D&D 5E 5e Wilderness Travel and Survival Docs Based on: Toucanbuzz Dark Sun Campaign & DMG 5e



5e Wilderness Travel and Survival Docs Based on: Toucanbuzz Dark Sun Campaign & DMG 5e​

In an attempt to bring some clarity and ease of use to my current Sorcerer-Kingmaker Dark Sun 5e Campaign, I pulled all the rules I will be using into a doc, and added some supporting tables. The idea is to follow the flow of each survival / trekking day as a step by step flow as to what needs tracking/calculating, when, and how to: Wilderness Travel & Survival 2.0

I have also created an xl doc tracker that lines up with the steps of the above document, I might at some point get it to auto-tabulate the tracked values for water/food/sleep/etc but at this time this one requires manual calculations: Dark Sun Toucanbuzz 5e Wilderness Survival Tracker

And here are the resting and healing rules. It's a combination of the Toucanbuzz DS 5e Campaign rules, as well as some modified content from the 5e DMG: Wilderness Travel & Survival 2.0

This part of the game feels like a game within a game. It would not be in use at all times, it would be situation or quest specific and likely more of a factor at lower levels. Any and all feedback very welcome.
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