Thank you so much for the comments! These are drafts so all comments are welcome. This on in particular was created in a bit of a rush, and includes some rules and format changes I will using going forward. You post made realize I should publish those in the OP - so I did! You can see them here:
I will review both of these, thank you!
I reviewed many different versions of this archtypical trait of Malcanthet and tried to streamline it as much as I could. I will review and see if I can make something easier to use while keep the intent. Thank you!
It is in my homebrew! See the updated introduction in the OP. I have added several things and revised things for the Resistances and Immunities line in the statbock header. It just a more efficient use of space and allows you to add more interesting things in the traits and actions. This are not intended to mimic WotC 100%. The whole point is to make something a bit more inclusive and interesting. To do that some extra complexity and understanding the statblock was needed.
I might suggest splitting these off of damage resistances/immunities. Just because my instinct is to check there for
Having advantage on saving throws or immunity is kind of like magic resistance, and applies at a different phase of resolution usually. It should probably be next to
saves, not with the damage resistance/immunities.
Also, I guess "magic" and "mundane" is intended to refer to magic and mundane weapons; but the name evokes resistance to all damage from magic. (If I said "resists: magic", I would naively assume it applies to magic missile. Same for immune: magic). While I'm sure you define it elsewhere, you should reduce your requirement to read glossaries if reasonable.
Magic Weapons/Mundane Weapons is short enough to cover BPS and makes it clearer.
I will review - thank you!
I have no issue with this power. Demon Lords should be able to summon hordes of demons IMO. That is kind of the point of being a demon lord! I believe DMs should be wise enough to determine if and how to use this ability.
Sure, I'm just saying your XP value is too low given that ability. The monsters summoned make a 60000 XP encounter by themselves, and she is a 90000 XP encounter before she hits 0 HP. There is no way you properly accounted for 2/3 of her (pre-0-HP) budget being that power.
So, Knock her XP up enough to account for them.
Also, as written, summoning non-succubi is probably a trap option; CR 4 for 25 points is way more efficient than anything else (like a pit fiend + 2 and a half chain devils).
I'd probably make it less free-form (Say: She can summon 3d4 succubi, 1d3+1 chain devils and 1 pit fiend), then properly account for that in the total CR/XP of the creature; leaving it up to the DM to both find appropriate monsters and rebalance the combat difficulty based on their choices isn't kosher monster design as far as I am concerned.
I will review. I agree not being able to play your player sucks.
I agree. That is not how Wotc does it in 5e, but I think I will think about adopting that philosophy.
I agree, and that is also but design. I prefer spellcasting to typically be there for flavor (unless the theme of the monster is a spellcaster). These are things the monster should be able to do, but not there go to combat options (ie. what CR is based on). My belief is that whatever the CR is based on should be clearly spelled out in the statblock. I can't do that 100% of the time, but that is my general philosophy.
In particular, you should make at-will lighting bolt an action (I admit, most DMs have it memorized, but having the basic stats there is nice) as it is a rival for her multi-attack. (It can mention it is casting a spell) As a side benefit, you can give that lighting bolt a boost (I'd give it more range, like 500'+, just to mess with PCs who try to kite her).
I might even give her a lighting bolt multi-attack option? Like, lighting bolt, then teleport to a creature hit by it and make a claw attack. Just because it (a) seems cool, and (b) gives her some really nice tactical mobility if the PCs try to kite her.
I'd also be tempted to script her multi-attack more. Make it one each of claw, tail, whip + gaze. That rewards PCs who work out how to nullify one of them, and reduces DM decision fatigue a bit, and even makes sense physically (she has a hand with a whip, a hand free to claw, and a tail, all of which can independently attack - as opposed to 3 super-fast whip attacks, which has a different feel).