D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Deities (Part 6: Celtic Deities) Lugh Lámfada Advances!

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Pedantic Grognard
I will say, Gary did, like, a really bastardized "Celtic" mythos in DDG that uses poorly-researched Irish, Welsh, and Brythonic ideas and kind of mashes them together, and everybody afterwards has just used his list. Like, Dunatis, might not even have ever been a deity...
Gary Gygax didn't do 1e Deities & Demigods, James Ward did. (And Ward also did Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes , where Dunatis previously appeared.)

As far as "everybody afterwards", 2e Legends & Lore omitted Dunatis.


The Daghdha 19
Arawn 22
Belenus 19
Brigantia 21
Diancecht 19
Dunatis 20 - 2 = 18
Goibhniu 20
Lugh 20
Manannan mac Lir 18
Math Mathonwy 10
Morrigan 26
Nuada 18
Oghma 19 + 1 = 20
SIlvanus 15


The Daghdha 19
Arawn 22
Belenus 19
Brigantia 21
Diancecht 19
Dunatis 18
Goibhniu 20
Lugh 20+1=21
Manannan mac Lir 18
Math Mathonwy 10
Morrigan 26
Nuada 18
Oghma 20
Silvanus 15-2=13

I like most of the gods on this list. I'm really gonna struggle for down votes.


The Daghdha 19 +1 =20 Because of the ending of Michael Moorock's The Bull and the Spear
Arawn 22
Belenus 19
Brigantia 21
Diancecht 19
Dunatis 18
Goibhniu 20
Lugh 21
Manannan mac Lir 18
Math Mathonwy 10 -2 =8 Never did like math.
Morrigan 26
Nuada 18
Oghma 20
Silvanus 13


The Daghdha 20
Arawn 22+1 = 23
Belenus 19
Brigantia 21
Diancecht 19
Dunatis 18
Goibhniu 20
Lugh 21
Manannan mac Lir 18
Math Mathonwy 6
Morrigan 26+1=27
Nuada 18
Oghma 20-2=18
Silvanus 13

One of my favorite characters was a cleric of Badb in a Conan themed game...

Dax Doomslayer

The Daghdha 20
Arawn 23
Belenus 19
Brigantia 21
Diancecht 19
Dunatis 18
Goibhniu 20
Lugh 21
Manannan mac Lir 18
Math Mathonwy 6
Morrigan 25
Nuada 18
Oghma 19
Silvanus 13


Jedi Master
The Daghdha 20
Arawn 23
Belenus 19
Brigantia 21
Diancecht 19
Dunatis 18
Goibhniu 20
Lugh 21
Manannan mac Lir 18
Math Mathonwy 6
Morrigan 25+1=26
Nuada 18
Oghma 19-2=17
Silvanus 13


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
The Daghdha 20
Arawn 23
Belenus 19+1=20
Brigantia 21
Diancecht 19
Dunatis 18
Goibhniu 20
Lugh 21
Manannan mac Lir 18
Math Mathonwy 6-2=4
Morrigan 26
Nuada 18
Oghma 17
Silvanus 13

Voidrunner's Codex

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