Super excited about the next version of your stuff! Do you have any intention of or already have available your methods and thought processes for making the monsters you have made? I plan on using your stuff extensively since my campaign is going to level 40+.

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Since I do not know the full details of the differences between the three, I will answer with: yes.
OK, here is the breakdown (let me know if you have any more questions):

5e Epic Monster Updates: This is my original thread on epic monsters (this thread). It uses a modified version of the DMG guidelines to create the monsters. It is in the OP, or you can download the PDF here. Also, I am no longer supporting this design paradigm. My future monsters are broken into two categories:

5e Monstrous Compendium: This is my location for non-immortal tier monsters (up to CR 30+/- mythic monsters). It is really for making monsters more interesting than what WotC provides. So a lot of these are upgraded versions of standard monsters. This is also where I will have deity avatars. These use the same design guidelines as the DMG what I call "champion" and "elite*" monsters. So small stat block modifications to accommodate recent design trends and A5e (aka LevelUp).

*elite monsters are conceptually the same as Mythic monsters.

ASCENSION: This is where I will have immortal-tier characters and monsters. These will use highly modified 5e rules / design paradigms. This is where the 2nd draft of my 5e Epic Updates (under Friends and Foes below) will reside. I will eventually have design guidelines, but they will not be ready for a while. Right now I am working on the Player's Guide.

ASCENSION, The Codex of Exalted, Book 1: Player's Guide
ASCENSION, The Codex of Exalted, Book 2: GM's Guide
ASCENSION, The Codex of Exalted, Book 3: Friends & Foes

What about the thought processes or inspirations for all the abilities, actions, ect. that you put into the creatures? I struggle quite a bit with this part of monster creation.

What about the thought processes or inspirations for all the abilities, actions, ect. that you put into the creatures? I struggle quite a bit with this part of monster creation.
OK, I understand. That is the difficult part really. Here are some of my thoughts on that (in no particular order):
  • Monsters should have a theme (in general) and the monsters traits and powers should reinforce that theme.
  • If you are having difficulty coming up with interesting / thematic traits and actions, find a similar published (WotC, 3PP, reddit - anything really) monster and copy and modify from there. It doesn't have to been something as powerful as what your making, you can always increase the power of a trait/action, you just want to be thematic.
  • It is always a good idea to look at previous versions of the monster if it has any.
  • Solo monsters need a way to deal with ranged attackers and focus fire. An escape action/bonus action/legendary action is a good idea. And ranged or area attacks and/or defenses are a must.
As and example, let's look at your Cronus request. Cronus was the titan of time. Thus I would like to see some time based traits and actions. That can be tricky to design, but luckily there is already a D&D monster that is time based, the Phane. There isn't an official 5e phane, but you can look at past editions for ideas, or look for homebew 5e versions. There are several and your welcome to look at my 5e Phane for inspiration.

Actually, if you use my Phane as template I think that is a good place to start thematically. I would add a sickle attack option, legendary actions, and some deity / titan-like powers ( like Kord) and I would probably give him the mythic / elite trait like my Seraphim.

So, if I were to make Cronus I would probably start with my Seraphim, bump it to whatever CR and stats I deem appropriate, revise the greatsword attack to be a sickle, and then layer-in / replace a bunch of time themed traits and powers from the phane (with some unique tweaks) and your pretty much done.

The big then to remember, make your life easier and use the good ideas from other people. Good luck!

Has anyone made new Monsters with this epic system up to CR 50 or even above and of so would you be inclined to share them?
I know I made some gods at or over CR 40 and Azathoth might get to CR 50 (IDR). Additionally, some of the Primordials are effectively over 50 and Ahat-Hir, IIRC, is effectively multiple CR 50 or CR 60 monsters.

However, I don't think my revised CR guidelines provided here are the best way to do epic 5e. If that is what you are looking for i would wait for @Upper_Krust's take next year. I am also working on a revised set of epic/immortal rules but it will be very different from 5e when it is all said and done.

High CR Monsters in this Tread:
Greater Gods
Tiamat - CR 48
Tharizdun (Empowered) - CR 44
Bahamut - CR 43
Moradin - CR 40

Ahat-Hir - CR 55 (9 part average)
Dendar - CR 45 (3 part average)
Primus - CR 45 (3 part average)
Mual-Tar - CR 40 (3 part average)

Eldritch Titans
Azathoth - CR 21 - 53

Devastation Swarm - CR 57
Protean, Astral - CR 45
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I appreciate the mention Dave2008 buddy!

However, I don't think my revised CR guidelines provided here are the best way to do epic 5e. If that is what you are looking for i would wait for @Upper_Krust's take next year.

I quit my job (2 days ago in fact) to start working on these books full time, Just commissioned 2 new art pieces today and licensed 4 others. Got another new professional artist signing up on Monday (and he will be doing some super-crazy high level stuff you won't even believe). I think at this juncture I am about 70 full colour illustrations finished on the Bestiary alone* (could be up to 150 monsters in the book and 10+ templates).

*The Players Guide also has lots of high level amazing art.

Hoping to get the new website up and running in about 3 months, with both books finished or 95% finished sometime in the Spring and then the Kickstarter to follow.

But still lots of work to be done.

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