D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium

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Cool art for the Lady of Pain, look forward to your version of her, should create a bit of stir as she's one of those "She should never have stats!" NPCs. Hope your recovery doesn't hold you back too long.


Cool art for the Lady of Pain, look forward to your version of her, should create a bit of stir as she's one of those "She should never have stats!" NPCs.
Yes, and I do understand that opinion. Her nebulous nature is part of her appeal.
Hope your recovery doesn't hold you back too long.
Honestly, this one has been more difficult than expected. It kind feels like my intestines are falling out if I'm not laying down! I think that should change soon though.

Rafael TM

First Post
Olá Dave, boa noite, espero que você esteja melhor. Posso perguntar alguma coisa sobre qualquer uma das formas de bhaal quando você tiver algum tempo e tiver vontade? Desde já agradeço espero que esteja bem


Olá Dave, boa noite, espero que você esteja melhor. Posso perguntar alguma coisa sobre qualquer uma das formas de bhaal quando você tiver algum tempo e tiver vontade? Desde já agradeço espero que esteja bem
Absolutely! FYI, I will have more time to work on things starting next weekend. But you can ask away!

Voidrunner's Codex

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