D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium


I've revised Lord of Nessus, Spellcasting, and Lord of Hell. I also added "Master Tactician." let me know what you think.
Very solid, looks a lot cleaner. The master tactician is very nice, I like how it combines with his at-will scrying to just amass a book of stats on all his enemies....as he of course would:)

There is one vestigal note in the statblock to clean up: "Planeshift (1/Rest). Asmodeus can".

Also hold monster is listed as both an at-will and a 3/day spell.

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So is Asmodeus worth a CR 29?
Obviously CRs of that caliber are hard to gauge. For one, I think of it this way. A group of 4 CR20 characters should stand NO chance of beating a CR 29....unless they have some major help in the form of specialty equipment, knowledge of a special weakness, etc. In other words, if a party of 4 CR 20 characters gets cocky and knocks on asmodeus' door without specifically preparing for him....they should get obliterated. And even if they did prepare for him....they probably should get obliterated. Realistically it should take like 8 20th level characters to take him down....maybe:)

Does this statblock do the job?

The big thing is Asmodeus' defenses.
1) Spell Resistance: With +19 with advantage saves, even my optimized characers with like DC 23 saves aren't likely to get through it, and of course he has legendary action to knock out conditions that actually do affect him. This of course assumes that a creature even gets a spell off, as counter spell at will is no joke.

2) Ranged Resistance: Diabolic influence gives Asmodeus effective immunity from 1 ranged attack per round, so unless your a fighter archer a good portion of your damage will get soaked up. And of course if you do an alpha strike, one of your fellow party members may get a rude surprise.

So realistically if you're not in melee with Asmodeus you're probably not doing much against him.

Offense Wise: Asmodeus doesn't actually bring all that much damage for such a high CR. Probably his best weapon is the hell-fire pillar, not for the damage itself but being able to double fire damage against unprotected creatures for the rest of the fight, that's where the money's at. But yeah with various protections a party might have I don't expect them to take a ton of damage from Asmodeus.

Overall I think Asmodeus fits the bill....but it might be a boring frustrating fight for the party. We have an enemy where if your a spellcaster you may be worthless, if your a ranged person your nigh worthless, and asmodeus brings a lot of control effects (for example I would probably try to stun any melee guys that actually got to me with his slam to take out their damage....the only real damage I actually am concerned about). So I think it would turn into a very long fight with lots of the party being useless for a good portion.


Also a more general note on the Fling mechanic you use. Ultimately I think adding in the "1d6 per 10 feet you threw him" is both an unneeded complexity, and actually doesn't make sense.

Whether I throw you into a wall 10 feet away or 60 feet away doesn't determine how hard I throw you. In fact, the 60 foot throw would actually be a bit weaker, because of air resistance and the like (obviously not something we care to include, but it showcases that the mechanic is actually anti-thematic).

I would just make the fling a static damage with a static throw range (that can be tailored per monster).

Fling: You throw a target up to X feet. If they strike a solid surface, they take Yd6 damage.


Also a more general note on the Fling mechanic you use. Ultimately I think adding in the "1d6 per 10 feet you threw him" is both an unneeded complexity, and actually doesn't make sense.

Whether I throw you into a wall 10 feet away or 60 feet away doesn't determine how hard I throw you. In fact, the 60 foot throw would actually be a bit weaker, because of air resistance and the like (obviously not something we care to include, but it showcases that the mechanic is actually anti-thematic).

I would just make the fling a static damage with a static throw range (that can be tailored per monster).

Fling: You throw a target up to X feet. If they strike a solid surface, they take Yd6 damage.
That is a good suggestion. I will make it so! Thank you for all the input!



Cockatrice by arvalis

I just love this piece of art so much I had to a stat block for it!
CockatriceChallenge 1
Small monstrosity, unaligned200 EXP

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6; bloodied 13)
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft.

6 (-2)14 (+2)12 (+1)2 (-4)12 (+1)5 (-3)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +3
Skills acrobatics +3, perception +3
Senses darkvision 240 ft., Passive Perception 13
Languages --
Proficiency Bonus
+2 Maneuver DC 12

Evasion. If the cockatrce is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw and only half damage if it fails, provided it isn’t incapacitated.

The cockative makes a Claws and Tail Sting attack.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Tail Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) poison damage.

Petrifying Glare (Recharge 4-6). Ranged Spell Attack: +3 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: The target is restrained for 1 minute as it begins to turn to stone. A restrained creature must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a failure it is petrified for 24 hours. A lesser restoration spell or similar magic ends this effect while the creature is restrained; however, a greater restoration spell or similar magic is needed to return a petrified creature to felsh.

Glaring Rebuke (1/Rest).
When attacked by a creature it can see within 30 feet, the cockatrice recharges Petrifying Glare and attacks, with advantage, the creature that attacked it.
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Demon Mammon by Anastasiya Pankova

Mammon (WIP)Challenge 24
Huge fiend (archdevil), lawful evil124,000 Elite XP

Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 638 (44d12 + 352; bloodied 319)
Speed 60 ft., fly 50 ft.

28 (+9)20 (+5)27 (+8)25 (+7)24 (+7)26 (+8)

Saving Throws Dex +14, Int+15, Wis +15, Cha +16
Skills athletics +16, insight +14, intimidation +15, persuasion +15, perception +14
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered
Damage Immunities acid, fire, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, petrified, poisoned
Senses truesight 240 ft., Passive Perception 24
Languages all, telepathy 240 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +7 Maneuver DC 23

Archduke (Elite Trait; 1/Rest). The first time Mammon is bloodied, all conditions and effects he is suffering end for him, all of his abilities recharge, and his Elite Actions and Traits are active for 1 hour.

Banishment. When Mammon drops to 0 hit points, and he is not in Avernus, his body is destroyed but his essence travels back to his domain in Avernus, and is unable to take physical form for a time.

Infernal Might. While in Hell, Mammon 's attacks ignore all resistances of creatures with less than 17 hit dice and he scores a critical hit on a roll of 18 or greater.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless he wishes to be affected, Mammon is immune to cantrips and he has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects and any creature that makes a spell attack against Mammon has disadvantage on the attack roll.

Lord of Minauros. While in Minauros, Mammon can’t be surprised or changed into another form against his will, he can’t be targeted by divination magic, perceived through magical scrying sensors, and is immune to any effect that would sense his emotions or read his thoughts. Additionally, Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain his intentions or sincerity have disadvantage.

Poison Skin. Any creature within 5 feet of mammon that hits him with a melee attack or touches him in any way, takes 18 (4d8) poison damage.

Mammon makes two melee attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) magical slashing damage plus 18 (4d8) force damage and 18 (4d8) poison damage and the target must make a DC 24 Strength saving throw or be grappled, knocked prone, or pushed 15 feet, Mammon's choice.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5ft, one grappled or incapacitated target. Hit: 18 (3d6 + 8) piercing damage plus 18 (4d8) poison damage and the target is poisoned.

Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 15 ft. or ranged 120 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing damage plus 18 (4d8) acid damage and the target must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or their speed is reduced in half for 1 minute. The spear magically returns to Mammon after being thrown.

Touch of Greed (recharge 5-6). Melee Spell Attack. +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 22 (4d10) psychic plus 18 (4d8) poison damage and the target must make a DC 23 Wisdom save or become obsessed with an object of Mammon’s choice that the target can see for 1 minute. An obsessed creature can only use its action to dash in the direction of the object and attack anyone in possession of the object or who is within 5 feet of the object. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

If the object is subject to the sympathy spell or curse of mammon, all saving throws are made with disadvantage.

Curse of Mammon (1/day). Mammon causes one object he sees worth at least 5 gold pieces to be cursed. Anyone carrying or having the object on their person must make a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or believe that everyone he or she can see is trying to steal the item. If Mammon has also cast sympathy on the item, the save is made with disadvantage. The cursed individual will attack anyone who comes within 5 feet of him or her. At the end of a long rest, a cursed individual can make another saving throw, ending the curse on a success.

Summon Devil (2/day). Mammon magically summons one of the following types of devils: 3d6 abishai, 3d6 bearded devils, 2d6 chain devils, 2d4 barbed devils; or (50% chance of success) one of his dukes.

Innate Spellcasting. Mammon’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 23, +15 to hit). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: burning hands, chromatic orb (acid), evard’s black tentacles (appear as tar covered humanoids)
3/day each: hold monster, antipathy/sympathy (1 minute casting time), heat metal (9th level, disadvantage if metal is precious)
1/day each: finger of death, power word kill, imprisonment (chain), wall of thorns (9th level, summons spiked chains)
Finger of Death (7th level Spell). A creature of Mammon's choice within 60 feet of him must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 61 (7d8 + 30) necrotic damage on a failed saving throw or half damage on a success. A humanoid killed by this spell turns into a zombie under the Mammon's control at the start of her next turn.

Summon Devil (2/day). Mammon magically summons one of the following types of devils: 3d6 black abishai, 3d6 bearded devils, 2d6 chain devils, 2d4 barbed devils; or (50% chance of success) one of his dukes.

Teleport. Mammon teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 90 feet to an unoccupied space he can see.

Mammon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. He can use one legendary action option at the end of another creatures turn and any unused legendary actions at the end of the round. Mammon regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

Bite. Mammon makes a Bite attack.
Elite Recovery. Mammon ends one condition or negative effect currently affecting him. He can do so as long as she has at least 1 hit point, even while unconscious or incapacitated.
Regenerate. Mammon regains 30 hit points.
Teleport. Mammon uses his Teleport action.
Attack (Cost 2 Actions). Mammon makes a Claw or Spear attack.
Cast a Spell (Elite Action; Cost 2 Actions). Mammon casts a spell.
Charge of Destruction (Elite Action; Costs 3 Actions). Mammon moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks, and he can make one Claw against each creature he moves past. Mammon can enter the space of Medium or smaller creatures during this move, but cannot end this movement in another creatures space.

Howdy Dave! Love the monster sheet, it is a touch weaker than the previous version. I take that these changes (in terms of attack bonuses being lowered. and the removal of some of his other abilities) are intentional. given that they are a work in progress though, I'm super excited to see what else you do with the Archdevils and dukes of Baator!


Howdy Dave! Love the monster sheet, it is a touch weaker than the previous version. I take that these changes (in terms of attack bonuses being lowered. and the removal of some of his other abilities) are intentional. given that they are a work in progress though, I'm super excited to see what else you do with the Archdevils and dukes of Baator!
Howdy Chaos!
I assume your are referring to the old 5e Epic Monster Updates? If so, yes these are intentionally revised. Those versions were using a custom set of monster creation rules for people wanting to play above lvl 20. Everything in this thread is strictly for lvl 20 and below.

I didn't convert them to this thread for a long time because I want archdevil and demon lords to be truly epic threats, beyond lvl 20. However, that is not useful to most and it will be while before I can get to stat them up for my new epic rules. So I thought I would share some fiendish goodness.

Also, for the Archdevils at least, the old epic update versions were primarily designed by someone else and I wanted to give my own touch to some of them. I'm till working on that though.


Howdy Chaos!
I assume your are referring to the old 5e Epic Monster Updates? If so, yes these are intentionally revised. Those versions were using a custom set of monster creation rules for people wanting to play above lvl 20. Everything in this thread is strictly for lvl 20 and below.

I didn't convert them to this thread for a long time because I want archdevil and demon lords to be truly epic threats, beyond lvl 20. However, that is not useful to most and it will be while before I can get to stat them up for my new epic rules. So I thought I would share some fiendish goodness.

Also, for the Archdevils at least, the old epic update versions were primarily designed by someone else and I wanted to give my own touch to some of them. I'm till working on that though.
Epiccc! I Run a lot for very optimized players, So the older epic stuff is still a challenge for these nerds haha. I can't (but will) wait for the new epic rules and new bigger and Badder monsters. Muhahaha!


Epiccc! I Run a lot for very optimized players, So the older epic stuff is still a challenge for these nerds haha. I can't (but will) wait for the new epic rules and new bigger and Badder monsters. Muhahaha!
Well, my new epic rules have kind of become their own thing. They are only vaguely related to 5e now. And they are much more powerful than 5e PCs or monsters. For example, every tier of Immortal jumps in basic power (HP and damage) by x10. So a basic attack damage might look like (these are subject to change):
Immortal TierBasic Attack Damage
Demigod1,000 HP
Lesser god11,000 HP
Intermediate god130,000 HP
Greater god1,500,000 HP
Elder god16,000,000 HP
Over god190,000,000 HP

I am still fine tuning the numbers, but regardless, the PCs and monsters of these rules are outside the reach of regular 5e PCs and monsters.


Hi, going through the lords of the nine right now. It seems there's an error here, with Mephestopheles' weapon of choice:


Weapon (trtident), artifact (requires attunement)
Biter is a Large magic greatsword that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It deals an additional 14 (4d6) acid on a hit.

Ever Bleeding. Damage inflicted by biter is difficult to heal. Until a creature has completed a long rest, any damaged caused by Biter cannot be healed.

Insect Food. If a creature dies from wounds caused by Biter, the next round it burst in a swarm of infernal insects. Use the statistics for a Swarm of Insects (Wasps).

Special. While Baalzebul is in possession of Biter it uses his save DC and attack bonus, additionally attacks made with it ignore resistance to acid damage.

Copy-paste from the wrong file, I guess? Any chance you could post up the right one? Thanks!

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