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For that Vrock, using the summon demon in combat is actually negative danger.

You have a 70% chance of doing nothing, and a 30% chance of summoning a creature which adds almost 0 to the encounter HP budget. If you did this turn one, by turn 3 you (and it) are dead, giving you 2+2.5 = 4.5 total actions.

70% chance of 2 actions, 30% chance of 4.5 actions is 2.75 actions. Even if the summoned Vrock got a guaranteed 3 actions (went after you in initiative order, say) we still get 2.9 total actions.

The summoner Vrock is only strong if it gets lucky or it is given a round to prepare.

I guess I should do the same math for a succibi swarm. You get 20 of them, how does that compare to 3 whip actions?

The raw damage of the succubi swarm is 6.5*20=130, over 6 rounds that is 780. That is quite decent for an action, but the accuracy is only +5.

The real threat is the 20 DC 15 Wisdom saves per round. If you have a "mere" +10 to your saves this is a 20% chance to fail for each one of them; a party of 4 all of whom has +10 to wisdom saves get charmed the first round by this swarm of succubi.

OTOH, I guess anyone who isn't immune to charm is already screwed.

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For that Vrock, using the summon demon in combat is actually negative danger.

You have a 70% chance of doing nothing, and a 30% chance of summoning a creature which adds almost 0 to the encounter HP budget. If you did this turn one, by turn 3 you (and it) are dead, giving you 2+2.5 = 4.5 total actions.

70% chance of 2 actions, 30% chance of 4.5 actions is 2.75 actions. Even if the summoned Vrock got a guaranteed 3 actions (went after you in initiative order, say) we still get 2.9 total actions.

The summoner Vrock is only strong if it gets lucky or it is given a round to prepare.

I guess I should do the same math for a succibi swarm. You get 20 of them, how does that compare to 3 whip actions?

The raw damage of the succubi swarm is 6.5*20=130, over 6 rounds that is 780. That is quite decent for an action, but the accuracy is only +5.

The real threat is the 20 DC 15 Wisdom saves per round. If you have a "mere" +10 to your saves this is a 20% chance to fail for each one of them; a party of 4 all of whom has +10 to wisdom saves get charmed the first round by this swarm of succubi.

OTOH, I guess anyone who isn't immune to charm is already screwed.
All that is irrelevant to your point. It doesn't affect the monster's XP/CR.

Orcus is a better comparison he can summon 500 hp of undead. That could be a CR 17 dracolich (18,000 XP) and two liches (33,000 XP each). That is 84,000 XP of summons compared to 90,000 XP for just Orcus.


Apostles_of_Ruin_v1.4 Page 010.jpg

Apostles_of_Ruin_v1.4 Page 011.jpg
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I don't have Eve of Ruin, so can't compare, but these are awesome no matter what!

A few comments:
- Lolth spellcasting mentions Vecna and the DC seems to be from the Vecna statblock
- Kas vampire lord trait mentions Strahd. Can KAs only transform himself into a bat etc. once per rest?
- Soth's greatsword says "..and the target is wounded 3 necrotic.." ? Can Soth only one of his 1/rest spells, or is it intended to be 1/reast each?

Pet Peeve: I've never liked Vecna as a full blown deity, espacially not a greater god. How would you adjust him to be a CR25ish demigod (as in Vecna Lives!)?

And how do you do those amazing graphic stat blocks? I must be it-challenged, but I don't undrstand how homebrewery works at all....

Voidrunner's Codex

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