D&D 5E 5e witches, your preferred implementation?


That's not especially satisfying, IMO. I'd like to find a way to specifically do sympathetic magic, or provide some manner of benefit for creating sympathetic links between components and subject.
Perhaps it greatly increases the range and/or duration of the spell. Like, bestow curse is a touch spell that lasts up to a minute. Perhaps, depending on the type of component (image/poppet --> personal belonging --> body part), the range could increase to 30 feet, 60 feet, or 120 feet, and the duration could increase to 10 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours. Maybe not both at once, or maybe that's something that gets unlocked as you go up in level.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Perhaps it greatly increases the range and/or duration of the spell. Like, bestow curse is a touch spell that lasts up to a minute. Perhaps, depending on the type of component (image/poppet --> personal belonging --> body part), the range could increase to 30 feet, 60 feet, or 120 feet, and the duration could increase to 10 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours. Maybe not both at once, or maybe that's something that gets unlocked as you go up in level.
Oh! If you employ the sympathetic link mechanic, you can treat the item as the creature for targeting them with spells. Scale by spell level?


Eh I'd be quite honest: I'd probably use Bard, Druid, Warlock, or Paladin and just award them the use of the Witherbloom Feat AND UA Witherbloom Features that are awarded for "reaching" certain Renown rankings in their "Covern."


Oh! If you employ the sympathetic link mechanic, you can treat the item as the creature for targeting them with spells. Scale by spell level?
That might be better, if there were a few limitations on the poppet. It counts as the target for when you cast the spell, but may only be able to be used once or once/day (depending on level or the type of material). You can have multiple poppets, even more than one for a single person, though.

I'd also include a limitation saying that you can't cast a spell of 6th-level or higher through the poppet (dominate person is 5th level). Probably the type of poppet would also limit the level of the spell you can cast. If it's a likeness, maybe 1st level. If it's a belonging, maybe 3rd level, and if it's a body part (hair, teeth, blood), then it's 5th level. The other limitation would be that you would have to actually get the material for the poppet--you can't handwave it away with a component pouch or focus. And you'd have to be on the same plane, but that's a given.

Then there could be something like metamagics or invocations of a sort that you can choose that would increase duration, allow you to upcast to higher levels, etc.

Witches would still be able to cast spells normally, but they'd be subject to standard range/duration.

Although honestly, I'd be tempted to make this into just a new warlock pact boon and create a series of invocations to go with it.


Before my game tonight, I created this, for warlocks:

Pact of the Poppet
You gain the ability to create a poppet, a small figurine that resembles a humanoid form and is usually made of wood, cloth, or clay. You can use this poppet to cast sympathetic magic by magically linking the poppet to a humanoid target of your choice, using a 10 minute-long ritual and a token taken from your target. The token can take one of three forms: a likeness (a drawing, carving, or other image), a belonging (a favored weapon or tool, a piece of clothing the target wears frequently, or other personal item), or a piece (a lock of hair, a tooth, a few drops of blood). You must also know the target’s name, although this doesn’t have to be its birth name or true name; it must be a name that the target has called itself, however.

You can cast a spell you know through the poppet as if it were the target, regardless of the distance between you and the target, although you and the target must be on the same plane. The spell must only affect a single creature and can’t require an attack roll. If the token is a likeness, you can cast a 1st-level spell or cantrip. If the token is a belonging, you can cast a spell of 3rd level or lower. If the token is a piece, you can cast a spell of 5th level or lower. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest. Once you use a token in this fashion, the token is destroyed.

If you lose the poppet, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous poppet. The poppet turns to ash when you die.
I have no idea how balanced this is, however.


So, it still requires playtesting, but here's what I've done.

I took Kibblestasty's Occultist as a base (with the witch, shaman, and oracle subclasses) and made the following changes:

  • I renamed it Mystic - I find this name fits the primal theme I want better than Occultist does
  • I expanded the fetish section
  • I made them half casters instead of full casters (OMG WHYYYY)
  • I added a new ability called Trance that is similar to the Barbarian's rage and provides several benefits. Most importantly, it allows them to concentrate on up to two spells at one time and also to "upcast" their spells, effectively turning them (uniquely) into 2/3 casters without complicating the spell slot system for classes in general.
  • I dramatically trimmed down their spell list so they have a relatively simple selection to choose from, but with some expansion of what is provided through the various subclasses.

All in all, I feel these changes make them both more straightforward (covering the "simple mage for beginners" need) and mechanically unique while also bridging the concept gap between the subclasses and emphasizing the role of ritual casting and occult rites in their repertoire.

The truth is I feel like something like this is what should have replaced the sorcerer in this edition. The sorcerer seriously has no reason to exist in 5e - it is not distinctive enough from the wizard either mechanically or thematically, doesn't really simplify spellcasters enough to be noteworthy, and bogards the metamagic rules which should have been more modular.
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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I took Kibblestasty's Occultist as a base (with the witch, shaman, and oracle subclasses) and made the following changes:

  • I renamed it Mystic - I find this name fits the primal theme I want better than Occultist does
I think he wanted to, but Wizards has staked out the "Mystic = Psionic class" territory pretty well already; if Kibbles' had named it that way, he would have had a lot of confusion.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
I've seen magico-religious practitioners divided into shamans, priests, healers, mediums, and witches.

Interestingly the scholarly wizard doesn't really have an analog in history. They're closer to a scientist really.

Voidrunner's Codex

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