D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part VI: Fighters)

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D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Arcane Archer 9
Battle Master 28
Cavalier 19
Eldritch Knight 22
Monster Hunter 12
Purple Dragon Knight 3
Rune Knight 15
Samurai 16
Scout 13
Sharpshooter 2


Arcane Archer 9
Battle Master 29
Cavalier 19
Eldritch Knight 22
Monster Hunter 12
Purple Dragon Knight 3
Rune Knight 15
Samurai 16
Scout 13
Sharpshooter 0


The High Aldwin
Arcane Archer 9
Battle Master 30 - The ONE true fighter (since Champion is gone anyway...)
Cavalier 19
Eldritch Knight 22
Monster Hunter 12
Purple Dragon Knight 3
Rune Knight 13 - A GIANT problem
Samurai 16
Scout 13

It's how I typically see the EK play out in practice at my tables. There is nothing false about that, sir.
That your players can't think of anything else to do with the class says more about your players than the class.

It's certainly a class that it's easy to play badly.


Jedi Master
Arcane Archer 9
Battle Master 30
Cavalier 19
Eldritch Knight 22+1=23
Monster Hunter 12
Purple Dragon Knight 3
Rune Knight 13
Samurai 16-2=14
Scout 13

If you think that I am wrong about how I characterize play of the EK, that is fine. However, there is NO REASON to make rude insinuations about my players to rebuke my post. NO REASON AT ALL.
You where the one who said they only used shield and melee cantrips. That's on you being rude about your players.


You where the one who said they only used shield and melee cantrips. That's on you being rude about your players.
No, it's not. You are the one insinuating that they lack imagination or can't play it well. Take some responsbility for your insulting remarks instead of trying to shift the blame on me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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