
It was brought to my attention that this thread doesn't have a proper introduction (thanks CapnZapp), and I must say I agree. I didn't give it much thought initially because this was really just a personal project for myself and perhaps a few others. I had a similar thread at the old WotC forums for 4e epic monsters and it got very little attention,I assumed this would be more of the same. Well, maybe it's 5e or the move to EnWorld (or both), but this thread has gotten a lot more attention, so it is time to get a little more serious. This update to the OP is my attempt to introduce this little project of mine to the broader community.

There are multiple reasons I have chosen to write-up epic monsters. Primarily because ever since the 1e Monster Manual and Deities and Demigods and the Immortals Handbook of BECMI, I have been fascinated with Demon Lords, Archdevils, Dragons, Gods and epic monsters of all sorts. They are a big reason why over the past 30 years I have been a PC for about 2 and DM for 28! From the beginning I wanted to be Demogorgon or Tiamat or Thor, etc. I don't typically run published adventures, but I bought RoT, PotA, & OotA to get my hands on the "official" epic villains inside. It is sickness really. Though I appreciated WotC efforts, I want more epic goodies and, frankly, I like my epic threats a little more threatening. Also, as it looks like WotC as no intention of providing 5e stats for the greater gods, I started to make my own. This started with 4e and I quickly made the switch to 5e.

If you peruse my epic updates you will notice that there is a significant power difference between an "official" CR 30 Tiamat and my CR 30 avatar of Tiamat. The reason for these changes, as hinted above, is that I feel the WotC epic monsters are a little lacking. In 4e it could be rather trivial to defeat epic threats, so much so WotC even revised the guidelines 2x (and still didn't get it right IMO). I had hoped this wouldn't be the case with 5e, but all evidence points to the fact that some bit of optimizing can make the big bad look a bit sad. Thus, I decided to update all epic monsters (CR 20+) with beefed up stat blocks. I could have simply increased the CR of each monster, to make them tougher; however, my goal is to make CR 21+ monsters feel more epic. And, oddly the CR feels about right, but the challenge of that CR does not. Just raising the CR of each monster is treating the symptoms and not the problem, IMO. Thus, I created a revised Monsters by CR table to bring the CR of epic creatures in-line with how I felt they should be. Here is my revised epic monster design table, with the notes below explain why I changed the things I changed.

5e Epic Monsters by CR table:
Notes regarding the 5e Epic Monsters by CR table:
  • Useing the Table: Refer to the 5e DMG pages 273-278 "Creating Monsters" for the guidelines to use this Chart. However, there is one difference between using the table in the DMG and this table. The "Effective Hit Points..." table on pg 278 of the DMG has the last row in the table as 17 or more. I revised that row to be 17-25 and adding a row 26 or more which indicates no hit point modifier for creatures above CR 25. Any creature above CR 25 or anyone fighting a creature above CR 25 should expect it to have multiple resistances and immunities. Also, I'm not sure this is mention in the DMG, but as currently designed you do not add regeneration that is part of a legendary action (this is assumed to be equal in CR value to the damage of a legendary action which should be included in the CR). One thing to consider regarding regeneration is that it is very easy to neutralize (chill touch cantrip) if your monster doesn't have immunity to cantrips or somethign similar. If your monster doesn't have a good method to counter chill touch then don't calculate the regeneration in the effectie HP (PS. I need to make that revision to some of the monsters posted here).
  • Prof. Bonus: I have capped this at +10. My thought is there is a limit to how proficient one can be at a task, but you can still get better through having higher ability scores. It was also an attempt to maintain some degree of BA.
  • Epic Bonus: This a new column on the table and indicates the overall inherent magic of epic creatures. The bonus is added to the attack, AC, damage, and save DC of a monster (included in the numbers on the chart). The epic bonus also determines how "magical" a monster's attacks and defenses are. Thus, a monser with a +3 epic bonus gains a +3 to its AC, Attack Bonus, Save DC, and damage to each attack. In addition, its attacks are treated as +3 magical weapons and it has resistance to attacks of +3 or less magic. However, this bonus does not stack with magic weapons or armor. The monster gets the higher of the two. If a monster with a +3 epic bonus has a +4 weapon it gains +4 to attack and damage not +7. The Epic bonus was added to give epic monsters a bit of a bump over the "official" monsters as the WotC monster AC, saves, and damage tend to be to low to provide a real threat to high level PCs.
  • Armor Class: These are expected values (not hard coded) the same as the DMG, but extended out to CR 50. When calculating from scratch you add the epic bonus along with appropriate armor and Dex bonus. In addition this table has higher AC values than the WotC table (which tops out at 19). The reason for this change is that optimized PCs can easily hit such a low CR. We can't have PCs just whacking away at our epic baddies. So, by raising the expected AC we increase their durability, and it allows the HP to be higher for the same CR without having to adjust the HP portion of the table.
  • Hit Points: No change, just extended out to CR 50 (EDIT: I plan to modify the hit point progression in a future update as it has come to my attention that HP doesn't keep up with PC power).
  • Attack Bonus: These are expected values (not hard coded) the same as the DMG, but extended out to CR 50. When calculating from scratch you add the epic bonus along with proficiency and ability and weapon bonuses. Similar to AC, I raised the rate of increase for attack bonus. The reason for this was primarily to allow an epic monster to do more damage per round for a given CR. However, there is also the added benefit that the higher attack bonus dampens optimized PCs ability to avoid damage to some extent. High level characters have many options to buff themselves and increased attack bonus helps overcome some of these.
  • Damage / Round: The same concept as the DMG, but I have increased the total DPR per CR to make Epic monsters more threatening when compared to the monsters produced by WotC. In addition, as a guideline I recommend keeping at-will single attack damage capped at 4xCR with special attacks (recharge or daily) capped at 7-8xCR. This is the BIG change in my table. These monsters hit a lot harder than their WotC counterparts. This was my primary method of providing a challenge to optimized PCs. The revised AC, attack bouns, and Save DC, are all more than just buffs, the allow the epic monsters in this thread to maximize their DPR. High level PCs have lots of hit points and lots of methods to recover HP or avoid taking damage. I believe the best way to make them feel challenged is to hit them harder. This method allows the PCs to feel the danger without drastically increasing the length of the battle like increasing HP would.
  • Save DC: These are expected values (not hard coded) the same as the DMG, but extended out to CR 50. When calculating from scratch you add the epic bonus along with proficiency and ability. Like the attack bonus, the save DC was increased to help overcome high level PCs abilities to protect themselves and to preserve the maximum DPR possible as noted Damage / Round above.
  • XP: Same, just extended out to CR 50

That is a hard one. These monsters are clearly more powerful than the "official" monsters of the same CR. For example, the Ancient Red Dragon presented in this thread is labeled as CR 24. just like the WotC version. However, if you use the DMG guidelines (vs. my guidelines above) for my version of the Red Dragon, its calculated CR would be 29. Clearly much tougher. However, because the rate of change is different between the two tables I can't just say that these monsters are 5 ranks above equivalent CR monsters in the MM, nor would I want to. As stated previously I am trying to fix the CR problem, not participate in it.

That being said, if your group is fine with the standard monsters you should be careful using the beasts in this thread. Try them out and see how your PCs do. You will have to be the judge of your PCs handle these Epic threats. Generally I feel a typical lvl 20 group could handle a monster up to CR 25, but your group my very. If, for example, your group has a bit of optimization going, then these are probably safe to use up to and including CR 30 or there about. Unfortunately, because each group is optimized differently I can't say for certain how this applies to your specific group, but the hope was to make epic level monsters usable with the guidelines in the DMG. If the guidelines say it should be deadly, then t should be deadly;)

Ultimately these Epic Monsters will be designed to be used with a suite of Epic Character options to allow players to truly challenge the gods and even become ones themselves. I have another thread to explore epic characters (link provided below), but it is in its infancy at this time. As that project grows up I will update this post with epic encounter guidelines. The goal is to eventually provide guidelines on how epic characters interact with epic monsters. I am less worried about lvl 20 and below with this project. My first thought on epic encounter design would be for an epic character to equal to an epic monster of the same level/CR, and for that to be the base line for balancing encounters. More to come as it develops!

Please realize that everything posted here to date is a draft, a WIP. There are typos, mistakes, and changes in design philosophy that need to be updated and corrected eventually. I will gladly revise and edit as needed, based on comments, suggestions, etc. In addition, after all the drafts are complete I intend to review, edit, and finalize them as well. Also, I have two regular contributors to this project and would love to have more. If you are interested send me a PM with your email and I will send you the templates and spreadsheet I use to make these epic threats.

The following 11 posts have the stats for various epic threats. Completed monster drafts, and categories with completed monsters in the TOC below, are delineated by having their names in bold red text.

I am creating keywords for various categories (such as greater god, lesser god, etc.) that define a set of attributes and traits shared by entities of the category. Each creature with the key word has all the attributes described by the key word unless noted otherwise. The post below are generally organized by keyword, with the defining characteristics of that keyword described at the top of the each post.

This is the bestiary companion to my 5e Epic Character Update thread: Homebrew - (5e) IMMORTAL RULES


Tiamat(CR 48)
Tharizdun (CR 31 - 37 - 44)
Bahamut(CR 43)
Moradin(CR 40)
Bane(CR 39)
Corellon Larethian(CR 39)
Gruumsh(CR 38)
Ioun(CR 38)
Maglubiyet(CR 37)
Pelor(CR 37)
Erathis(CR 36)
Garl Glittergold(CR 36)
Myrkul(CR 36)
Yondalla(CR 36)
Zehir(CR 36)

Alduin(CR 36)
Avandra(CR 35)
Kord(CR 35)
Melora(CR 35)
Lolth(CR 34)
The Raven Queen(CR 34)
Sehanine(CR 34)
Vecna(CR 34)
Torog(CR 33)

Tiamat - Avatar(CR 31)
Waukeen(CR 30)
Bane (Avatar)(CR 29)
Semuanya(CR 29)
Sekolah(CR 28)
Kurtulmak(CR 27)
Hruggek(CR 27)
Dibella(CR 26)
Thasmudyan(CR 26)
Zenithar(CR 26)

Iuz the Old(CR 25)
Vaprak(CR 25)
Laogzed(CR 23)
Blibdoolpoolp(CR 22)

]The Hebdomad
Zaphkiel(CR 31)
Sealtiel(CR 30)
Raziel(CR 29)
Domiel(CR 28)
Pistis Sophia(CR 28)
Bachiel(CR 27)
Erathaol(CR 26)

The Court of Stars
Morwel(CR 31)
Waukeen(CR 30)
Sekolah(CR 28)

]The Companions
Prince Talisid(CR 31)
Bharrai(CR 30)
Kahrash(CR 29)
Sathia(CR 29)
Vharra(CR 29)
Manath(CR 28)

Empyrean(CR 25)
Solar(CR 23)
Aire(CR 280

Ahat-Hir(CR 55)
Dendar(CR 45)
Primus(CR 45)
Maul-Tar(CR 40)
Balcoth(CR 36)
Solkara(CR 35)
Timesus(CR 34)
The Lady of Pain(CR 33)
Piranoth(CR 32)
Lakkar(CR 30)
Maegera(CR 30)

ARCH-FIENDS (Chaotic Evil)
Demon Princes:
Demogorgon(CR 35)
Orcus(CR 33)
Graz'zt(CR 33)
Dagon(CR 32)
Fraz urb'luu(CR 32)
Miska the Wolf Spider(CR 32)
Obox-Ob(CR 32)
Pazuzu(CR 32)
The Queen of Chaos(CR 31)

Demon Lords:
Arendagrost(CR 30)
Pale Night(CR 29)
Baphomet(CR 28)
Malcanthet(CR 28)
Yeenoghu(CR 28)
Bjorganal(CR 27)
Kostchtchie(CR 27)
Sess'innek(CR 27)
Juiblex(CR 26)
Zuggtomy(CR 26)
Balor Lord(CR 22)
Balor(CR 20)

ARCH-FIENDS (Neutral Evil)

ARCH-FIENDS (Lawful Evil)
Asmodeus(CR 34)
Mephistopheles(CR 32)
Baalzebul(CR 31)
Dispater(CR 29)
Geryon(CR 29)
Belial(CR 27)
Glaysa(CR 27)
Levistus(CR 27)
Mammon(CR 27)
Moloch(CR 27)
Fernia(CR 26)
Zariel(CR 25)

Hutijin(CR 24)
Amon(CR 23)
Bael(CR 23)
Bel(CR 23)
Titivilus(CR 21)
Pit Fiend(CR 20)


Elminster(CR 21)
Iggwilv(CR 15-24)
Eclavdra(CR 20)
Merlin(CR 20)
King Arthur(CR 17)
Mordenkainen(CR 16)
Morgan Le Fay(CR 13)

Azathoth(CR 21-53)
Bolothamogg (CR 38)
Emrakul(CR 37)
Ityak-Ortheel(CR 36)
Shub-Niggurath(CR 36)
Cthulhu(CR 34)
Ulamog(CR 33)
Kozilek(CR 32)
Eldrazi Swarm(CR 23)
Gibbering Orb(CR 23)
Beholder Hive Mother(CR 21)
Eldest(CR 20)

Hecatoncheires(CR 36)
Xixecal(CR 30)
Phaethon(CR 30)
Astral Dreadnought(CR 24)
Atropal(CR 24)
Dream Larva(CR 22)
Infernal(CR 22)
Phane(CR 21)
Chichimec(CR 20)

Godforged Colossus(CR 38)
Baak(CR 35)
Iron Colossus(CR 33)
Umbral Blot(CR 30)
Stone Colossus(CR 28)
Flesh Colossus(CR 23)
Adamantine Golem(CR 21)
Anaxim(CR 20)

Great Dragons:
Great Wyrm Gold Dragon(CR 32)
Great Wyrm Red Dragon(CR 32)
Great Wyrm Blue Dragon(CR 31)
Great Wyrn Silver Dragon(CR 31)
Great Wyrm Bronze Dragon(CR 30)
Great Wyrm Green Dragon(CR 30)
Great Wyrm Black Dragon(CR 29)
Great Wyrm Copper Dragon(CR 29)
Great Wyrm Brass Dragon(CR 28)
Great Wyrm White Dragon(CR 28)
Wyrm Gold Dragon(CR 28)
Wyrm Red Dragon(CR 28)
Wyrm Blue Dragon(CR 27)
Wyrn Silver Dragon(CR 27)
Wyrm Bronze Dragon(CR 26)
Wyrm Green Dragon(CR 26)
Wyrm Black Dragon(CR 25)
Wyrm Copper Dragon(CR 25)
Wyrm Brass Dragon(CR 24)
Wyrm White Dragon(CR 24)
Ancient Dragons
Ancient Gold Dragon(CR 24)
Ancient Red Dragon(CR 24)
Ancient Blue Dragon(CR 23)
Ancient Dragon Turtle(CR 23)
Ancient Silver Dragon(CR 23)
Ancient Bronze Dragon(CR 22)
Ancient Green Dragon(CR 22)
Ancient Black Dragon(CR 21)
Ancient Copper Dragon(CR 21)
Ancient Brass Dragon(CR 20)
Ancient White Dragon(CR 20)
Dragon Hall of Fame:
Shen(CR 35)
Ashardalon(CR 33)
Nicol Bolas(CR 33)
Havarian(CR 28)
Aremag(CR 27)
Iymrith(CR 27)
Cyan Bloodbane(CR 19)

Ogremoch(CR 25)
Cryonax(CR 24)
Imix(CR 24)
Olyhydra(CR 23)
Yan-C-Bin(CR 23)
Primal Air Elemental(CR 22)
Primal Earth Elemental(CR 22)
Primal Fire Elemental(CR 22)
Primal Water Elemental(CR 22)

Titania(CR 31)
Emmantiensien(CR 30)
Oberon(CR 30)
Queen of Air & Darkness(CR 30)
Damh(CR 29)
Eachthighern(CR 29)
Prince of Frost(CR 29)
Skerrit(CR 28)
Baba Yaga(CR 27)
Koliada(CR 26)
Nathair Sgiathach(CR 26)
Verenestra(CR 27)
Cerunnos(CR 25)
Cat Lord(CR 19 + CR 23)
3-headed Sirrush(CR 24)
Hyrsam(CR 23)
Squelaiche(CR 24)
Caoimhin(CR 22)
Mournwind / Velayn(CR 21)
Soulsorrow / Loralae(CR 21)
Hoary Hunter(CR 20)
Sirrush(CR 20)
Fionnghuala(CR 18)

Devastation Swarm (Centipede)(CR 57)
Protean - Astral(CR 45)
Draeden - Greater(CR 37)
Tarrasque(CR 31)
Draeden - Lesser(CR 29)
Devastation Beetle(CR 28)
Genius Loci(CR 26)
Kraken(CR 25)
Devastation Scorpion(CR 24)
Devastation Spider(CR 23)
Devastation Centipede(CR 22)
Protean - Giant(CR 23)
Repeater(CR 22)
Vermiurge(CR 22)
Brachyurus(CR 22)
Tayellah(CR 21)
Ruin Swarm(CR 20)
Prismasaurus(CR 19)

Rillifane Rallathil(CR 31)
Ancient Treant(CR 23)
Mu Spore(CR 21)
Elder Treant(CR 16)

Kyuss(CR 31)
Dragotha(CR 25)
Shadow of the Void(CR 24)
Hunefer(CR 23)
Dodkong(CR 22)
Dracolich (Ancient Red Dragon)(CR 22)
Worm that Walks(CR 22)
Acererak(CR 21)
Lich(CR 21)
Winterwight(CR 21)
Strahd(CR 17)

Here is google-drive download of a compiled PDF version of the these Epic Monsters: 5e Epic Monster Updates

Please note, that the PDF will not be as current as the items posted in this thread.
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Greater God Traits:
Greater Gods generally have all of the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of the following stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +5 or lesser magical weapons
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is +1 magical or less.
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, frightened, petrified, poisoned, exhaustion

Discorporation. When a greater god drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.

Divine Might. A greater god's attacks and effects ignore the resistances and immunities of creatures CR 25 and below. A greater god's attacks and effects targeting creatures of CR 26-35 ignore resistances and treat immunities as resistance (condition immunities provide advantage in lieu of immunity).

Divine Reflexes. If a greater god succeeds on a saving throw against an area of effect, it may spend its reaction and move outside the area, suffering no damage, conditions, etc. from the effect. The god must have enough move distance to get out side the area of effect. It may also spend legendary move actions in addition to the reaction to gain the distance required to move outside the area of effect.

Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a greater god’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Greater gods can innately cast the following spells at 8th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: comprehend languages, contact outer plane, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, enlarge/reduce, polymorph, remove curse, scrying, sending, shield, shield of faith, telekinesis, teleport
3/day each: arcane gate, creation, divine word, etherealness, fordiddance, (un)holy aura, mordenkainen's private sanctum, resurrection, symbol, telepathy
1/day each: astral projection, gate, mass heal (1000 hit points), true resurrection, wish

Legendary Resistance (5/Day).
If a greater god fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a greater god wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 7th level or lower, and it is resistant to and has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.

Magic Weapons. A greater god’s weapon attacks are treated as +5 magical weapons.

Regeneration. Greater gods regain 50 hit points at the start of their turn.

Tiamat (CR 48):
by dave2008
Tiamat-GreaterGod-Update4 Page-01.jpg
Tiamat-GreaterGod-Update4 Page-02.jpg
Tiamat-GreaterGod-Update4 Page-03.jpg

Tharizdun (CR 31 - 37 - 44):
by dave2008
Bahamut (CR 43):
by dave2008
Bahamut-Update2 Page-01.jpg
Bahamut-Update2 Page-02.jpg
Moradin (CR 40):
by dave2008
Bane (CR 39):
by dave2008
Corellon Larethian (CR 39):
by dave2008
Gruumsh (CR 38):
by dave2008
Ioun (CR 38):
by dave2008
Maglubiyet (CR 37):
by dave2008
Pelor (CR 37):
by dave2008
Erathis (CR 36):
by dave2008
Garl Glitergold (CR 36):
by dave2008

Myrkul (CR 36)
by Yourzombiecat (w/ edits by dave2008)
Yondalla (CR 36):
by dave2008
Zehir (CR 36):
by MechaTarrasque, edited by dave2008
Last edited:



Intermediate God Traits:

Intermediate Gods generally all have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of the following stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +4 or lesser magical weapons
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, petrified, exhaustion

Discorporation. When an intermediate god drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.

Divine Might. An intermediate god's attacks and effects ignore the resistances and immunities of creatures CR 20 and below. An intermediate god's attacks and effects targeting creatures of CR 21-30 ignore resistances and treat immunities as resistance (condition immunities provide advantage in lieu of immunity).

Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a intermediate god’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Intermediate gods can innately cast the following spells at 7th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: comprehend languages, contact outer plane, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, enlarge/reduce, polymorph, remove curse, scrying, sending, shield, shield of faith, telekinesis, teleport
3/day each: arcane gate, creation, divine word, etherealness, fordiddance, (un)holy aura, mordenkainen's private sanctum, resurrection, symbol, telepathy
1/day each: astral projection, gate, true resurrection, wish

Legendary Resistance (4/Day). If an intermediate god fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless an intermediate god wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 6th level or lower, and it is resistant to and has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.

Magic Weapons. An Intermediate god’s weapon attacks are treated as +4 magical weapons.

Regeneration. Intermediate gods regain 40 hit points at the start of their turn.

Alduin (CR 36)
by Rubies (w/ edits by dave2008)

Avandra (CR 35):
by szymanski808

Kord (CR 35):
by szymanski808

Melora (CR 35):
by szymanski808

Lolth (CR 34):
by szymanski808 and dave2008

The Raven Queen (CR 34):
by dave2008

Sehanine (CR 34):
by dave2008

Vecna (CR 34):
by szymanski808

Torog (CR 34):
by dave2008
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Lesser God Traits:
Lesser Gods generally all have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of the following stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +3 or lesser magical weapons
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities charmed, petrified, exhaustion

Discorporation. When an intermediate god drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.
Divine Might. A lesser god's attacks and effects ignore the resistances and immunities of creatures CR 15 and below. A lesser god's attacks and effects targeting creatures of CR 16-25 ignore resistances and treat immunities as resistance (condition immunities provide advantage in lieu of immunity).
Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a lesser god’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Lesser gods can innately cast the following spells at 6th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, enlarge/reduce, polymorph, remove curse, scrying, sending, shield, telekinesis
3/day each: arcane gate, creation, divine word, etherealness, fordiddance, (un)holy aura, symbol, telepathy, teleport
1/day each: astral projection, gate, wish

Legendary Resistance (3/Day).
If an lesser god fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless an lesser god wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 5th level or lower, and it is resistant to and has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.
Magic Weapons. A lesser god’s weapon attacks are treated as +3 magical weapons.
Regeneration. lesser gods regain 30 hit points at the start of their turn.
Tiamat - Avatar (CR 31):
by dave2008

Waukeen (CR 30):
by dave2008

Bane - Avatar (CR 29):
by dave2008

Semuanya (CR 29):
by dave2008

Sekolah (CR 28):
by dave2008

Kurtulmak (CR 27):
by dave2008

Hruggek (CR 27):
by dave2008

Dibella (CR 26)
by @Rubies (w/ edits by dave2008)

Thasmudyan (CR 26):
by dave2008

Zenithar (CR 26)
by @Rubies (w/ edits by dave2008)
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Iuz the Old (CR 25)
by MonsterEnvy (edited by dave2008 to conform to the Epic Monster guidelines in the OP)
Note: Iuz was copied and edit with permission from MonsterEnvy, his original can be found here:Homebrew - Iuz the old 5e conversion.

Vaprak (CR 25):
by dave2008

Laogzed (CR 23):
by dave2008

Blibdoolpoolp (CR 22):
by dave2008

The Hebdomad:
The Hebdomad generally all have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of the following stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +2 or lesser magical
Damage Immunities lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities petrified

Aura of Menance. The first time an enemy comes within 60 feet of a hebdomad or starts its turn in that radius, it must make a Wisdom check (see individual hebdomad for DC) or become frightened of the hebdomad for 1 minute. The enemy may make an additional saving throw whenever it takes damage, ending the effect on a success. Attack roles against a frightened enemy have advantage
Banishment. When an hebdomad drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.
Celestial Weapons: A hebdomad's weapon attacks are treated as +2 magical weapons. In addition, when a hebdomad hits with any weapon attack, the weapon does an extra 6d6 radiant damage, included in the attack.
Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a hebdomad’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. A hebdomad can innately cast the following spells at 5th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: aid, banishment, continual flame, cure wounds, detect evil and good, dispel magic
3/day each: bless, greater restoration, protection from evil and good, teleport
1/day each: banishing smite, blade barrier, resurrection

Legendary Resistance (3/Day).
If a hebdomad fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a hebdomad wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower, and it has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.
Magic Weapons. A hebdomad’s weapon attacks are treated as +2 magical weapons.
Turn Undead. A hebdomad can use its action to turn/destroy undead like the cleric class feature, affecting all undead within 120 feet of the hebdomad and destroying undead of CR 7 or lower. Unless the undead is CR21 or greater, the hebdomad has advantage on the attempt.

Celestial Lightning (recharge 5-6). The hebdomad casts a spell and lightning arcs from it to a target within 180 feet. The bolt continues to jump to additional targets within 80 feet of each previous target, making up to 4 four jumps (a total of 5 targets) or until there is no target within range. Each target can on be struck once and must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) lightning damage on a failure or half as much damage on a success; or, the hebdomad’s choice, it regains 44 (8d10) hit points (no save required).

Zaphkiel (CR 31):
by MechaTarrasque
Sealtiel (CR 30):
by MechaTarrasque
Raziel (CR 29):
by MechaTarrasque
Domiel (CR 28):
by MechaTarrasque
Pistis Sophia (CR 28):
by MechaTarrasque
Bachiel (CR 27):
by MechaTarrasque
Erathaol (CR 27):
by MechaTarrasque

Court of Stars
The Court of Stars generally all have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of the following stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +2 or lesser magical
Damage Immunities lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities petrified

Banishment. When a member of the Court drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.
Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a Court member’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. A member of the Court can innately cast the following spells at 5th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: banishment, cure wounds, dancing lights, detect evil and good, dispel magic
3/day each: bless, greater restoration, protection from evil and good, teleport
1/day each: dream, chain lightning, eyebite (eyes glow, bonus action to cast and use each round), phantasmal force

Legendary Resistance (3/Day).
If a Court member fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a Court member wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower, and it has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.
Magic Weapons. A Court member's weapon attacks are treated as +2 magical weapons.
Song of Rest. The Court member can use the bard song of rest ability as though a 17th level bard.
Turn the Faithless. A Court member can use its action to turn fiends and fey like the paladin oath of the ancients subclass feature, affecting all fiends and any fey within 120 feet of the Court member who the member choses to affect. Unless a target is CR21 or greater, the Court member has advantage on the attempt.

Summon (1/day). If the Court member is on, in, or near a body of water, the member can summon (100% change of success) 1d12 noviere eladrin.

Morwel (CR 31)
by MechaTarrasque
Faerinaal (CR 30)
by MechaTarrasque
Gwynharwyf (CR 29)
by MechaTarrasque

Prince Talisid and his Companions
Prince Talisid and his Companions generally have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of the following stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +2 or lesser magical
Damage Immunities lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities petrified

Animal Diplomat. The Companion can speak to and understand beasts as though it always had speak with animals cast upon it. The Companion can usually get a small favor from any nonevil beast, although the companion is reluctant to request anything that will put them in danger. Beasts, even if charmed, make attacks against guardinals with disadvantage.
Banishment. When a member of the Companions drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.
Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a Companion member’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. A Companion can innately cast the following spells at 5th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: detect evil and good, disguise self, magic missile (9th level)
3/day each: guardian of faith, protection from evil and good, teleport
1/day each: hold monster (9th level), spirit guardians (9th level), true resurrection

Legendary Resistance (3/Day).
If a Companion fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a Companion wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower, and it has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a Companion wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower, and it has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.
Magic Weapons. A Companion’s weapon attacks are treated as +2 magical weapons.
Turn the Unholy. A Companion can use its action to turn fiends and undead like the paladin oath of the devotion subclass feature, affecting all fiends and undead within 120 feet of the Court member who the member choses to affect. Unless a target is CR21 or greater, the Court member has advantage on the attempt.

Healing Touch (4/day). This restores 39 (8d8+3) hit points and frees the target from any curse, disease, poison, blindness, or deafness. Each Companion has a different touch it can use in place of the healing touch.

Talisid (CR 31):
by MechaTarrasque
Bharrai (CR 30)
by MechaTarrasque
Kaharash (CR 29)
by MechaTarrasque
Sathia (CR 29)
by MechaTarrasque
Vhara (CR 29)
by MechaTarrasque
Manath (CR 28)
by MechaTarrasque

Empyrean (CR 25):
by dave2008 (updated by Atroper)


Solar (CR 23):
by dave2008

Aire (CR 20):
by dave2008
Aire is the celestial companion and steed of the Intermediate God Avandra
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Primorodial Traits:
Primordials are titans of vast size that cannot be described by the typical size categories and stat block. Because of this, mechanically they are described by breaking them in to various parts with a stat block for each part. Each part has its own CR and is treated as unique creature, as described below in colossal parts, and theindividual parts range in power from lesser gods, to greater gods and beyond. The CR value listed in the heading for each primordial is the average CR value of all the primordial's parts. However, the XP listed in the general stat block for each primordial is the total XP of all parts and this should be used for encounter building.

Though each primordial is a unique entity of elemental chaos, generally they all have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of all primordial stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +5 or lesser magical weapons
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened

Colossal. Primordial’s size exceeds the normal definition of gargantuan, they control a space ranging from 100’ x 100’ to more than a 1000’ x 1000’. Any huge or smaller creature can enter a primordial’s space and any such creature is considered to be adjacent to the primordial. The exact space of the primordial and size of creature that can enter its space will be provided in the individual stat block.

...Colossal Attacks (optional rule): Some primordials are so large that their physical attacks are best described as areas of effect with the target(s) getting a saving throw. These areas are so large that the attack can't truly "miss" under the normal parameters of the standard attack and defense resolution system. Thus the target takes half damage on a miss. However, if the target has any unused move speed (their move action and/or legendary actions) the target may use it reaction and spend its move speed. If this movement takes the target outside of the area of effect of the attack, it takes no damage on a successful save.

Colossal Parts.
Primordial’s enormous forms are treated as multiple parts with sub-stat blocks. Each part acts on its own initiative and has its own AC, HP, CR, actions, and traits; in addition to the traits listed for the primordial in general. However, primordials can only make use of one reaction, bonus action, and move action per round, though the move action may be split up among multiple turns (each part having its own turn). When a parts is reduced to 0 hit points it is considered disabled, refer to each part’s traits to determine the effect of disabling each part. If a specific number of parts are disabled, see individual stat block, a primordial is forced into its Primordial Slumber.

Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a primodrial’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Primordials can innately cast the following spells at 7th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will:
3/day each:
1/day each:

Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If a primordial fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a primordial wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 6th level or lower, and has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.

Magic Weapons. A primordial’s weapon attacks are treated as +5 artifacts (included in their attacks).

Primordial Might. A primordial's attacks and effects ignore the resistances and immunities of creatures CR 30 and below. A primordial's attacks and effects targeting creatures of a CR lower than its own ignore resistances and treat immunities as resistance (condition immunities provide advantage in lieu of immunity).

Primordial Slumber. When a specific number of parts (see specific stat block) are disabled at the same time, a primordial is banished. If the primordial is on one of the elemental planes when it is banished its essence returns it is elemental domain and slumbers for a time. If the primordial is on a plane other than an elemental one when it is banished, its fleeing essence can be restrained with a wish cast within 1 round of the banishment, and then destroyed with a second wish cast within 1d10 rounds of being restrained.

Regeneration. A primordial's part regains 30 hit points at the start of its turn, see colossal parts.

Siege Monster. A primordial deals double damage to objects, structures, and gargantuan or larger creatures.

Ahat-Hir (CR 55):
by dave2008
Dendar (CR 45):
by dave2008
Primus (CR 45)
by dave2008
This version of Primus was at least partially inspired by the work of Vecna_is_My_Co-Pilot (Reddit) and Chris Ramsley's "Planar Bestiary" available on the DM's Guild
Primus_Update Page-01.jpg
Primus_Update Page-02.jpg
Mual-Tar (CR 40):
by dave2008
Solkara (CR 35):
by dave2008
Balcoth (CR 36):
by dave2008
Timesus (CR 34):
by dave2008
Timesus_Update Page-01.jpg
Timesus_Update Page-02.jpg
The Lady of Pain (CR 33):
by dave2008
Piranoth (CR 32):
by dave2008
Lakkar (CR 30):
by dave2008
Maegera (CR 30)
by dave2008
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ARCH-FIENDS (Chaotic Evil):

Demon Princes are similar in power to intermediate gods and, generally, have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of all demon prince stat blocks. Only specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +4 or lesser magical weapons
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, petrified, poisoned

Banishment. When a demon prince drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.

Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a demon prince’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Demon princes can innately cast the following spells at 7th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: comprehend languages, darkness, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, fear, polymorph, see invisibility, telekinesis
3/day each: arcane gate, forbiddance, symbol, telepathy, teleport
1/day each: astral projection, gate

Legendary Resistance (4/Day). If a demon prince fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a demon prince wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 6th level or lower, and it has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.

Magic Weapons. A demon prince’s weapon attacks are treated as +4 magical weapons.

Demogorgon (CR 35):

by dave2008
Orcus (CR 33):
by dave2008
Graz'zt (CR 33):
by dave2008
Dagon (CR 32):
by dave2008
Fraz urb'luu (CR 32):
by dave2008
Miska the Wolf Spider (CR 32):
by dave2008
Obox-Ob (CR 32):
by dave2008
Pazuzu (CR 32):
by Olrox17 (edited by dave2008 to conform to the Epic Monster guidelines in the OP)
Olrox's original stat block for Pazuzu can be found here: Homebrew - Stats for the demon lord Pazuzu
The Queen of Chaos (CR 31):
by dave2008

Demon Lords range in power from demigods to lesser gods and, generally, have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of all demon prince stat blocks. Only specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +2 or lesser magical weapons
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened

Banishment. When a demon lord drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.

Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a demon lord’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Demon lords can innately cast the following spells at 6th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: comprehend languages, darkness, detect magic, detect thoughts, polymorph, see invisibility, telekinesis
3/day each: arcane gate, dispel magic, fear, teleport
1/day each: forbiddance, symbol

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If a demon lord fails a saving throw, it can use a reaction to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless a demon lord wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 4th level or lower, and it as advantage on all other spells and magical effects.

Magic Weapons. A demon lord’s weapon attacks are treated as +2 magical weapons.

Arendagrost (CR 30):

by dave2008
Arendagrost is not a true demon lord (note he does not have the "demon lord" type) he is simply an enormously powerful demon. The child of Demogorgon and Malcanthet. He does not rule or control a portion of the Abyss and he lacks the attributes and traits of demon lords listed at the top of this post. All of Arendagrost's attributes and traits are listed on the stat block below.
Pale Night (CR 29):
by dave2008
Baphomet (CR 28):
by Dave2008
Malcanthet (CR 28):
by dave2008
Yeenoghu (CR 28):
by dave2008
Bjornganal (CR 27):
by dave2008
Bjornganal is not a true demon lord (note he does not have the "demon lord" type) it is simply an enormous goristro type demon. It does not rule or control a portion of the Abyss and it lacks the attributes and traits of demon lords listed at the top of this post. All of Bjornganal's attributes and traits are listed on the stat block below.
Kostchtchie (CR 27):
by dave2008
Sess'innek (CR 27):
by dave2008
Juiblex (CR 26):
by dave2008
Zuggtomy (CR 25):
by dave2008
Balor Lord (CR 22):
by dave2008
Belaphoss is not a true demon lord (note he does not have the "demon lord" type) but an advanced type of balor known as a balor lord. He is the general of Demogorgon's armies, but he does not rule or control a portion of the Abyss and lacks the attributes and traits of demon lords listed at the top of this post. All of Belaphoss' attributes and traits are listed on the stat block below.
Balor (CR 20):
by dave2008
The balor is not a demon lord (note it does not have the "demon lord" type), it does not rule or control a portion of the Abyss and lacks the attributes and traits of demon lords listed at the top of this post. All of Balor's attributes and traits are listed on the stat block below.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Hey [MENTION=83242]dave2008[/MENTION], just a quick tip - the
tag doesn't work. Instead you need {sblock} (where { is [ and } is ])

tag used to 'black out' text, but with so many people using touchscreen devices, they couldn't use it, so I disabled it.


ARCH-FIENDS (Lawful Evil):

Arch-devils range in power from similar demigods to intermediate gods; however, generally all have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of all arch-devil stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances cold, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from a +2 or lesser magical weapons
Damage Immunities fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Condition Immunities petrified

Banishment. When an arch-devil drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for a time.

Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for an arch-devil’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Arch-devils can innately cast the following spells at 7th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: charm person, detect magic, dispel magic, dispel good and evil, fear, suggestion
3/day each: hellish rebuke, polymorph
1/day each: dominate monster, (un)holy aura, wish (must be used to grant another's wish)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day).
If an arch-devil fails a saving throw, it can use a reaction to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless an arch-devil wishes to be affected, it is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower, and has advantage on all other spells and magical effects.

Magic Weapons. An arch-devil’s weapon attacks are treated as +2 magical weapons.

Asmodeus (CR 34):

by dave2008
Mephistopheles (CR 32):
by szymanski808 and Dave2008
Baalzebul (CR 31):
by szymanski808 (w/ edits and additions by Dave2008)
Note: The Baalzebul presented here is not the slug-beast of 3e/3.5e. This Baalzebul has regained his original infernal form. If / when I get time I will add some information about his return to glory on the 2nd page.
Dispater (CR 29):
by szymanski808 (w/ edits and additions by Dave2008)
Geryon (CR 29):
by dave2008
Note: Geryon is no longer the ruler of Stygia so, though he is still an Arch-Devil, he does not have domain powers. He would still have lair actions, but I have chosen not to define those in the first series of drafts.
Belial (CR 27):
by szymanski808 & Dave2008
Note: Belial is no longer the ruler of Phlegethos so, though he is still an Arch-Devil, he does not have domain powers. He would still have lair actions, but I have chosen not to define those in the first series of drafts.
Glasya (CR 27):
by szymanski808, MechaTarrasque, & Dave2008
Levistus (CR 27):
by szymanski808, MechaTarrasque, & Dave2008
Mammon (CR 27):
by szymanski808, MechaTarrasque, & Dave2008
Moloch (CR 27):
by dave2008
Note: Moloch is no longer the ruler of Malbolge so, though he is still an Arch-Devil, he does not have domain powers. He would still have lair actions, but I have chosen not to define those in the first series of drafts.
Fernia (CR 26):
by szymanski808 (w/ edits and additions by Dave2008)
Zariel (CR 25):
by szymanski808 (w/ edits and additions by Dave2008)

Dukes are similar in power to demigods, with some attaining power similar to lesser gods. Regardless, they generally all have the abilities and traits in the list below. These abilities and traits are assumed to be a part of all duke-of-hell stat blocks. Specific modifications to these traits and/or additional traits are listed in the individual stat blocks.

Damage Resistances cold, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that is nonmagical
Damage Immunities fire

Banishment. When a duke-of-hell drops to 0 hit points, its body is destroyed but its essence travels back to its domain, and is unable to take physical form for 10-100 days. This process can be reduced to 1-10 days if the Arch-devil ruler of its plane so wishes.

Infernal Resistance (3/day). If a Duke-of-Hell fails a saving throw it can spend its reaction and 20 feet of movement to succeed instead.

Infernal Step. A Duke-of-Hell can use a bonus action to teleport to an unoccupied space it can see within 120 feet of it.

Innate Spellcasting. Refer to individual entries for a duke-of-hell’s spell casting ability, their save DC, and attack bonus. Dukes-of-hell can innately cast the following spells at 5th level or higher, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic, dispel good and evil, fear
3/day each: hellish rebuke
1/day each: (un)holy aura

Magic Resistance. The duke-of-hell has advantage saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. An arch-devil’s weapon attacks are treated as +1 magical weapons.

Hutijin(CR 24):

by dave2008
Amon (CR 23):
by dave2008
Bael(CR 23):
by dave2008
Bel (CR 23):
by @zingbobco000 (w/ edits by dave 2008)
Titivilus(CR 21):
by @zingbobco000 (w/ edits by dave 2008)
Pit Fiend(CR 20):
by dave2008
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