D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Deities (Part 8: Egyptian Deities) Anubis Advances!


Re-Horakhty (Ra) 16
Anubis 20
Apep 11
Bast 21 +1 =22
Bes 20
Hathor 21
Imhotep 22
Isis 22
Nephthys 20
Osiris 20
Ptah 14
Set 16-2=14
Sobek 5
Thoth 23

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Jedi Master
Re-Horakhty (Ra) 16
Anubis 20
Apep 11
Bast 22+1=23
Bes 20
Hathor 21
Imhotep 22
Isis 20
Nephthys 20
Osiris 20
Ptah 14-2=12
Set 15
Sobek 5
Thoth 23


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Re-Horakhty (Ra) 16
Anubis 20
Apep 11
Bast 22+1=23
Bes 20
Hathor 21
Imhotep 22
Isis 20
Nephthys 20
Osiris 20 - 2 = 18
Ptah 12 + 1 = 13

Set 15
Sobek 5
Thoth 23

I'm definitely not just voting for Ptah in hopes of getting a Thet. Definitely not.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Re-Horakhty (Ra) 16
Anubis 20
Apep 11-2=9
Bast 23
Bes 20
Hathor 21
Imhotep 22
Isis 20+1=21
Nephthys 20
Osiris 18
Ptah 13
Set 15
Sobek 5
Thoth 23

The Glen

Re-Horakhty (Ra) 17 Ooo-Ra-Ooo-Ra-Ra watch out for romance
Anubis 21
Apep 9
Bast 21
Bes 20
Hathor 21
Imhotep 22
Isis 22
Nephthys 20
Osiris 18
Ptah 13
Set 15
Sobek 1
Thoth 23


Re-Horakhty (Ra) 17
Anubis 21
Apep 9
Bast 21 +1=22
Bes 20
Hathor 21
Imhotep 22
Isis 22
Nephthys 20
Osiris 18
Ptah 13
Set 15 -2=13
Sobek 1
Thoth 23


Re-Horakhty (Ra) 17
Anubis 21
Apep 9
Bast 22
Bes 20
Hathor 21
Imhotep 22
Isis 22+1=23
Nephthys 20
Osiris 18
Ptah 13
Set 13
Sobek 1-2=0
Thoth 23

Voidrunner's Codex

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