D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Million Dollar Kickstarters: The Old Gods Win


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Here's a "Survivor" thread that I've wanted to do for a little while. It's not purely "D&D," let alone "5E," so think of it as more of a stop-gap until I can get the next one figured out and set up. So until I can get the ideas in my head to gel, it's time for:

I'll let @Morrus introduce this one:
Avatar Legends leads the pack in an exclusive club -- Kickstarters for tabletop roleplaying game products which have broken the $1M barrier! It is currently the most successful TTRPG Kickstarter in history with a funding total of nearly $10M, and over 80,000 backers.

Only 20 TTRPG campaigns have ever achieved $1M; 8 TTRPG campaigns have done so without offering miniatures, and only 7 which aren't D&D-related. I myself nearly did it, but fell slightly short with a mere $950,000!

This list comprises Kickstarters specifically for tabletop roleplaying games or supplements which have exceeded $1M. It does not include Kickstarters for miniatures, software, dice, or other accessories.
Read more about it in the Official Million Dollar TTRPG Kickstarter thread.

The Rules and Stuff
  • Each entry starts with 20 points. Why 20? It's a good number.
  • Every day, you vote for one option that you like, which gains 1 point. And then you vote for a different option that you dislike, which loses 2 points. It is intentional that a negative vote is worth more than a positive vote - first, because it takes something extra to whittle these guys down to size. Second, because.
  • Mark your upvotes in green, and downvotes in red. Or just show them in bold text and use "+1" and "-2" to mark them, if colored text is too difficult on your browsing device.
  • It's easier if you just copy and paste the previous poster’s vote and change the numbers.
  • You may vote only once per day in each category. This is an honor system, and we are all honorable gamers; please do not abuse it. If this means you vote once at night one day, and once the next morning - that's fine, but don't vote again until the following day. Rule of thumb: if your most recent vote post says "yesterday" in the date tag, you can vote again.
  • This is purely a popularity contest and you do not have to explain an upvote or downvote, but feel free to - explanations are where the fun is! When downvotes reach 0 the option/variant is removed from the list (FATALITY!).
  • Finally, if an entry has one vote left, then you have to make the choice to use all of your downvotes to eliminate it; there is no vote splitting. In addition, you can't upvote and downvote the same entry (no "see" votes). And you have to use BOTH YOUR UPVOTE AND DOWNVOTE if you vote.

The Most Important Bits
Three important points that you must read before voting--
  1. This is a pure popularity contest, and is meant to be fun. You can cast your votes for whatever reason you want; spite, irrational love or hatred, favorites, attitude towards NFTs, strategic voting, and so on are all perfectly acceptable. You can comment for the reasons for your vote, or not - up to you! But this is for enjoyment only.
  2. This Survivor thread features only the TTRPG Kickstarters that have raised $1M USD or more.
  3. As always, the list is the list. If you have a complaint about the list, please direct it to /dev/null.
So. Onward to the contest!


Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game (Magpie Games). $9,533,258
Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds (Hit Point Press). $2,479,888
Strongholds & Streaming (Matt Colville). $2,121,465
Tanares RPG - 5E (Dragori Games). $2,100,242
Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game (Monte Cook Games). $2,097,715
"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5E (Matt Colville). $2,084,117
The One Ring Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition (Free League). $2,025,288
Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting (Hit Point Press). $1,845,422
BLADE RUNNER - The Roleplaying Game (Free League). $1,673,567
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns (Ghostfire Gaming). $1,650,076
Mothershp Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set (Alan Gerding). $1,405,569
Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis! (Matt Colville). $1,372,685
Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire (Ghostfire Gaming). $1,348,160
7th Sea: 2nd Edition (John Wick). $1,316,813
The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5E (Hit Point Press). $1,310,509
Dungeons of Drakkenheim (Ghostfire Gaming). $1,279,240
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent (Warchief Gaming). $1,260,863
The Griffon's Saddlebag: Book 2 (Hit Point Press). $1,237,197
Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game (Connor Alexander). $1,073,453
Humblewood Campaign Setting for 5E (Hit Point Press). $1,001,085

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game 20
Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds 20
Strongholds & Streaming 20
Tanares RPG - 5E 20
Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game 20
"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5E 20
The One Ring Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition 20
Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting 20
BLADE RUNNER - The Roleplaying Game 20-2=18
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 20
Mothershp Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set 20
Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis! 20
Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire 20
7th Sea: 2nd Edition 20
The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5E 20
Dungeons of Drakkenheim 20
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent 20
The Griffon's Saddlebag 20
Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game 20+1=21
Humblewood Campaign Setting for 5E 20


Dragon Lover
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game 20
Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds 20
Strongholds & Streaming 20
Tanares RPG - 5E 20
Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game 20
"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5E 20
The One Ring Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition 20
Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting 20
BLADE RUNNER - The Roleplaying Game 18-2=16
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 20
Mothershp Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set 20
Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis! 20
Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire 20+1=21
7th Sea: 2nd Edition 20
The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5E 20
Dungeons of Drakkenheim 20
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent 20
The Griffon's Saddlebag 20
Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game 21
Humblewood Campaign Setting for 5E 20


Moderator Emeritus
I don't know that I know enough about ANY of these (except the MCDM ones) to feel like voting from me would mean anything but being a spoiler, which means I will hold off until the end game and see if there is any fun to be had by mucking around with the results. ;)


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I don't know that I know enough about ANY of these (except the MCDM ones) to feel like voting from me would mean anything but being a spoiler, which means I will hold off until the end game and see if there is any fun to be had by mucking around with the results. ;)
You're in luck! As we've seen from the previous Survivor threads, "knowing enough about any of these (contestants)" is almost certainly not necessary for participation. In fact, it's actively discouraged!

Before Kickstarter started babbling about NFTs, I used to back a ton of Kickstarters. I've backed a lot of the projects on this list, actually: Avatar Legends, Tanares, Old Gods of Apparachia, The One Ring, Twisted Taverns, 7th Sea, Coyote & Crow, and Humblewood.

I was able to back Old Gods because they set up fundraising through their own website, allowing me to bypass Kickstarter. I'm starting to see other projects doing likewise, so hopefully I'll be back on the Crowdfunding wagon soon.


Morkus from Orkus
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game 20
Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds 18
Strongholds & Streaming 20
Tanares RPG - 5E 20
Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game 20
"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5E 20
The One Ring Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition 21
Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting 20
BLADE RUNNER - The Roleplaying Game 16
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 20
Mothershp Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set 20
Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis! 20
Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire 21
7th Sea: 2nd Edition 20
The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5E 20
Dungeons of Drakkenheim 20
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent 20
The Griffon's Saddlebag 20
Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game 21
Humblewood Campaign Setting for 5E 20

Argyle King

No idea about what many of these are

Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game 20
Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds 18
Strongholds & Streaming 20
Tanares RPG - 5E 20 - 2 = 18
Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game 20 + 1 = 21
"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5E 20
The One Ring Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition 21
Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting 20
BLADE RUNNER - The Roleplaying Game 16
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 20
Mothershp Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set 20
Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis! 20
Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire 21
7th Sea: 2nd Edition 20
The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5E 20
Dungeons of Drakkenheim 20
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent 20
The Griffon's Saddlebag 20
Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game 21
Humblewood Campaign Setting for 5E 20


Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game 20
Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds 20
Strongholds & Streaming 20
Tanares RPG - 5E 18
Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game 21
"Flee, Mortals!" - The MCDM Monster Book for 5E 20
The One Ring Roleplaying Game, 2nd Edition 20 +1 = 21 This looked cool.
Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting 20
Blade Runner - The Roleplaying Game 16
The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 20
Mothershp Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set 20
Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis! 20
Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire 21
7th Sea: 2nd Edition 20 -2 = 18 This is apparently the only one of these that I’ve backed!
The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5E 20
Dungeons of Drakkenheim 20
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent 20
The Griffon's Saddlebag 20
Coyote & Crow the Roleplaying Game 21
Humblewood Campaign Setting for 5E 20

Voidrunner's Codex

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