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D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy

After his ribs heal, Jordy settles in to studying the Arcane, hoping to control the magic within him, but finds that it is like trying to control the wind and waves - the best he can do is to try to steer a course.

OOC: I think Jordy will get his scar healed. He has enough already, from his burns.

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Mim heads over to the forest behind the castle,Mim disliked forests they made him uneasy "Morgana?" The Kenku shouts using the only voice he had heard the name in Loans.


Zivar's eyes open slowly and focus on the ceiling above him. Groggy he tries to sit up but placing his hands under him for support proves extremely painful. The numb tingling sensation coming from his hands terrifies him.

He looks down and moves his fingers, the feeling slowly coming back into them warmth starting to push away the feeling of cold in his hands. His eyes focus on the scars, two purplish blue lines, thick across his palms, seeming to radiate the cold into the rest of his hands.

He feels different, he can't quite put his finger on it but something is different. He snaps his head around and looks at the professor with a questioning look on his face. No words are exchanged but from the look alone he was able to figure out he hadn't failed.

As classes begin Zivar does his best to settle into a schedule revolving around study of the Arcane, when he is not in the class he is in the library or practicing. He expresses an interest to his teachers in helping out by working with them to produce necklaces, rings, other jewelry, or ornamentation for other items they want to enchant, explaining that he has a special interest in these kinds of things.

He tried to meet up with his classmates for meals, working together with them when able. He also allows himself time to worship on Gnomish holy days.

Charwoman Gene

Dariana starts to focus on archery to the exclusion of almost anything else. She finds an intense peace in doing so. She is rather put out when the school of combat insist she learn to handle herself in combat, but acknowledges the need.

After the lessons, Quenting goes to awaken his magic. Not that he intends to study it, but his heritage needs unlocking. Taking a deep breath and preparing for pain, he grabs the handle and power surges through him. The pain...was smaller than he expected (crit save!), but nothing stirred within. Than it hit him full force. Surprised he let go of the handle. As he approached to try again, another spark smote his hand and he again recoiled.

Taking deep breath, he tries again and once again he is rebuffed. Smarting, his hands numb from the blasts he decides he will give up if it burns him again. Three in a row is hint enough that his magic should remain only natural magic.

But as the surge comes he realizes something. It comes in waves. And he understands that his magic doesn't come from some external source. It is in his blood and he lets it flow like swimming with the current. He feels as if he jumped into wild waters, shock of the immersion, buffeting of the currents, but he swimms, swimms! (two successes in a row) Until he flies from the magic handle as if he swam off the waterfall, wide smile on his face.

He is hardy and strong. Burning his hands is easily ignored, he got burns like that pulling nets and ropes on the ship. Wide smile on his face, he closes his eyes and dives once more into the current. He spends several heartbeats looking for that inner tide and as he finds it he opens his eyes letting go of the handle willingly.

"It is done."

CON save: 1D20+2 = [20]+2 = 22
Luck: 1D20 = [5] = 5
CON save: 1D20+2 = [7]+2 = 9
Luck: 1D20 = [6] = 6
CON save: 1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7
Luck: 1D20 = [1] = 1

OOC: What luck, only one I passed, I fail the luck roll. Two damage to Quentin.
Con save; Luck: 1D20+2 = [7]+2 = 9
1D20 = [19] = 19
and now reverse - 8/11hp

Con Save: 1D20+2 = [11]+2 = 13
Luck: 1D20 = [15] = 15 - FINALLY!
HP: 8/11
Success: 1/3
Con save: 1D20+2 = [17]+2 = 19
Luck: 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15
HP: 8/11
Success: 2/3
Con save: 1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7 - fail
HP: 7/11
Success: 2/3
Con save: 1D20+2 = [20]+2 = 22 - success
Luck: 1D20 = [5] = 5 - no luck
HP: 7/11
Success: 2/3
Con save: 1D20+2 = [12]+2 = 14
Luck: 1D20+2 = [18]+2 = 20 - DONE!
Last edited:


OOC: Quentin can become a Sea Sorcerer, from the recent UA. If he ever wants to study magic, he can take levels in that.

Sent from my iPad using EN World


The Academy/School of Combat
Late Fall/Morning
Round 0

Asherah worked hard to learn to use both of her weapons together. The flail proved difficult with the longer spear, but she eventually got halfway decent at it that her trainor wasn’t cursing her every swing.

“Thank you for your patience, Master,” Asherah told him, giving him a bow.

Then Asherah went to the Arcane School. She still had to awaken this power they said she had. When instructed, she grabbed onto the rod. She grunted as the power surged into her, making her fur stand on end. She felt something snap inside and tried to keep holding on, but couldn’t.

Stepping up again, she gripped it once more.

Con 1: Pass (+2 Luck)
Luck 1: Pass
Con 2: Fail
Wis 1: Fail (lose hp and let go)
Con 3: Fail
Wis 2: Pass (maintain hold, lingering injury, +2 Luck)
Luck 2: Pass? (3+2=5?)(+4 Luck)
Con 4: Fail
Wis 2: Pass (maintain hold, second lingering injury, +4 Luck)
Luck 3: Pass

And that should get it? I think I did it right.

Constitution Checks: 1D20+1 = [16]+1 = 17
1D20+1 = [3]+1 = 4
1D20+1 = [2]+1 = 3

Luck: 1D20 = [19] = 19
1D20 = [3] = 3
1D20 = [19] = 19

Wisdom save: 1D20+1 = [9]+1 = 10
1D20+1 = [13]+1 = 14
1D20+1 = [19]+1 = 20

Constitution Checks: 1D20+1 = [7]+1 = 8
1D20+1 = [15]+1 = 16
1D20+1 = [20]+1 = 21

Free object interaction:

HP: 5/6
AC: 12
Unarmed: +1 1 B
Claws: +1 1d4 S
Flametongue Spear: +1 1d6/d8/P+1d6 fire 20/60
Coldtongue Flail: +1 1d8/B+1d6 cold

[sblock=School results]
Combat 19
Arcane 6 (18)
Divine 14
Skill 11
Nature 7 (fail)
Immortal 2 (fail)


OOC: Yes, Asherah passed, though you need to roll 3 times for lingering injuries.

Divine energies course through Asherah, as she feels her god's touch, a feeling she is somewhat familiar with, if not at this level. It is almost as if a piece of her god has been gifted to her. As if she were favored in some way.

Asherah is a Favored Soul, as per the new UA. Because the School of Divine has little experience with innate magic, she would have to spit her time between Arcane and Divine to learn those skills. Alternatively, she can just become a Cleric.

She also has access to Combat and Skill, if she wants to further her combat skills.

As Miim walks through the forest, he notices that it isn't a usual forest. It's much more...weird, even than the forest they were in on their way to the academy. All the plants seem to shift and move as he walks through, but only when he's not looking at them. He hears whispers and giggles, which remind him of Lyla.

When he speaks her name, an elven woman appears sitting on a stump beside him. At least, she appears to be elven, though her features seem to be exaggerated. Her ears are too long, features too angular.

She is also incredibly beautiful.

"Hello," she said, sizing Mim up. She sniffs the air, "Oooh, ambition. And mischief. Tell me, wanderer, what is it you seek?"[/sblock]

OOC: At this point, we are going to fast forward a few months. This is far enough that you have gained enough experience to level up to level 1. Congratulations! Before you can actually level up, you must explain what exactly you have been doing these last few months. Which schools are you spending the most time in? Remember, some classes need a mix of schools. Are you learning to fight, but spending more time somewhere else? Let me know, and I'll inform you of your class. If you have more than one option, I'll let you know.

Once you know your class, you may change your sheet. Recalculate your health per your class, and you get 9 more Ability points to make up for the ones you were shorted earlier. You may put them anywhere, to show how you have grown over the past months. I'll even let you put them all on one ability, but the normal rules for creating a character apply, which means if you want to go from 13 to 14, or from 14 to 15, it takes 2 points, and if you want to go from 15 to 16, or from 16 to 17, it takes three. Four to go from 17 to 18. (Note, Act as if the racial benefit doesn't exist while putting in these points, and then add the racial bonus back afterwards.)

I will continue RPing Mim's interaction with Morgana in the meantime.

Voidrunner's Codex

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