[5e] Spell & Crossbones


Queen of Everything
Okay, that is a work in progress. Tonight I'll get a lot more done but will probably need Fenris's help at least with equipment and he's working tonight.

Warning, that is a LONG background! But I just had too much fun with it!! :cool:

Quickleaf, we used the "Governor of San Juan" but I would like to have a name of the Governor and since this is part historical based, I am wondering if I should change that. It doesn't matter what Island it is, just someone with enough power to be a pain in the ass lol. Let me know if there is anything else I should change.
[MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION] Let me know if what I wrote is okay, I can easily change it. Also, once you have a name, I will add it in.

Anyone else - if anyone needs to have been in a crew but now down on there luck, we can add you right into the story. Just let me know! :)

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Queen of Everything
Questions! A few of the ill fortunes are similar... Aka Accursed / Haunted and Enemy / Wanted. They really all kind of fit with my story. Do you have an opinion on this or should I just choose?

I am also wondering about the good fortunes... Allies and Contacts are similar and would definitely fit. I could also take Booty and perhaps have a sword or gun that once belong to my father. Opinions on this?



Okay, that is a work in progress. Tonight I'll get a lot more done but will probably need Fenris's help at least with equipment and he's working tonight.

Warning, that is a LONG background! But I just had too much fun with it!! :cool:

Quickleaf, we used the "Governor of San Juan" but I would like to have a name of the Governor and since this is part historical based, I am wondering if I should change that. It doesn't matter what Island it is, just someone with enough power to be a pain in the ass lol. Let me know if there is anything else I should change.
Great background! So many juicy adventure hooks!

I did a bit of digging, and found out the Governor of San Juan, Porto Rico at the time (1712) was Colonel Juan de Ribera, who interestingly enough was named after the controversial Saint Juan de Ribera (who died in 1611). This does raise the fun question is he descended from the Saint or what if this Governor is actually said Saint himself? And how the hell is he still alive?

Questions! A few of the ill fortunes are similar... Aka Accursed / Haunted and Enemy / Wanted. They really all kind of fit with my story. Do you have an opinion on this or should I just choose?
Katarina is definitely Accursed, since the idea behind the curse is not such much "visited by a ghost on the ship at night" and more of a straight up "if you touch someone you love, they will die (and oh by the way the curse is gradually killing you too!)"

As for Enemy / Wanted, it depends whether you want to focus on the personal aspect of "you stole my baby!" vs. the pirate vs authority theme.

For example, would the Governor have done the same baby theft for any pirate woman in Katerina's position (seeing it as a mercy)? Do you see the Spanish Governor as sending out agents to hunt down Katerina and issuing warrants for her arrest with the full support of the Spanish colonial government because he knows she is a dangerous pirate? Then go with Wanted.

On the other hand, did the Governor steal her baby for specific reasons related to, perhaps, a prophecy or wanting to have leverage over her to do something for him? Do you see the Governor as sending out agents quietly and hiring mercenaries without bearing the full support of the Spanish because of a personal vendetta or fear? Then go with Enemy.

I am also wondering about the good fortunes... Allies and Contacts are similar and would definitely fit. I could also take Booty and perhaps have a sword or gun that once belong to my father. Opinions on this?
Ally usually means one very helpful NPC, whereas Contacts usually means a network of indifferent or slightly helpful Contacts. Since Old Zef and [MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION]'s character are PCs they don't qualify for Ally, and Aeron's fate is unknown so he can't be an Ally. Contacts seems like it might make more sense, representing a few scattered members of her father's old crew or those who had favorable dealings with Blackheart.

Booty would be apropos as well.

Or what about Notoriety? PCs gain more Fame during your adventures and there are a couple more Fame rules I haven't converted yet. Katarina seems like she is well on her way to being recognized as a savvy pirate, so it might fit well.
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Here's a rough start for Hawken. I'm going with Hermit in that he was trained by mendicant Jesuits in the Carribean, to be a healer (like in the movie Missionary, iirc, with Jeremy Irons; not an Acolyte, was considering Noble, or Sage, or Artisan, or even Folk Hero, but really none of the backgrounds quite fit).

The stat generator I used didn't include my homebrew Mer race (obviously) so I started with the alternate human. Haven't added the feat in there, and not sure I added enough proficiencies. I'm not sure Mer quite works now, but we'll see.





256’2”180lbs maybe?WhiteBlue on black orbRightA serpentine mermaid on his left arm sleeve and shoulder, in black and green

Strength 11+ 0
Dexterity 18+ 4
Constitution 16+3
Intelligence 12+1
Wisdom 16+3
Charisma 18+ 4


Pact Kitana (longsword)+61d8+4SlashingMeleeMonk Weapon, Versatile (1d10+4)
Pact Unarmed Strike+41d4+4BludgeoningMeleeMonk Weapon, Martial Arts
Eldritch Blast+41d10+4Energy (force)120ft.Cantrip

Combat Stats
4d8+1231 (half max)31+2+430

(Saving throw table (yay))

Sleight of Hand+4+4
Animal handling+4+4

HermitDiscoverytbdtbdtbdReligion, MedicineHerbalism Kit

Simple Weapons
Kitana (monk weapon)
Herbalism Kit
Arcane Spell Foci


[td]Light Armor[/td]

[td]Pact Blade (whatever form)[/td]


fill in the blanks. The second “misc” is for things like “uses per day”.

Unarmored Defense (+Wis to AC)
Martial Arts1d4+dex damage
Otherworldly PatronGreat Old One
Eldritch Invocations2 known
Pact of the BladeMISC
Awakened Mind30 feet
Agonizing Blast+Cha to Eldritch Blast
Fiendish VigorAt Will

EQUIPMENT WORN (this is for stuff that’s equipped. Sorry for the video game-style terminology, and obviously it’s assumed to be how items will work in 5e pre-DMG. Misc obviously could be any item, such as Ioun Stones. Edit as needed.


Gold Coinsnumber
Silver Coinsnumber
Copper Coinsnumber
Platinum Coinsnumber
Art ObjectValue

(belt pouches, potions, sheaths, boot-knives, quivers of arrows or wands, and other carried items that are “on-hand”, that you can reach in combat with your action or movement)


(things in your assumed-to-have backpack. Because you need to put it down and rifle through it to get to these. BTW, copy/paste this if you have a bag of holding, too, even if it’s on your belt: those things are bigger inside than a backpack, so you may not be able to get in and out easily in a fight.)



CANTRIPSEldritch Blast, True StrikeSave DCtotal
1st levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
2nd levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
3rd levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
4th levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
5th levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
6th levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
7th levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
8th levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC
9th levelSpell NamesSlotsSave DC


Queen of Everything
I actually have Notoriety down to look into. What does fame do? I'm not familiar with it. She would definitely qualify for that.


fireinthedust said:
Here's a rough start for Hawken. I'm going with Hermit in that he was trained by mendicant Jesuits in the Carribean, to be a healer (like in the movie Missionary, iirc, with Jeremy Irons; not an Acolyte, was considering Noble, or Sage, or Artisan, or even Folk Hero, but really none of the backgrounds quite fit).

The stat generator I used didn't include my homebrew Mer race (obviously) so I started with the alternate human. Haven't added the feat in there, and not sure I added enough proficiencies. I'm not sure Mer quite works now, but we'll see.
Really interesting having him be a Jesuit turned warlock! Good start!

A couple things:

Your character sheet is just murder to read on my iPad :( For example, your Name/Race/Class/Background/Alignment just have placeholders in them. After reading your stats I was able to figure out that he's a Monk 1/Warlock (Great Old One) 3...but that stuff should be there right at the top of the sheet, I shouldn't have to dig for it.

I noticed you have Longsword (Kitana??) listed as a Monk Weapon, and also his fists listed as a Pact Weapon. I have some issues with this. First, there is no way Longsword is a Monk Weapon (PHB clearly states those are shortswords and any simple melee weapon that's not 2-handed or heavy), and moreover Katana is anachronistic to the setting. Second, I am inclined to allow fists as a pact weapon, though the fact that your pact weapon disappears if you use an action to use the feature (Pact of the Blade) means that in the same turn you can't use *both* a sword and a fist as your pact weapon. It's an either/or proposition from my understanding of the rules.

Have you given any thought to Hawken's Fortunes or Bond yet?

I actually have Notoriety down to look into. What does fame do? I'm not familiar with it. She would definitely qualify for that.
Fame does a couple things:

1. When you spend Inspiration to Roll the Bones, and your result would give you advantage on a check you may instead add your Fame to the check.

2. Your base Sway checks (particularly important for a Captain) = Charisma modifier + 1/2 Fame score (round down). Sway checks are used to get the crew to do things, not do other things, keep them from breaking morale, and when your leadership is challenged.

3. Fame broadly serves as a measure of how well known your character is, which is more of a story thing. Getting 5 Fame, 10 Fame, 15 Fame, and 20 Fame are significant milestones with story stuff attached to them.

At Fame (5) tales of your character are circulated in ports, though details vary wildly.
At Fame (10) your character's name is well known, stories about him or her are (mostly) accurate, and if loyal to a certain country he or she is well-regarded in such ports. Enemies may circulate picures of your character.
At Fame (15) your character is known throughout the Caribbean, stories of him or her take on the tenor of legend and his/her name is whispered in fear or awe, and if loyal to one nation regarded as a national hero. However, rival nations will no longer honor the character's Letter of Marque if he or she is captured, and he or she will be tried as a pirate.
At Fame (20) your character has made a "great noise in the world", making his or her name recognized in the colonies and Europe if not beyond, stories transform into myth and endure long after your character is gone, and if loyal to one nation he or she is given great accolades (e.g. gold to retire or an offer as a high-ranking officer). Without a disguise, your character is recognized on sight and enemies go to extreme lengths to destroy him or her.

I'll update the first post "House Rules" to reflect this.
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I just did a quick writeup for the Antagonists related to your guys' backgrounds so far. Fun stuff!

Academie Royale des Sciences: Hunting for "Gentleman Jim" under the names Gaston Sauveterre/Thomas Milner, both to tie up loose ends and for something he learned from the Royal Astronomer but didn't realize its significance. The Academie has secret agents hidden throughout the French colonies.

Clemet and Marissa Van Scheidem: Unlikely formerly married Dutch dwarven politician and Spanish human noblewomen who've come to the Spanish Main on some mysterious mission, along with their three half-dwarven children. It's only a matter of time before they look up their old enemy Hugo Van Haan who disgraced them back in the Netherlands.

Commodore Bennett Rafferty: Commodore Rafferty has a personal vendetta again Gunner Teague, despite the latter having served his sentence already, believing Teague betrayed his father 30 years ago. He captains HMS Egret (which Gentleman Jim once served aboard as Master Gunner), fighting Spanish and French in the Caribbean.

Governor Juan de Ribera: Juan de Ribera, tyrannical Governor of San Juan (Porto Rico), has Katarina's baby daughter, raising her with his wife as their own. Juan de Ribera may actually be the controversial Spanish saint of the same name who "died" in 1611...

"El Mosquito": Salvador Cuyamel de Oviedo "El Mosquito" is a tenacious agent of the Ministerio de Inteligencia de Los Indies (a covert branch of the Vicerolty of New Spain based in Santo Domingue) tasked with recovering the Zeeland Bellows by any means necessary. He seeks to bring in Jozef Van Der Nagel for questioning thru informal channels to avoid drawing attention. Curiously "El Mosquito" has a Mayan surname (which may be related to a certain slave with mystic powers of Ixchel).
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Quick update: here are starting Fame scores for everyone who has posted character backgrounds so far...
[MENTION=6777934]Maldavos[/MENTION] Fame 1 (because Hugo is something of a personage in Dutch and noble circles)
[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION] Fame 1 (because of Gentleman Jim's service aboard the HMS Egret and Darkness Comes)
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] Fame 5 (this assumes you take Notoriety, otherwise 2, because of Katarina's connection to Blackheart/Heart of the Sea and because of her incredible escape from prison in San Juan)
[MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] Fame 1 (because of Old Zef's incredible escape from prison in San Juan)
[MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION] Fame 1 (because of the sheer number of sailors Commodore Rafferty has interrogated trying to find Teague)


Really interesting having him be a Jesuit turned warlock! Good start!

Your character sheet is just murder to read on my iPad :( For example, your Name/Race/Class/Background/Alignment just have placeholders in them. After reading your stats I was able to figure out that he's a Monk 1/Warlock (Great Old One) 3...but that stuff should be there right at the top of the sheet, I shouldn't have to dig for it.

Drat. I'll have to tinker with organization; appreciate the feedback, since it can be like yelling into a void.

I think I left them blank and just put the stats in. (got called away for family stuff, as happens)

I noticed you have Longsword (Kitana??) listed as a Monk Weapon, and also his fists listed as a Pact Weapon. I have some issues with this. First, there is no way Longsword is a Monk Weapon (PHB clearly states those are shortswords and any simple melee weapon that's not 2-handed or heavy), and moreover Katana is anachronistic to the setting. Second, I am inclined to allow fists as a pact weapon, though the fact that your pact weapon disappears if you use an action to use the feature (Pact of the Blade) means that in the same turn you can't use *both* a sword and a fist as your pact weapon. It's an either/or proposition from my understanding of the rules.

Monk weapons: awwwwww, I missed that! I was skimming, and just looked at the bullet points. Drat. That... makes this build much less useful... I was going to have him be Jesuit educated, and he went to the far east with the Jesuits there (I want to say Matteo Ricci? iirc?), learned from the local establishment the ways of the monk (as the Jesuits did and still do, with that group actually deciding that Confucianism was pretty neat). In our case, with the sword, he would have learned from Samurai in Japan, like the movie Shogun, maybe?
Then (gasp) he fell in love with a mermaid who was (dun dun dun) associated with Dagon. The monk training didn't help control the darkness, so with the blessing of his order he fled; met some Chinese pirates, sailed off to the Carribean.

Maybe he could have met the others along the way?

Anachronistic: I hear what you're saying, but I figured we could have added in Famous chinese pirate Ching Shih! :D

Hrm... Warlock covers most of the stuff I want, so if Monk isn't useful for using Dex for a sword, I don't know if the level dip is as key as all that. Even Paladin or Fighter 1 might be a better fit, but I'm not sure what they'd do for me that isn't power gamey at this point (ludicrous stats notwithstanding; I'm impressed you're allowing them, I tend to stick with standard array for simplicity).

Have you given any thought to Hawken's Fortunes or Bond yet?

I wasn't sure if I had to keep going with being a youth, and I wanted to nail down the stats. Suggestions are welcome (GM and players, both).


Drat. I'll have to tinker with organization; appreciate the feedback, since it can be like yelling into a void.

I think I left them blank and just put the stats in. (got called away for family stuff, as happens)
No worries, I completely understand!

Monk weapons: awwwwww, I missed that! I was skimming, and just looked at the bullet points. Drat. That... makes this build much less useful... I was going to have him be Jesuit educated, and he went to the far east with the Jesuits there (I want to say Matteo Ricci? iirc?), learned from the local establishment the ways of the monk (as the Jesuits did and still do, with that group actually deciding that Confucianism was pretty neat). In our case, with the sword, he would have learned from Samurai in Japan, like the movie Shogun, maybe?
Then (gasp) he fell in love with a mermaid who was (dun dun dun) associated with Dagon. The monk training didn't help control the darkness, so with the blessing of his order he fled; met some Chinese pirates, sailed off to the Carribean.

Maybe he could have met the others along the way?

Anachronistic: I hear what you're saying, but I figured we could have added in Famous chinese pirate Ching Shih!
Ah, now I get what you're going for. Yes, that would be China not Japan for a Jesuit mission. Yeah, I can dig the flavor! By way of compromise, I would suggest we make scimitar (re-skinned as a Chinese Dao sword) a monk weapon for him. Retains the flavor and keeps damage in line with other monk weapons.

Make sure he speaks Chinese!

(ludicrous stats notwithstanding; I'm impressed you're allowing them)
oh, you haven't seen the opposition yet :)

I wasn't sure if I had to keep going with being a youth, and I wanted to nail down the stats. Suggestions are welcome (GM and players, both).
The most important thing is to come up with a Bond - that is, a reason he wants to seek out the sunken La Gloriosa del Mar. I've listed 10 ideas in my first post under "Bonds", but if none of those appeal to you, come back at me with something and I'll help hammer out an idea with you.

I'll let others suggest Fortunes if they like, or leave it up to you! They're optional after all! :)

EDIT: I am working on the ship rules and just added "The Rotation" to the first post. Lots of juicy goodness there. Check it out!

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