D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium

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OK, after a many month absence I have started to loosen the grips of my grief by getting back into D&D things. I am hoping by doing things I love, like making monsters, I can heal even more. Here is my first foray back into this space: the Spotted Lion.

I thought I would up my game a bit for the 50th aniversary. So, moving forward I plan to make all new monsters with homebrewery as shown in the post below. If I get time and have the energy, I will update my old ones as well.


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I'd be tempted to make Rend be "2 Claw Attacks, and if both hit", and maybe reduce its range to 5' (as it is about "getting on top of the target"). That makes the grapple/restrain less likely, and ups the damage a bit. It is also a callback to previous versions of D&D where that was a common thing.

I'd add an escape DC (17) to the Grapple.

Pack Tactics is a bit questionable; a CR 5 creature is either going to be in the company of a much lower CR ally, or this is a really high level fight (3 such Lions are going to be medium encounter for what, a L 13 group of PCs?) I might cut it just to simplify the stat block (but it is harmless leaving it in).

I'd also be tempted to combine Feline Agility with Feline Speed; like, 2/rest you can bonus action dash and move 4x your speed instead of 2x. Just to save conceptual space.

Retributive Claw, I think I'd cut "melee attack" part of trigger and just make it an "attack". If someone makes a ranged weapon attack within the reach of the claw they deserve to get smacked.


I'd be tempted to make Rend be "2 Claw Attacks, and if both hit", and maybe reduce its range to 5' (as it is about "getting on top of the target"). That makes the grapple/restrain less likely, and ups the damage a bit. It is also a callback to previous versions of D&D where that was a common thing.
That is how I have done most of my big cats (see the OP for links); however, this was a remake of the Spotted Lion in Bigby's. The only action for the version was the "Rend" and the idea of a simple statblock intrigued me. Then I couldn't help myself and I made it complex!
I'd add an escape DC (17) to the Grapple.
Almost added it at the last minute, but it was getting late and I wanted to be done. I will add it back.
Pack Tactics is a bit questionable; a CR 5 creature is either going to be in the company of a much lower CR ally, or this is a really high level fight (3 such Lions are going to be medium encounter for what, a L 13 group of PCs?) I might cut it just to simplify the stat block (but it is harmless leaving it in).
Yes, this is intended for high level encounters. Also, the description mentions rogue males that are encountered in pairs or individuals.
I'd also be tempted to combine Feline Agility with Feline Speed; like, 2/rest you can bonus action dash and move 4x your speed instead of 2x. Just to save conceptual space.
Possibly, but I do want the beast to be able dash and disengage on the regular - but limit how much it can sprint.
Retributive Claw, I think I'd cut "melee attack" part of trigger and just make it an "attack". If someone makes a ranged weapon attack within the reach of the claw they deserve to get smacked.
Good idea


If we want a simple spotted lion...

We can return to Rend only.

Pounce could be: "Move 20 feet in a strait line into an opponents space which is smaller than the Lion. That target must make a DC 17 strength save or fall prone. Then Rend."

We can cut out Ferocious Bite and make Retributive Claw do full Rend damage.

Add wording on Rend that it only grapples if the Lion doesn't already have something Grappled.

As noted, Feline Speed becomes a 2/short rest (4x speed, disengage).

I maintain Pack Tactics is sort of redundant. Between knocking prone and restraining, it has plenty of ways to generate advantage.

Keen Senses is already reflected in its expertise on perception. Without a cheap way to use the Search action, it isn't hugely likely to show up either. You could just kick up the passive perception by 5 and strip the feature. (Btw, it should have 22 passive perception, not 17, as written; you forgot advantage on passive is +5).

That removes 6 out of 10 monster text blocks, and the fight with the resulting feature is going to be 95%+ the same as the fight with yours.


OK, I wasn't happy looking at my old Epic Updates version of Malcanthet. So, in response to another thread I quickly drafted up a new one. It is still rough, needs an edit pass or two, some statblock refinement, and should be expanded another 2-4 pages to do her justice, but I only have so much time! Please note that this uses some of my custom streamlining of the traditional 5e statblock and my homebrew "Dominated" condition. Also, you can get the PDF here (google drive): Malcanthet

Malcanthet Page 001.jpg

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Voidrunner's Codex

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