D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part V: Druids)

Circle of Dreams 8-2=6
Circle of the Land 24+1=25

Circle of the Moon 13
Circle of the Shepherd 14
Circle of Stars 25
Circle of Wildfire 20

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Circle of Dreams 6
Circle of the Land 23
Circle of the Moon 14
Circle of the Shepherd 14
Circle of Stars 25
Circle of Wildfire 20

During the cleric survivor thread the twilight cleric, which is also one of the most powerful subclasses, suffered an early exit. When we do the warlock thread I expect the same will happen to the hexblade.
Which will be rather disappointing, because Hexblade really isn't bad. People blow any issues with it WAY out of proportion. But yeah, you're probably right.

Circle of Dreams 6
Circle of the Land 23 - 2 = 21 get this Wizard-wannabe out of here
Circle of the Moon 14
Circle of the Shepherd 14
Circle of Stars 25
Circle of Wildfire 20 + 1 = 21 look, you summon a cheerleader that is also a bomb

So, ignore. Got it. If you didn't want to "derail the thread" by making one post (which you just made anyway), you could have PM'ed me.

Thanks for nothing.

Back to the votes...
Mod Note:

Just as you suggested Aldarc could have PMed you, this response could have been a PM instead of a post. Or you could have just let it slide. Regardless, a response like this just escalates tensions, and that’s not good.

Circle of Dreams 6
Circle of the Land 21
Circle of the Moon 15 - 2 = 13 Throw 'em in the loony bin.
Circle of the Shepherd 14
Circle of Stars 25
Circle of Wildfire 19 + 1= 20 C'mon baby, light my fire.

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