D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium

You may have to adjust that - the largest size established by this project is 2000x2000 feet, see Epic Damage by Size table. You can get around that, but you need to be careful with it. The question to ask, what does the larger size get me? I developed the colossal (titanic) parts to address titanic creatures, but even that doesn't really makes sense for a planet sized monster. It becomes more terrain than monster, which some doo, but I am not personally fond of.

Also, just being of titanic size doesn't mean your effects and attacks are all equally titanic. They way I worded it the cloud increases to grow and grow and can get to the size you mention (with enough time), but it is not instantaneous. Personally I find the idea that a cloud can cover millions of miles in 6 seconds a bit ridiculous. That is essentially a super nova type of effect, which maybe what you want I guess. I just find it less interesting.

Personally, when it comes to these Elder Evils I take the size to be a myth and use what makes sense. So Leviathan wrapping the world of Atropus being the size of a planet are just mortal legends. In reality they are indeed titanic, but not so grand as the myths of mortals. I take the general stance with all aspects if myth, legend, and lore for deities, archfiends, and other epic monsters.
For planet-sized monsters I suggest going beyond the stats and adding both the terrain and the actual monster. Kind of like a living dungeon.

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I have added the Red Dragons from Wyrmling to Wyrm (Great Wyrm too)! Before I move on to the rest of the chromatic dragons, I would love to get some feedback to see if these are looking good and the general age progression makes sense. I want to get these right, then use them as a template for the rest of the dragons. Let me know what you think!

In no particular order:

Immolate foe should imo afffect more creatures. Spending the dragon's entire turn on possibly removing fire resistance from 1 (it gets better with higher CR, but so does the opposition) opponent seems like a waste to me. Now, choosing a number of creatures up to its age category, or having immolate foe have the same shape as the breath weapon, then it might be a strategy.

Ignite seems very powerful that casters can't concentrate no matter their own power lvl from taking 7 (or 3 with resistance) fire damage. ALso, for the adult, there's an error: "2 (7d6) fire damage".

I don't like that unstoppable deals more damage just because the dragon (adult+) has more hp, without the trait being better (i.e. it still cost the reaction). Higher price, better effect, methinks.

The adult and young adult deals the same breath damage.

Even a CR22 Elder dragon is in danger from peasant arrows :unsure: (and yes,dragon fear. But still)

Why use Fire Blast (4d10) and not just Fireball (12d6)?

Ancient+ maybe Delayed Blast instead of just Fireball. Makes the dragon able to create a ticking fire bomb, that will go off if badly damaged :devilish:

I like the designs and the progression. It's very clear how the dragon improves with age. I wonder if players will ever see it the same way without encountering one of each category during their adventuring career.
I do think the dragon attacks and lair actions etc. makes it just a tad (too) complex. Ithink there's a risk a DM will forget half the possibilities or slow combat to grinding halt while looking up Strafing.


In no particular order:
Thank you for the comments!
Immolate foe should imo afffect more creatures. Spending the dragon's entire turn on possibly removing fire resistance from 1 (it gets better with higher CR, but so does the opposition) opponent seems like a waste to me. Now, choosing a number of creatures up to its age category, or having immolate foe have the same shape as the breath weapon, then it might be a strategy.
It is an extra something not a lot of creatures have at the moment (a way to overcome resistances to their major attacks), so I am not to worried about it. However, it was originally a legendary action too. Somewhere along the line that got dropped. I will add that back in, that should make it more useful.
Ignite seems very powerful that casters can't concentrate no matter their own power lvl from taking 7 (or 3 with resistance) fire damage. ALso, for the adult, there's an error: "2 (7d6) fire damage".
Thanks for catching the error I will get that corrected. It is not the 7 damage that is causing them to loose concentration, it is the 160 breath weapon damage that is causing that;) I'll think about adjusting it.
I don't like that unstoppable deals more damage just because the dragon (adult+) has more hp, without the trait being better (i.e. it still cost the reaction). Higher price, better effect, methinks.
It is based on Legendary Resistance which has a tiered penalty to CR (10 Hp CR 1-4. 20 HP CR 5-10, 30 HP CR 11+). I honestly think it makes sense and would be odd if it didn't scale.
The adult and young adult deals the same breath damage.
Thanks! I will get that corrected.
Even a CR22 Elder dragon is in danger from peasant arrows :unsure: (and yes,dragon fear. But still)
AC 23 and 5 damage threshold will stop a lot of peasant arrows IMO. I'm not too worried about it. But I will consider it.
Why use Fire Blast (4d10) and not just Fireball (12d6)?
For the ancient & wyrm is usable as legendary action where fireball is not. For the elder dragon it is there for when you run out of fireballs.
Ancient+ maybe Delayed Blast instead of just Fireball. Makes the dragon able to create a ticking fire bomb, that will go off if badly damaged :devilish:
I had it there at one point, but honestly I just want the spells there for flavor. These are effect the can do because the magical fire creatures. They are not spellcasters. The best option should always be to use its natural attacks, IMO.
I like the designs and the progression. It's very clear how the dragon improves with age. I wonder if players will ever see it the same way without encountering one of each category during their adventuring career.
I do think the dragon attacks and lair actions etc. makes it just a tad (too) complex. Ithink there's a risk a DM will forget half the possibilities or slow combat to grinding halt while looking up Strafing.
The reasons a lot of things are behind a wall (lair actions, dragon tactics) is that they are only for those DMs who can handle them. The dragon works perfectly well without them. They are not necessary to run an effective dragon battle.

Also, I see dragons as a once in a campaign type of monster. It should be planned for weeks in advance so you know everything you need to run the climatic battle.

Thank you as always for the comments!
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