D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XV: The FINAL ROUND)

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I think I'm done with the Survivor series at this point. It's been fun and I'm glad I get rid of Tempest Domain, but its time to move on. Cheers. :)

The latest (and my last!) Survivor thread is up!

I'm going out with a bang.
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Order of Elimintation:

1. Immortal (Mystic)
. Vote: 66 by @Leuenherz
2. Battle Smith (Artificer). Vote 135 by @Leuenherz
3. Divine Soul (Sorcerer). Vote 282 by @Omand
4. Tempest Domain (Cleric). Vote 378 by @DND_Reborn
5. Fiend Patron (Warlock). Vote 474 by @DND_Reborn
6. Way of the Kensei (Monk). Vote 480 by @J-H
7. School of Abjuration (Wizard). Vote 531 by @Vaalingrade
8. Circle of the Shepherd (Druid). Vote 574 by @overgeeked
9. Gloom Stalker (Ranger). Vote 626 by @Smythe the Bard
10. Battle Master (Fighter). Vote 678 by @DND_Reborn
11. Path of the Totem Warrior (Barbarian). Vote 682 by @Plaguescarred
12. College of Lore (Bard). Vote 692 by @Digdude@1970
13. Thief (Rogue). Vote 698 by @cwallach

Highest Scores achieved:
(Rogue) 55
Ancients (Paladin) 55

It is appropriate then that these were also the final two contenders?

I think so. :D

So, the final four were

Oath of Ancients Paladin (winner)
Thief Rogue
College of Lore Bard
Totem Warrior Barbarian

That could be a fun party.

Oath of Ancients Paladin (winner)
Thief Rogue
College of Lore Bard
Totem Warrior Barbarian

That could be a fun party.
Yep, it would fill niches pretty well, too.
  • Paladin can be healer as well, with Bard support, or vice versa.
  • Thief and Bard both have expertise, so skills would be good.
  • Lore Bard gets extra skills as well.
  • Paladin and Barbarian could both be melee builds.
  • Thief and Bard could both be ranged builds.
  • Paladin and Bard are both CHA-based so social is well-handed.
  • Bards have good spell selection and magical secrets.
  • Paladin has decent half-caster spell selection, also.
So, yeah, a pretty solid party IMHO.

What I find interesting here is how one voter (me) probably changed the outcome. I downvoted bard at least a dozen times. If I hadn't been so steady, the bard might have won...

I suspect that I am not the only such person, that there are several cases like this where if one person had/hadn't been involved the outcome would have been different. We need more voters perhaps?

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