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D&D 5E [5e] Witcher: Mother of Monsters

Steve Gorak

Wow. Blast from the past!

I've been super inactive and let a couple games die... :-(

Anyway, count me in as "back"!

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Hey guys! Nice to read all of you! ;-)
I'm actually involved in 3 mid-level games, so I wouldn't be helping anyone by committing to this one.
Please feel free to go ahead without me.


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Queen of Everything
As you know, I'm IN! Yes... Elora had a little... mishap... sorry guys and gals ... :blush: :angel:
[MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] is in too.


Queen of Everything
Hey guys! Nice to read all of you! ;-)
I'm actually involved in 3 mid-level games, so I wouldn't be helping anyone by committing to this one.
Please feel free to go ahead without me.


Sorry to see you go [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]!


No worries, [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION], hope your games survived the crash intact!

So that brings us to 4 players ( [MENTION=93196]Axel[/MENTION]'s cat witcher Kynee, [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]'s storm sorceress Talashia, [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] 's elder blood / wise sorceress Elora, and [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION]' griffin witcher Fergus).

Are you all comfortable running with just the four of you? If so, that makes it a bit more of an intimate game, so if there's anything in particular you'd like to include in the game (whether thematically or from the Witcher franchise), let me know!

IIRC we had one person on waitlist; so it's worth checking do you want to open the game up to more or keep it at just the 4 of you for now?
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Queen of Everything
I'm fine with the four of us, though we will be hurting for healing. :)

Recruiting would be fine too!

I'm with Shay, honestly good either way. The more the merrier but if it's easier with the smaller group I'm good with that too.

And true about the healing. I'm sure our creative DM will figure that part out though ;)


I am pretty sure we have had this conversation before. But seeing as fate has intervened to remove all evidence of it, I take that as a sign.

If you are looking to bring the numbers back up to five, I'm interested. I am happy to ghost SG's character. Alternatively, I have a L2 Rogue/cleric wood elf made homeless by the last datawipe. As writen she is Small vice Medium size. But happy to re-work the character as required. Other than that, I think that she is pretty conventional. Details below.

[sblock=Rael]RAEL - A diminutive Caerlonnian Fae Spirit Warrior


Rael stands a towering 3'8" and weights in at mighty 63 lbs. A wolf fur jerkin covers loose linen tunic and woollen kilt the colour of wet moss. His long dark hair is tied back with a collection of rags and leather strips. A pair of startlingly blue eyes peer out from a featureless white mask. Across her back is slung a hunting bow and suspended an a leather strap across her chest is a ancient Republican short sword.


Rael's tribe hails from the forest covered northern mountains of Caerlonnia home. The tribe is small, both in number and individual stature. They are semi-nomadic, moving lightly across the landscape, weaving their homes into the fabric of the forest before moving on after a decade or so. They generally keep to themselves only occasionally interacting with the humans of the region, most notably the druids, with whom they have ties that go back generations.

Like all members of the tribe, Rael was taught how to fight and how to survive in the wilderness from a young age. Beyond that, there was not a lot of supervision as is traditional in the tribe. Rael ran wild as was expected of the young, fighting and exploring with the other children. As he approached young adulthood, he was taken under the guidance of a spirit warrior and taught how to draw on the energy that runs through every living being. Rael learnt to how to heal and to hurt. He learnt how to draw of the power to protect himself and gain insight or guidance.

Rael's encounter with the nameless thing in the forest was both the making of her a local hero, and part of the reason for her eventual departure from her home land and tribe. The tales told sat uneasily with her own recollection, of blood and screaming terror, of the event. But is was the lack of any satisfactory answers to her questions that ultimately lead her to set of for the wider world. The people of Gaeloheim were reputed to be great monster hunters. So after passing out of childhood, Rael decides to find answers of her own. Towards Gaeloheim she set her feet.

Character Sheet

(Build: Wood Elf - Rogue 1 / Cleric 1)

Height: 3'8"
Weight: 63 lbs.
Age: 42 (young adult)

STR: 10 +0 DEX 17 +3 CON 12 +1
INT: 10 +0 WIS 16 +3 CHA 12 +1

Size: Small
Speed: 30 ft
* Dark-vision
* Keen Senses
* Fey Ancestry
* Mask of the Wild
* Thieves Cant ??
* Disciple of Life
Alignment: Neutral
Saving Throws: DEX, INT, WIS, CHA ??
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth, Survival.
Expertise: Stealth, Intimidation.
Languages: Common, Elvish
Equipment Prof: Artisans Tools, Vehicle - Dog Sled, Thieves Tools ??
Weapon Prof: Short Bow, Short Sword, LtMed Armour, Shields.
Sneak Attack: (+1D6 with Advantage)
Holy Symbol: The Tusk of a Boar.
Domain: Life
Spellcasting: 3/2/0/0
0: Bless (d), Cure Wounds (d), Guidance, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy
1: Guiding Bolt, Shield of Faith
2: nil

* Short Sword (1d6 piercing, 2 lb. finesse, light)
* Short Bow (1d6 piercing, 2 lb. Ammo, Range 80/320)
* Knives (1d4 dam, piercing, 1 lb. finesse, light, thrown range 20/60)
* Leather Armour (AC 11+3, 10 lbs)
* Thieves Tools (2 lbs) ??
* Leather-workers Tools (2 lbs)
* Explorer pack
* 10 gp

Background: Folk Hero
Defining Event: I stood alone against a terrible monster.
Personality Trait: I get bored easily. What's over the next horizon?
Bond: I am of the land, it sustains me and I will protect it.
Flaw: I have trouble trusting my companions.

* * * *


STR 10 [2] 10 +0
DEX 15 [9] +2 17 +3
CON 12 [4] 12 +1
INT 10 [2] 10 +0
WIS 15 [9] +1 16 +3
CHA 12 [4] 12 +1

SIZE: Small
SPD: 30ft
Keen Senses (Prof: Perception)
Fey Ancestry
Languages: Common, Elvish.
Prof: Long/Short Bow, Long/Short Sword
Mask of the Wild

HP: 8+1 (09)
Prof Bonus: +2
Prof: LT Armour, Simple Weapons, Rapiers, Thieves Tools.
Saving Throws: DEX + INT
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth
Expertise: Stealth, Intimidation
Sneak Attack (+1D6 with Advantage)
Thieves Cant ??

HP: 5+1 (15)
Prof Bonus: +2
Prof: MED Armour, Shields, Simple Weapons
Saving Throws: WIS + CHA
Skills: Insight, Persuasion.
Spellcasting: 3/2/0/0
0: Bless (d), Cure Wounds (d), Guidance, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy
1: Guiding Bolt, Shield of Faith
2: nil
Domain: Life
Spells: (Bless, Cure Wounds)
Prof: HVY Armour
Disciple of Life (+2+Spell Level - HP recovery)

Skills: Animal Handling, Survival
Defining Event: I stood alone against a terrible monster.
Personality Trait: ??
Bond: I travel the land, I live on it and will protect it.
Flaw: I have trouble trusting my companions

All of that said, going on the first post Trogdor1992 is the listed first alternate. Happy to step aside if you do plan to re-recruit for a fifth spot and Trogdor1992 wants it.

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Ok, I'll open it up for 1 or 2 more.
[MENTION=6801450]Trogdor1992[/MENTION] you expressed interest earlier! Would you still like to join our Witcher game?
[MENTION=8243]doghead[/MENTION] Your character could potentially work... There's a lot of story that ties into the Witcher setting in this game, so we'd need to adjust the background stuff. For example, "fae spirit warrior" doesn't quite fit in the Witcher world, but a Free Elf of the Blue Mountains refusing to bow to Nilfgaard and barely a member of the elf Queen's court would work nicely.


[MENTION=8243]doghead[/MENTION] Your character could potentially work... There's a lot of story that ties into the Witcher setting in this game, so we'd need to adjust the background stuff. For example, "fae spirit warrior" doesn't quite fit in the Witcher world, but a Free Elf of the Blue Mountains refusing to bow to Nilfgaard and barely a member of the elf Queen's court would work nicely.

Cool. I think I can work with that. I will try and get a reworked background and the L3 version of the character up by the end of the weekend. I was planning on taking a second level of cleric, which should help with the party healing side of things.


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