D&D 5E 5e Lists of Monsters, Spells, Races, Feats, Etc.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
@MechaTarrasque , ENworld seems to be working with Excel sheets again. I noticed this one there:


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I still get a message about the uploaded file not having an allowed extension when I try to attach an Excel file. I attached a link to Onedrive on the first post on the first page. I would appreciate it if someone could see if it works for them.

Dax Doomslayer

Hi MechaTarrasque, I just want to thank you for your work on this. The spreadsheet in the past has been very helpful.
FYI - Unless I'm doing something wrong, I tried the link and it takes me to my own one drive and not the one where the file resides. I tried it both yesterday and now and it was the same thing.

Hi MechaTarrasque, I just want to thank you for your work on this. The spreadsheet in the past has been very helpful.
FYI - Unless I'm doing something wrong, I tried the link and it takes me to my own one drive and not the one where the file resides. I tried it both yesterday and now and it was the same thing.
Drat, sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know.

Seems like there ought to be a way for Dropbox to automatically approve requests, but I don't seem to be asking for it the right way. Maybe tomorrow night.....


Thank you. That seems to have worked. I appreciate it if someone else could open it. If it works, I will put it on the first page.


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