D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium


Alright here is an absolutely badass ability for Atropus. It's not just a TPK, it's a TWK (Total-World-Kill). Think of it as the thing that the PC's least want Atropus to accomplish.
Atropal Mass Ejection (1/500 years).
Ranged Spell Attack: +18 to hit, range 15/8d10,000,000 mi., all targets. Hit: 84 (8d20) fire damage plus 126 (12d20) necrotic damage plus 63 (6d20) lightning damage plus 31 (3d20) force damage. On its second turn a toxic cloud forms within the radius. All targets within that range with less than 30 hit dice die instantly. Targets with more than 30 hit dice must make a DC 37 Constitution saving throw or suffer the blinded, exhausted (stage 2) and poisoned (10d20 damage each round) conditions, regardless of whether they are immune to them. They also suffer a random short-term and random long-term madness, along with Atropus' random madness effects. The cloud remains for 1d20 years and can not be dispersed.
On its third turn, 1d100 Atropals spawn in random points within the cloud. They are completely loyal to Atropus and fight to the death.
Cool, but not really useful for a stat block as their is no way apply a DPR to that. Also, this is probably better as an AoE spell rather than a ranged attack spell. I would simplify it and make it more usable.

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Defensive CR: 1/8
HP 26 = 1/8, no adjustment for AC
Offensive CR: 1
DPR 13 = 1, no adjustment for attack bonus

I just realized I misread my spreadsheet and that is between 1/4 and 1/2, so that is why I went with 1/4 previously. I usually round down.

I think as written it will be very common for the cheetah to get in that bonus action attack, so I valued the offensive CR higher as a result.


I think as written it will be very common for the cheetah to get in that bonus action attack, so I valued the offensive CR higher as a result.
The DPR includes the bonus action bite. However, I actually figured it wrong again! Corrected now. Claw (5) + Bite (6) = 11 DPR.


What is the format for an AoE?
A typical AoE is like a dragon's breath weapon or a fireball or the meteor swarm spell. However, you are going for cloud effect so I would look at the Vrock's Spores attack. Using that as a template, I would write something like this:

Atropal Mass Ejection (1/500 Years).
A 240-foot-radius cloud of toxic fumes extends out from Atropus. The fumes spread around corners. Each creature in that area must make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) poison damage plus 55 (10d10) necrotic damage and becoming poisoned on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. While poisoned in this way, a target suffers one level of exhaustion at the start of each of its turns. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

The range of the cloud doubles at the start of Atropus' turn and the cloud persists until Atropus dies or it stops releasing toxic fumes (no action), then it disperses in 1d10 days. Additionally, a creature that starts is turn in the cloud must make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw or suffer the same damage and effects as the initial attack.

At the start of each of Atropus' turns after the cloud has expanded for three rounds, 1d10 atropals coalesce at random locations within the cloud. The atropals act on their own initiative and remain until killed or the cloud is dispersed. They are loyal to Atropus and follow its commands.

Design Notes:
Range and damage are just place holders as I don't know enough about what your making. However, I would suggest smaller numbers that keep hitting you. So rather than wipe everyone out in the first go, this builds the terror each round as it gets more and more deadly.

Also, I would be careful about making this attack to strong as it will completely wreck your CR budget. Also, simply saying "I win" is generally no fun.

PS I used a DC of 26 because your attack was +18. The DC for a +18 attack would be 26 (not sure where 37 came from).

A typical AoE is like a dragon's breath weapon or a fireball or the meteor swarm spell. However, you are going for cloud effect so I would look at the Vrock's Spores attack. Using that as a template, I would write something like this:

Atropal Mass Ejection (1/500 Years).
A 240-foot-radius cloud of toxic fumes extends out from Atropus. The fumes spread around corners. Each creature in that area must make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) poison damage plus 55 (10d10) necrotic damage and becoming poisoned on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. While poisoned in this way, a target suffers one level of exhaustion at the start of each of its turns. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

The range of the cloud doubles at the start of Atropus' turn and the cloud persists until Atropus dies or it stops releasing toxic fumes (no action), then it disperses in 1d10 days. Additionally, a creature that starts is turn in the cloud must make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw or suffer the same damage and effects as the initial attack.

At the start of each of Atropus' turns after the cloud has expanded for three rounds, 1d10 atropals coalesce at random locations within the cloud. The atropals act on their own initiative and remain until killed or the cloud is dispersed. They are loyal to Atropus and follow its commands.

Design Notes:
Range and damage are just place holders as I don't know enough about what your making. However, I would suggest smaller numbers that keep hitting you. So rather than wipe everyone out in the first go, this builds the terror each round as it gets more and more deadly.

Also, I would be careful about making this attack to strong as it will completely wreck your CR budget. Also, simply saying "I win" is generally no fun.

PS I used a DC of 26 because your attack was +18. The DC for a +18 attack would be 26 (not sure where 37 came from).
Well, Atropus is the size of a small moon (several thousand miles), that's where I get the range.
I figured the DC wrong, the attack bonus was +22.
CR budget is early 40s.


Well, Atropus is the size of a small moon (several thousand miles), that's where I get the range.
I figured the DC wrong, the attack bonus was +22.
CR budget is early 40s.
You may have to adjust that - the largest size established by this project is 2000x2000 feet, see Epic Damage by Size table. You can get around that, but you need to be careful with it. The question to ask, what does the larger size get me? I developed the colossal (titanic) parts to address titanic creatures, but even that doesn't really makes sense for a planet sized monster. It becomes more terrain than monster, which some doo, but I am not personally fond of.

Also, just being of titanic size doesn't mean your effects and attacks are all equally titanic. They way I worded it the cloud increases to grow and grow and can get to the size you mention (with enough time), but it is not instantaneous. Personally I find the idea that a cloud can cover millions of miles in 6 seconds a bit ridiculous. That is essentially a super nova type of effect, which maybe what you want I guess. I just find it less interesting.

Personally, when it comes to these Elder Evils I take the size to be a myth and use what makes sense. So Leviathan wrapping the world of Atropus being the size of a planet are just mortal legends. In reality they are indeed titanic, but not so grand as the myths of mortals. I take the general stance with all aspects if myth, legend, and lore for deities, archfiends, and other epic monsters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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