D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium


1/4 (50 XP)

So quick napkin math check on the CR and I am getting a CR 2, which is assuming that the creature is doing the claw + bite bonus action combo.... and considering that basically all of your PCs at this level or medium or small.... its effectively a DC 18 saving throw....very high for that CR range, so proning the PC should absolutely be expected.

If you made it where every party member had two cheetahs attack them (which at CR 1/4 is honestly still pretty low), I could see a TPK very quickly.

Also Feline Agility is a little confusing. Are you saying that the Dash Action provides 120 speed (instead of a normal dash of 40). Does that mean the cheetahs top speed is 40 move + 120 dash action + 120 bonus action dash = 280 feet?

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1/4 (50 XP)

So quick napkin math check on the CR and I am getting a CR 2, which is assuming that the creature is doing the claw + bite bonus action combo.... and considering that basically all of your PCs at this level or medium or small.... its effectively a DC 18 saving throw....very high for that CR range, so proning the PC should absolutely be expected.

If you made it where every party member had two cheetahs attack them (which at CR 1/4 is honestly still pretty low), I could see a TPK very quickly.

Also Feline Agility is a little confusing. Are you saying that the Dash Action provides 120 speed (instead of a normal dash of 40). Does that mean the cheetahs top speed is 40 move + 120 dash action + 120 bonus action dash = 280 feet?
In real life I would expect a cheetah to TPK normal people.

They are in the plans. buy to be honest Elder Evils aren't really a type. It is a generic description of many different types of monsters. So their will not be an "Elder Evil's Traits" section or anything like that. Some are monstrosities, some are Eldritch titans, some are dragons (I'm looking at you Leviathan). The fluff text would describe them as an elder evil, but there are not universal traits that tie them together.
"An immense sea monster"
That does not really sound like a dragon, more unique.
This is Leviathan. He does more resemble a sea serpent.


"An immense sea monster"
That does not really sound like a dragon, more unique.
But I may be wrong.
When I say dragon I mean the monster type "Dragon." Just as a Wyvern, or drake, or dragon turtle, or linworm, are dragons without being "true dragons." From the 5e MM dragons entry:

And per the 3e Elder Evils:

Since sea serpents are typically associated with dragons, I think it makes sense to put in the Dragon Type (even if it was an aberration in 3e).
That's quite the claim!
I will start on Atropus.
Please do! The more help the better.


1/4 (50 XP)

So quick napkin math check on the CR and I am getting a CR 2, which is assuming that the creature is doing the claw + bite bonus action combo.... and considering that basically all of your PCs at this level or medium or small.... its effectively a DC 18 saving throw....very high for that CR range, so proning the PC should absolutely be expected.

If you made it where every party member had two cheetahs attack them (which at CR 1/4 is honestly still pretty low), I could see a TPK very quickly.

Also Feline Agility is a little confusing. Are you saying that the Dash Action provides 120 speed (instead of a normal dash of 40). Does that mean the cheetahs top speed is 40 move + 120 dash action + 120 bonus action dash = 280 feet?
I'll take a look, it has been a while since I made the cheetah. I remember it was originally CR 1/2, but I don't remember why I stepped it down.
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In real life I would expect a cheetah to TPK normal people.
Maybe normal people, but to be honest cheetahs mostly hunt prey smaller than humans and wouldn't likely attack a human unless they had too. Cheetahs are not that big. I outweigh a large cheetah by about 60-70 lbs, and though I am not as athletic as I used to be, I like my chances if I have weapon of some type.

Voidrunner's Codex

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