D&D 5E [5e] Gnoll


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This is my attempt to port the 4e Gnoll Race from this source: http://www.wizards.com/files/367_Playing_Gnolls.pdf

I took that as a basis and modified it using 5e Language and concepts as I understand them. Is this balanced?

Original 4e Race as basis:
RACIAL TRAITS Average Height: 7’ 0” – 7’ 6” Average Weight: 280–320 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares
Vision: Low-light

Languages: Abyssal, Common
Skill Bonuses: +2 Intimidate, +2 Perception

Blood Fury: While you’re bloodied, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. This increases to a +4 bonus at 21st level.
Pack Attack: You deal an extra 2 damage on melee attacks against an enemy that has two or more of your allies adjacent to it.
Ferocious Charge: You can use ferocious charge as an encounter power.

You lunge toward the enemy and, with a tirade of curses, un- leash the wrath of Yeenoghu upon your hapless foe.

Encounter Standard Action Personal Effect: You charge, and deal an extra 2 damage on a successful attack. Increase the extra damage to 4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level. If you are bloodied, double the extra damage and gain an equal number of temporary hit points.

My 5e version can be seen here:

I may choose to make the racial stat bonus to Strength based on Volo's Guide to Monsters description as follows: Strength, hunger and fear are the three concepts that every Gnoll extols. Strength allows a Gnoll to overwhelm, kill and devour a foe. Hunger motivates a Gnoll to go forth and slay in Yeenoghu's name. Fear is a weapon used against enemies to make them easy prey. In concert, all three play a role in advancing Yeenoghu's goals.

The skill proficiency is based partly in the Fear mantra most Gnolls follow in Yeenoghu's name in addition to the fact that Gnoll search for omens everywhere for signs from their demonic lord. The same is true for the Hunger that drives their bite and their rampage to eat. Pack Attack was adapted from the +2 damage version the 4e Gnoll came with as I copy and pasted it to change it to the Kobold's version. I don't know how to convert the Blood Fury if if it should just be removed as a racial trait from 4e's version.
Based on Volo's Guide I gave them a proficiency with bows like the Elven Proficiency. The section about "Kill from a Distance" implies they always scavenge and carry bows with them from those they have killed.

Other points to consider: Changing racial stat bonus to +2 Strength to keep in line with Volo's guide but it would not have synergy with the Bow Proficiency. "Leave No Survivors" section says Gnolls attempt to travel as stealthily as possible leaving open a possible proficiency in stealth. Thoughts on inclusions/changes?

Possible changes: Proficiency in Stealth perhaps giving a choice of two skills (Choose two from Stealth, Intimidate and Perception), changing the Dexterity racial bonus to Strength.

Picking through the highlights:

  • The Gift of Yeenoghu: "Strength, hunger and fear are the three concepts that every gnoll extols. Strength allows a gnoll to overwhelm, kill and devour a foe. Hunger motivates a gnoll to go forth and slay in Yeenoghu's name. Fear is a weapon used against enemies to make them easy prey. In concert all three play a role in advancing Yeenoghu's goals."

Mostly why I am considering making them +2 Strength, +1 Con, in addition to my source for Intimidation skill. Also Hunger feels like the source for Rampage and the Bite to...eat in mid combat. Seems fitting.

  • Omens from beyond: "As such, gnolls instinctively look for such omens to guide their activities, and they find them in many places. Among the signs that gnolls rely on are the blood trails and spatters left behind after making a meal of an intelligent humanoid. They attach significance to a number of other phenomena as well, including the sight of arrows in flight, the rush of the wind, and sounds of howling or cackling laughter that have no discernible source".

This would speak to me a bonus in perception, always aware of their surroundings, almost paranoid.

  • Butcher the Weak: "Gnolls seek only to kill, and as such prefer to deal with weak, easy targets." Probably these are susceptible to fear. It also states "An enemy that can fight back is an enemy to save for later."

Not a lot to draw from racially here but it does make a point toward NOT having pack tactics. In general they like easy to win fights, they just want to get in and get out.

  • Overwhelm the Strong: "Gnolls attack intelligent prey that is capable of resisting them ONLY when the most powerful omens from Yeenoghu compel them to do so." They don't LIKE to do this and don't do it naturally. It almost needs to be forced. However "They cooperate to gang up on each of the individuals in a group of explorers or adventurers, or if the prey is more numerous they will rush forward in waves. The creatures will crawl over their own dead to climb a castle's walls and kill all within it.

That last set of statements is where I drew Pack Tactics from in addition to a carry over from 4e. So it seems like a forced behavior which makes it illigible to be cut in my mind. It's not a natural Gnoll thing Yeenoghu makes them. If you're a good gnoll that's been cleansed from your demonic corruption you will probably never feel compelled to do this. This is similar to real life Hyenas that prefer to avoid Lions and other large predators even when it groups. They prefer to run and fight another day. They ARE predators not just scavengers, but they don't just go into fights to fight. So I this makes a case FOR Pack Attack but the previous section makes a case AGAINST Pack Attack.

  • Kill From a Distance: "Almost every gnoll carries a bow scavenged from a past victim. Gnolls use ranged attacks mainly to prevent their target from fleeing, rather than softening up their targets with an initial barrage of arrows before an assault."

There's more here but this is where I drew the Bow proficiency from. I was thinking about literally just Longbow or Longbow/Shortbow no crossbow at all. In addition some more of this subsection seems to support pack tactics indirectly. Still conflicted with this.

  • Leave no Survivors: "To keep from being detected between major raids, the gnolls move through the wilderness with as much stealth as they can marshall. They never leave survivors in any group they set upon, and will pursue a fleeing enemy for days to prevent it from getting to a town or a city and raising an alarm."

This is the line that made me consider a proficiency in stealth. They like to be quiet, unseen and unnoticed by this writing.

Based PURELY on these articles it looks like:

  • Bow Proficiency. Just Bow. No crossbow, just normal bow.
  • Stealth, Intimidate, and Perception proficiency
  • Rampage + Bite due to hunger?
  • +2 Strength, +1 Con instead of Dex?
  • Pack Tactics strong maybe many points for/against

It doesn't mention they are particularly fast. 30 base movement is probably normal. 35 feet was a carry over from 4e 7 squares, but none of this flavor necessarily implies they move fast or run far except MAYBE if you're stretching the whole "runs after enemies no matter what for forever" but...that doesn't mean they run FAR just they have a lot of endurance (+1 con). All the monster stat blocks just say 30 feet in the MM and Volos. They also ALL have Darkvision, even the undead one. So the monster stats uniformly have: Rampage (every single one has it), Darkvision and 30 feet movement speed. MOST have a "Longbow" attack also matching the above point.

How strong would:

  • +2 Dex (Strength more appropriate???), +1 Con
  • 30 speed
  • Darkvision
  • Longbow Proficiency (Shortbow feels greedy but maybe both bows?)
  • Stealth, Perception, Intimidate proficiency
  • Rampage
  • Bite to have a mechanic to use rampage (It feels like the bite and rampage are paired. If I removed Rampage I'd remove the bite.)
  • Tentative Pack Attack but probably just willing to cut

Monster Stats:

  • 30 feet
  • Darkvision
  • 1 has Intimidate/Perception, 1 has Stealth/Perception
  • 5/7 Gnolls have Longbow
  • 6/7 Have Bite/Rampage
  • 0/7 have Pack Tactics - this cues me it should be deleted
  • 7/7 know Gnoll, 2/7 know Abyssal


  • +2 Dex/Str (which one?), +1 Con
  • Darkvision
  • 30 speed
  • Longbow Proficiency
  • Bite
  • Rampage
  • Perception and either Stealth or Intimidate? Intimidate feels more...fundamental. Stealth only 1 guy has.
  • Common, Gnoll Language. Maybe Abyssal?

Conclusion score 7 seems to be the score without stealth 7.5

  • 3 points for abilities
  • 0.5 Darkvision
  • 0.5 for "Weapon Proficiency" (it's only 1 not 4)
  • 1 (natural weapon 1d6)
  • 1 (Change an Action to a Bonus Action?)
  • 1 for two skill proficiency (Perception, Intimidate)

This is a flat 7. with Stealth it would be 8 actually, and with abysall 8.5 which feels just excessive. I would not add Abyssal since only two out of seven gnolls know it. I wouldn't include Stealth proficiency its too much. From rough memory it seems to mesh well with Tabaxi...about the same score.

They get:

  • 3 from +2 Dex, +1 Con
  • 0.5 Darkvision
  • 1 Can move double their speed in combat (30 feet), can't do again until they move 0 feet
  • 0.5 Natural Claws (1d4)
  • 1 for 20 feet of climbing speed
  • 1.5 for Stealth and Perception proficiency

That totals to 7.5 roughly - about the same strength as my Gnoll, Elves and Dwarves. Seems solid. Strong, but solid compared to many racial options out. I think I figured out how that Musicus score thing worked.

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There were a number of gnoll threads last year before Volo's appeared (here's one). One of them pointed me to a nice, playable gnoll in Southlands Heroes.

I encourage you to look at it.

My sense, as an unashamed gnoll fan, is that what you have here is too powerful:
two skill proficiencies
1d6 bite (rather than d4)
35' speed
and pack tactics
-- all of these need to be dialled back, and proficiency in Abyssal should be replaced with proficiency in Gnoll.

Rampage and a Strength bonus, 60' darkvision, and a d4 bite should be the core. I like the idea of Intimidation proficiency. I'd include an intelligence or charisma penalty and not worry about being a bit behind (cf orcs in Volo's), but I understand you may not want that.

Hope this helps.
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There were a number of gnoll threads last year before Volo's appeared (here's one). One of them pointed me to a nice, playable gnoll in Southlands Heroes.

I encourage you to look at it.

My sense, as an unashamed gnoll fan, is that what you have here is too powerful:
two skill proficiencies
1d6 bite (rather than d4)
35' speed
and pack tactics
-- all of these need to be dialled back, and proficiency in Abyssal should be replaced with proficiency in Gnoll.

Rampage and a Strength bonus, 60' darkvision, and a d4 bite should be the core. I like the idea of Intimidation proficiency. I'd include an intelligence or charisma penalty and not worry about being a bit behind (cf orcs in Volo's), but I understand you may not want that.

Hope this helps.

Ah the bite was modeled after the Lizardman.

The 35 movement speed is a carry over from the 7 squares in 4e but iirc none of the Gnolls in 5e have more than 30' movement speed. So I can reduce that to 30 no problem.

The skill proficiency are modeled after the lore, but I can remove them if they're too strong. I don't feel they add a lot, but it was mostly from the 4e PDF and 5e Volo's lore about scavenging.

Pack Tactics is from 4e and also seems to be core to the identity of Gnolls in lore. I feel I must keep it even if I need to prune everything else.

I don't mind changing the language to just Gnoll, I didn't know there was a difference between Abyssal Gnoll and Abyssal.

+2 Str, +1 Cha? +2 Str, +1 Dex? +2 Str, +1 Con?

Thank you for the feedback. In my post I tried to post the logic behind why I made the choices as did, as a half conversion from 4e and half written from the lore in both the 4e PDF and Volo's.

This is what my crew is going with.

+2 Str +1 Dex
60' dark vision
carrion eater; advantage vs diseases and the poison condition
rampage; after bringing an enemy to 0 health may as a bonus action move half movement to next enemy and bite for 1d4+ strength. This ability is useable once per long or short rest.
yennogu's fury; a Gnoll who has dropped to half health goes into a blood fury biting like a feral animal. As a bonus action they may make a bite attack causing 1d4+ strength damage
bonus proficiency; survival
languages; infernal (Gnoll), common

A full grown Gnoll stands near 7' tall but are more lanky and light footed than many other races.
Gnoll PC's are a rare breed that has for one reason or another stepped away from their primal mentality. Some still follow their savage paths while most are striving to rise above them. While Gnoll PC's may be of any alignment they tend towards Neutral.
Most Gnoll PC's also form tight bonds with like minded inividuals forming a type of new pack.

Thank you for the feedback. In my post I tried to post the logic behind why I made the choices as did, as a half conversion from 4e and half written from the lore in both the 4e PDF and Volo's.
Yup -- I see your argument; I simply feel the result is too strong; the gnoll becomes too good a choice.

Pack Tactics is already part of the Kobold (and other creatures in the MM); it is too much.

Yup -- I see your argument; I simply feel the result is too strong; the gnoll becomes too good a choice.

Pack Tactics is already part of the Kobold (and other creatures in the MM); it is too much.

Do you think there is any other way to fairly express the pack mentality of the Gnoll? It feels core, but if it's too strong I don't mind cutting it. I want a fair race, one that's equal to other options, not an OP race that overshadows.

I notice you mention I should go with strength. Should I go with +2 Str, +1 Con? I like the idea of +2 Str, +1 Cha because only 1 other race has that, and they're pretty scary.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Gnolls reach adulthood as soon as they are spawned from bloated Hyenas that have feasted on blood from the slaughter and live up to 50 years, but rarely do so from their constant marauding.
Alignment. Gnolls are driven by an insatiable demonic hunger and blood-lust that instinctively drives them to slaughter and destroy which makes them both Chaotic unbound to laws and evil as they are corrupted with demonic blood and blessing. However if a Gnoll were to be cleansed of its demonic corruption and severed from its demonic lord it may become a rational sentient being capable of choosing to be good or at least neutral.
Size. Gnolls are between 7 feet tall and 7 foot six inches tall. They weigh between 280 and 320 lbs. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Ferocious Hunters. You have proficiency in the Intimidate and Perception skills.
Resourceful Scavengers. You have proficiency with the longbow, the shortbow and the heavy crossbow.
Bite. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Rampage. When the gnoll reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, the gnoll can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Gnoll and Common.
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Yes to +2 Str, +1 Con (or Dex).

Instead of modelling Pack Tactics, I'd play off their senses.

Scent. You have advantage on any attempt to track someone when making a Wisdom (Survival) roll.

Yes to +2 Str, +1 Con (or Dex).

Instead of modelling Pack Tactics, I'd play off their senses.

Scent. You have advantage on any attempt to track someone when making a Wisdom (Survival) roll.

That's a good one that fits lore, especially from the 4e PDF about letting slaves go and then tracking them down for fun.

Another one might be giving them either a limited version of Kenku mimicry or the minor illusion spell as it says they like to lure people out with voice tricks and kill them alone.

I posted a revised version in the post above before I make any final edits to the homebrew page. How does it look? What do you think of the above two suggestions?

Thanks for giving me useful feedback and helping me balance my race :)

It is very important when creating a new race that it not be the overwhelming best possible race for certain classes. Being able to get free movement and a free melee attack every single time you down an opponent it WAY too good of a bonus to give a Barbarian. Especially at lower levels when d6+Str bonus actually means something.

Speaking of which, the natural attack should only be d4, not d6. Again-- it doesn't matter what the MM says, it matters what is balanced for PCs. And so far all PC races that have natural attack have it at d4-- its what you would get as a level 1 monk.

The MM entry is all about giving the creature some sort of ability that is meant to counter the fact that they get no class abilities-- plus they want the creatures to fight like those stated creatures. But if you are giving them class abilities, you should be less focused on how to give the race extra damage and movement every round and instead consider how to give them interesting options.

Instead of half-movement, maybe make it an option 5' step into the square previously occupied by the target that was reduced to 0 HPs.

Also-- no race should be granting more than one bonus skill. I am sure there already are ones that do, but it should be avoided. It would be best if every race granted 1 and only 1 bonus skill, but 2 skills stacked into a race just because you can't think of anything else to give them is too much.

There just aren't that many skills in the game and if one player be proficient with nearly half the skills in the game because their race gave them 2, their background gave them 2 and their class gave them 5... well, it means there is less chance any of the other players are going to be proficient in skills this character doesn't have any have their opportunity to shine.

I like what Stew wrote up there. That could slip in instead of a skill proficiency and it would be fun regardless of your class.

And bow proficiency? Look, I get that some silly things were written in 4E, but these 7+' tall more animal than man creatures should not be universally expert with bows. I think that was just an excuse to match them up with the Ranger class which naturally had a heavy emphasis on bows. Also, it is kind of silly to give the same race both a natural attack AND weapon proficiency.

And for the attribute.... Sure... +2 Con with a +1 in either Dexterity or Constitution would be fair. Honestly, I think the races that have subraces are eventually going to be filled out so you can have that floating +1 in any attribute. It would probably be better if all races just allowed you to stick that +1 in any score other than the one you get a +2 in as it would increase the number of viable classes for any given race.

If you want to know how to make a good race, look at the Elf and the Dwarf. Those were clearly crafted before the others. You would notice that none of the things they get give them flat out bonus attacks or bonus movement or a flat out standard bonus that cannot be matched by a member of any other race. Instead, they kind of get bonuses that you might get if you were slightly multi-classed with another class... bonuses that are kind of moot or redundant if you are those classes.

If you count up the number of bonuses you have after taking my suggestions into account and feel you really, really want them to have something else...
Maybe a natural AC of 12 instead of 10 when unarmored (or, if wearing no armor, they get to add their Con bonus to their AC). It would be fitting and generally only be a boon to those who are caster classes which wouldn't get to take advantage of the bonus natural attack when they reduce someone to 0 HP.

It is very important when creating a new race that it not be the overwhelming best possible race for certain classes. Being able to get free movement and a free melee attack every single time you down an opponent it WAY too good of a bonus to give a Barbarian. Especially at lower levels when d6+Str bonus actually means something.

Speaking of which, the natural attack should only be d4, not d6. Again-- it doesn't matter what the MM says, it matters what is balanced for PCs. And so far all PC races that have natural attack have it at d4-- its what you would get as a level 1 monk.

The natural attack is a direct copy/paste word for word of the Lizardfolk's bite attack, without a single thing changed, from Volo's Guide to Monsters. It is an official race made by Wizards of the Coast in a published book, so I assume it was playtested thoroughly before release and it's bite attack was considered balanced.

The MM entry is all about giving the creature some sort of ability that is meant to counter the fact that they get no class abilities-- plus they want the creatures to fight like those stated creatures. But if you are giving them class abilities, you should be less focused on how to give the race extra damage and movement every round and instead consider how to give them interesting options.

Instead of half-movement, maybe make it an option 5' step into the square previously occupied by the target that was reduced to 0 HPs.

The ability can best be described as the Orc's Aggression and the Lizardfolk's Hungry Jaws ability, but less movement, and no THP. In addition it must be down, by you, with a melee attack. It's not going to be happening every single round, unless you are somehow last hitting every enemy you touch. It is also the most iconic thing that Gnolls really have in 5e.

Also-- no race should be granting more than one bonus skill. I am sure there already are ones that do, but it should be avoided. It would be best if every race granted 1 and only 1 bonus skill, but 2 skills stacked into a race just because you can't think of anything else to give them is too much.

There just aren't that many skills in the game and if one player be proficient with nearly half the skills in the game because their race gave them 2, their background gave them 2 and their class gave them 5... well, it means there is less chance any of the other players are going to be proficient in skills this character doesn't have any have their opportunity to shine.

4 races of my count give proficiency in 2 skills: Half-Elf, Kenku, Lizardfolk and Tabaxi. Two of these races give an option of two skills out of a choice of 4. However, I don't mind removing Perception because the lore reason for it is possibly a little contrived, although I feel Gnolls do have good sense. Intimidation makes the most sense to keep, however.

And bow proficiency? Look, I get that some silly things were written in 4E, but these 7+' tall more animal than man creatures should not be universally expert with bows. I think that was just an excuse to match them up with the Ranger class which naturally had a heavy emphasis on bows. Also, it is kind of silly to give the same race both a natural attack AND weapon proficiency.

The weapon proficiency is from the lore in Volo's guide to monsters. It says they always attack from range, when they can, to soften enemies up before going in for the kill. In addition in 4e and 5e it mentions they scavenge weapons and armor from their kills. It made sense, and it's only 3 proficiency. Elves and Dwarves get 4 weapon proficiency, as does any race that gets a weapon proficiency.

And for the attribute.... Sure... +2 Con with a +1 in either Dexterity or Constitution would be fair. Honestly, I think the races that have subraces are eventually going to be filled out so you can have that floating +1 in any attribute. It would probably be better if all races just allowed you to stick that +1 in any score other than the one you get a +2 in as it would increase the number of viable classes for any given race.

I was considering a whole sale change to +2 Str, +1 Cha but I'm almost definitely changing the Dex bonus. Gnolls favor strength over all.

That said they have no resistances, no free spells, no extra movement such a flight, swimming, climbing or teleporting, they don't get any particularly powerful abilities, no environmental boons such as holding breath, breathing air/water, etc.

They're pretty barebones. They really get a bite, a proficiency in a skill (or two), 3 ranged weapons on a strength based character, (similar to dwarves who do not get strength as base, and elves who get a lot of swords) and a rare trigger to move and make a free attack. I nerfed their base movement to 30. I removed pack tactics. They have darkvision but I'd say a majority of races do.

They're probably exactly middle of the pack as is, less if I remove perception proficiency. Bugbears get Sneak Attack *lite* and Aasimar get paladin damage auras *lite*, etc.

I would say they're about equal to Tabaxi - Darkvision, natural weapon, two skills, a movement bonus on melee kill as a bonus action (if you've already used your bonus action you can't use the racial, so does not stack well with TWF, or Monks or Barbarian rage, etc.) as opposed to just a movement on bonus action. I can remove the weapon proficiency. Lizardfolk don't get them either, but they can craft them. Lizardfolk do get natural AC though.

ASI +3 = 12
Common, +1 Language = 0
Skill Proficiency = 4
Speed 30 = 0
Darkvision 60 = 3
1d6 natural weapon = 2
weapon's training = 1
Rampage = 5

Total = 27

If I removed Perception it'd be 25, the Rampage score was generated from the Orc's +3 Aggresion and Lizardfolk's +2 Hungry Jaws.

This is right around the score for: Hill Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, High Elf, Wood Elf, Drow, Half-Elf, Aarakocra, Aasimar Protector, Aasimar Scourge, Aasimar Fallen, Furbolg, Lizardfolk and Triton. I'd say it's in good company.

Score Generated by: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vq1kz6PRAbw5LHy6amH-bNb4OuB8DBXL1RsZROt03Sc/edit#gid=0

With the Musicus score it'd be:
ASI = 3
Darkvision = 0.5
Natural Weapon = 1
Skills = 1
Weapon Training = 0.5
Rampage = 1

Musicus score is 7. Pretty strong. The same as Dwarves and Elves.

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