Relax folks, claiming that "apples are the best!" is not an attack against oranges and grapes. Nobody is going to force-feed you strawberries, and nobody is insulting pineapples. Saying "apples are the best!" is just another way of saying "I like apples!"
Before you get your blood up, remember that "best" can mean almost anything: most fun, most enjoyable, best memories, most affordable, most available, prettiest artwork, strangest illustration of a beholder, etc. Claiming that apples are the best isn't a scientific measurement or legal judgment.
With all that said, I disagree.
The BECMI/RC edition is the best version of D&D. I could ramble on, picking fights and challenging people to change their (or my) mind, but meh. It's the one I enjoy playing the most, it's the one that I have the fondest memories of, it's the one that I own the most books for, and it's the most affordable version thanks to the availability of electronic files and print-on-demand services. So BECM is the best version of D&D because it's my favorite, and it's weird to try to convince me otherwise.
Pass the oranges.
It's fine to say apples are best, that's not the issue. It's that apples are the best and pineapples are stupid.