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Though I wonder why she lets their creations wander around her realm.
To be clear it is not her "realm" it is her cage. Though she has vast control over Sigil, she is enormously weakened by it. Also, though she opposed the gods, she is not "Evil" in the traditional sense and trying to determine why an entity with such vast knowledge, intellect, experience, and power does anything is generally beyond my or any mortal's ability.

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To be clear it is not her "realm" it is her cage. Though she has vast control over Sigil, she is enormously weakened by it. Also, though she opposed the gods, she is not "Evil" in the traditional sense and trying to determine why an entity with such vast knowledge, intellect, experience, and power does anything is generally beyond my or any mortal's ability.
I don't think that is "canon", but considering the lady is so enigmatic and mysterious not sure how much could really be considered cannon.


Dragon Lover
Off the current topic of the Lady of Pain, I was looking through your list to poach interesting features for an angelic counterpart to mirror the Abishai, however while looking I realized that you haven’t created your own Abishai which was surprising considering your love of Tiamat.

It would be cool to see you attempt them in the future. Until that time, I wanted to say again that I really love your monster stat blocks and I get quite a bit of use with them in my campaign, and even plan to incorporate some of your really high level ones later on.


I don't think that is "canon", but considering the lady is so enigmatic and mysterious not sure how much could really be considered cannon.
No, canon is thankfully nebulous around the LoP. I was talking about my interpretation of her. Also, I only use canon up to the point I find it interesting or useful. I've no issue with disregarding it.


@dave2008 One other thing that would be cool with the LoP, how just give her complete immunity to slashing weapons (no matter how magic). She has such a blade motiff going I think it would be cool to just make her completely immune to them, and it might actually make weapon type matter for once.


Off the current topic of the Lady of Pain, I was looking through your list to poach interesting features for an angelic counterpart to mirror the Abishai, however while looking I realized that you haven’t created your own Abishai which was surprising considering your love of Tiamat.

It would be cool to see you attempt them in the future. Until that time, I wanted to say again that I really love your monster stat blocks and I get quite a bit of use with them in my campaign, and even plan to incorporate some of your really high level ones later on.
I will think about it!


Thank again for the comments, here are my more detail responses and modifications.
One of the notes about the lady of pain is that within her realm "sigil", she is basically nigh invincible. The gods themselves do not hold sway in sigil due to her power. So one of the initial questions becomes, is she really "killable" while in sigil? Its the classic argument of "if it has a statblock we can kill it" but its something to consider.
That is not entirely true in this version which will be explained some when I add lore. Though she will get "Lair Actions" usable when she is in Sigil, Sigil is not her realm but her cage. Gods cannot enter Sigil for fear of breaking the cage and releasing the Lady. Only a stupid god who wasn't around at the time of her imprisonment would even attempt such an action.

Also, since she has 15 uses of "Unending Pain" she effectively has 6,435 hit points. Not greater god level (at least not my gods), but out of the reach of adventurers for sure. And this is just her imprisoned / weakened form.
  • Demiplane of Mazes: One issue here is....what happens when someone does cast plane shift in the maze, because to the outside its basically as if no time has passed. I would add in some clause that if a person uses plane shift within "X" time in the maze, when they return no time has actually passed (in game terms, the lady banishes them, and they literally pop immediately back in, or to wherever they plane shifted to")
  • Maze of Agony: So if I fail multiple times and then pass, do I age more than 1 yeaR?
I got rid of the time distortion.
  • Priomordial might has a Takhesis reference.
Corrected (but it was Primordial Nature)
  • Shadow of pain: If your going to keep this there probably should be notes on the shadows size and such (or perhaps the lady can move it). Anything that does damage like this could be a real weapon in a fight so best to arm the DM with how it looks. It might be cleaner to say she can move her shadow and so "anyone within X of the lady takes this much damage".
Revised. Let me know what you think (if you have time).
  • Ribbon Blades: The grapple note here is confusing, is she getting a benefit on the miss she didn't get on the hit?
Yes that is the intent. I have updated it so hopefully it is more clear.
  • The banishment DCs are scattered. You have a wisdom save on the base ability, con save on the legendary action. To me it should be a charisma save, that's the normal save for a banishment or plane shift effect.
  • Multiattack says its 2 actions....is that a legendary action thing? Or is she supposed to get 2 actions a round?
Copy paste error - both corrected.
  • Teleport: I think the Lady should be able to teleport anywhere in sigil (which in theory is one of the main challenges for a high level party when facing her, how do you lock her down?)
That will be a lair action
  • Senses Sigil/Truesight Sigil: You don't explain what these mean.
The intent that she as truesight and telepathy in all of Sigil. Sigil is the distance of these traits.


@dave2008 looks a lot cleaner. Only thing I saw was that for the banishment lair action it doesn't mention how long it lasts.
I assume you mean the Mythic Action? Yes, that is as intended. That is one of her iconic abilities. I could/should limit it though as it is basically at-will at the moment. Maybe I will make it 1/Short or Long Rest


I assume you mean the Mythic Action? Yes, that is as intended. That is one of her iconic abilities. I could/should limit it though as it is basically at-will at the moment. Maybe I will make it 1/Short or Long Rest
No I meant the duration, it doesn't say how long they sit in the maze.

Voidrunner's Codex

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