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1/4 (50 XP)

So quick napkin math check on the CR and I am getting a CR 2, which is assuming that the creature is doing the claw + bite bonus action combo.... and considering that basically all of your PCs at this level or medium or small.... its effectively a DC 18 saving throw....very high for that CR range, so proning the PC should absolutely be expected.

If you made it where every party member had two cheetahs attack them (which at CR 1/4 is honestly still pretty low), I could see a TPK very quickly.

Also Feline Agility is a little confusing. Are you saying that the Dash Action provides 120 speed (instead of a normal dash of 40). Does that mean the cheetahs top speed is 40 move + 120 dash action + 120 bonus action dash = 280 feet?
Error in the stat block (I didn't have the attack damage correctly noted), that is fixed. However, I still get CR 1/2, so I moved it back to 1/2.

I also cleaned up feline speed. Let me know what you think.

Thank you for the help!

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Yes I have that. I have everything :)
Have you checked out @AuldDragon 's wonderful update to 2e's Monster Mythology? Really great stuff, even if it is 2e. I used some of it for the fluff on Annam (and the original too). At some point soon I am going to get around to backing his/her patreon.

I assume you are familiar with Dice Freaks as well? It is bit of wasteland now, but it was quite the thing back in 3e. Really OP Archdevils and Demon Lords.

Also, @Upper_Krust has some pretty influential work in the 3e and 4e immortal tier that is worth checking out if your not familiar.


My only note here, 5e really tries to avoid stat adjustments that are not "quasi-permanent" whenever possible. One idea would be to just give the creature the higher dex, but not in the Aquatic Area: If the aboleth is out of water, it has disadvantage on all dexterity checks and saving throws. That covers a lot of what you are looking for in a more "5e ish way". I would honestly expect to encounter an aboleth in water most of the time.
Updated - thank you for the suggestion.

Have you checked out @AuldDragon 's wonderful update to 2e's Monster Mythology? Really great stuff, even if it is 2e. I used some of it for the fluff on Annam (and the original too). At some point soon I am going to get around to backing his/her patreon.

I assume you are familiar with Dice Freaks as well? It is bit of wasteland now, but it was quite the thing back in 3e. Really OP Archdevils and Demon Lords.

Also, @Upper_Krust has some pretty influential work in the 3e and 4e immortal tier that is worth checking out if your not familiar.
Well, maybe not everything.
I do have the Eternity Publishing books and am familiar with their site.

When I say dragon I mean the monster type "Dragon." Just as a Wyvern, or drake, or dragon turtle, or linworm, are dragons without being "true dragons." From the 5e MM dragons entry:
View attachment 126861
And per the 3e Elder Evils:
View attachment 126862
Since sea serpents are typically associated with dragons, I think it makes sense to put in the Dragon Type (even if it was an aberration in 3e).

Please do! The more help the better.
Alright here is an absolutely badass ability for Atropus. It's not just a TPK, it's a TWK (Total-World-Kill). Think of it as the thing that the PC's least want Atropus to accomplish.
Atropal Mass Ejection (1/500 years).
Ranged Spell Attack: +18 to hit, range 15/8d10,000,000 mi., all targets. Hit: 84 (8d20) fire damage plus 126 (12d20) necrotic damage plus 63 (6d20) lightning damage plus 31 (3d20) force damage. On its second turn a toxic cloud forms within the radius. All targets within that range with less than 30 hit dice die instantly. Targets with more than 30 hit dice must make a DC 37 Constitution saving throw or suffer the blinded, exhausted (stage 2) and poisoned (10d20 damage each round) conditions, regardless of whether they are immune to them. They also suffer a random short-term and random long-term madness, along with Atropus' random madness effects. The cloud remains for 1d20 years and can not be dispersed.
On its third turn, 1d100 Atropals spawn in random points within the cloud. They are completely loyal to Atropus and fight to the death.


What offensive and defensive CR are you getting?
Defensive CR: 1/8
HP 26 = 1/8, no adjustment for AC
Offensive CR: 1
DPR 13 = 1, no adjustment for attack bonus

I just realized I misread my spreadsheet and that is between 1/4 and 1/2, so that is why I went with 1/4 previously. I usually round down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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