn't really seem to fit. Something like Resurrection or Gate might be a better fit.

As for the low end, how about putting Divine Intervention at level 6 instead of the ASI? At that level the godsman has about the same chance of getting Divine Intervention as getting a critical hit. More actually, if you allow Inspiration, Guidance, Advantage, etc to be applied to the roll. Give the class an extra Portent at 10th level instead. And drop the ASI at 14th for just the extra Portent - compare with the Fighter's Indomitable class feature

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